Jacob Lee Properties
A Real Estate Investment Company
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Are you interested in buying properties for FAR below the Fair Market Value?

Then you have come to the right place.

We have properties across the nation...

Check out our
Easy Finance Options
No Qualifying   No Credit Checks   Fixed Interest Rates

Click here to view a list of properties available
Most of the properties we have listed here is vacant land.  The houses we do list are usally snatched up quickly... With prices this low who could resist?

Are you looking to purchase or sell a home?
Vist our
Sister Site
We have properties available with
NO Qualifying
LOW Down Payments
OWNER Finance

Click here now for more information

Do you own a property you are looking to sell?

We Purchase Quit Claim Deeds
Click here for more information
To bring you even more of a savings we have decided to auction off some of the properties we aquire.

Our first auction was a great suceess. Thanks to everyone who participated..

Our next auction is scheduled is for  *PENDING*
We are moving our office, as soon as we schedule the next auction it will be posted here.
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Still unable to find what your looking for?
Contact us
Jacob Lee Holdings, LLC
Property Divsion
PO Box 435
Statham, GA 30666


We are confident that we have a service to fit your needs.

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