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SCO Goes Pop ~ 11/12 January 2002
Joi Tsai, Shirley Yee and Faith Yang [2 Girls] peformed with the Singapore Chinese Orchestra. It was indeed an unusual combination of traditional meets pop.

February 2002, MTV Asia Awards was held in Singapore and Stefanie Sun was awarded the most popular artiste in Singapore as expected.


In conjunction with Impressario 2002 (NTU Talentime), Li Wei Song was invited to give a talk on the 29 Jan 2002.

Our very own local female singers - Kit Chan, Tanya Chua and Celest Chong were all artistes under the Universal Music label. They performed together at the Temasek Polytechnic Openhouse.

ѧ at Outdoor NKF Charity Show at Ngee Ann City Civic Plaza March 24, 2002

The first time I saw Joe Pang's Live performance was during the Chinese Music Nite at Downtown East in Dec 2001. My friend and I thought Joe Pang was a very familiar name but we could not recall when we heard about him. By the way, he looks even better in real person than in pics.

I also spotted his name under the acknowledgements section of the NTU Xin Ge Fa Biao Hui-Fei Yue Shi Kong's booklet given to the audience.

The second time I saw his live performance was in Nanyang Auditorium. He was one of the contestants for the English group category at the NTU Talentime Impressario 2002. His group - Nouveaux won the English group category. I was very impressed by by the medley sung by the group. The voice quality and showmanship were superb.

2002, Joe Pang, a Masters student in NTU, released his EP -
Gu Du De Kuai Le [Roughly translated as "The Joy of Being Alone"].

ܿĿi Weekly [28.2.2002]ͷ¼̳ıݾᵽλ̳ˡ



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