Every effort has been taken to ensure the images and information used within this website are public domain and are not bound by any copyright laws.

If we have inadvertently used a photograph of yours and not given you credit, please email us with proof of ownership so we can rectify that immediately. We will either give full credit to you, or remove the image. Whatever you prefer. We do offer our sincere apologies, as it was never intentional. Some images have been found on the web and some given from friends who were unable to give us the photographers name or source.

If you feel we have infringed any copyright, or would simply like to contact us for any reason, please email us.

If you would like to use any images or information displayed here, please have the courtesy to ask us first. All you need do is send us an email with a relevant subject in the subject line and a small message. It would also be nice if you include the name and website URL so we can see how you use our images, simply out of curiosity. If you do use our images or information, please give credit where credit is due. Just a small text link back to us would be extremely appreciated.

If you would like to submit any photographs for use in our site, please try and get permission from the photographer or try to provide the source where you obtained the image so we ourselves, can try and gain permission.

Don't forget, if you have a website, we will gladly place a link to it on our links page, once we have viewed it and deem it as appropriate for general viewing. Simply email us your URL.

We will now take the opportunity to thank you for visiting Just Oz. We hope you have found it informative, and rewarding. We hope you come again soon.


