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News and That Stuff
August 23, 2002/25/Sept. 04
I scowl at the people who emailed me saying that I never update. I do. I just don't have all the time in the world. Um, also, some people asked why we all have the same email. Pretty simple. "jynxed" was made of our names and caper is Latios' last name, AND we all live in a culdasac... We all live right next to eachother, so if we have bad emails or suggestive ones, we can all discuss that together. The only person who doesn't live near us ish Yoshi. Yoshi lives... um, somewhere? He pretty much is a mystery. Well, anyways, I'm posting Tohjo's topic up here because he told me to. I also am gonna make a few more pages to the site and hopefully update J.Y.N.X.E.D. Then it can be an AFFILIATE! It has to be, in this case, because our good friend Mike the Mexican made it for us and then he said we could update it any time we wanted to. Um... Our new layout is gonna include I-Frames. The I-Frame in the middle and a scrolly thing with the website links. If anyone copies off this idea, we're going to be so mad...

I wasn't supposed to post it anyhow...

E-Reader is coming out. That might be good. You swipe Pokemon Card-Es in them and play mini games. It comes out September 16. I'm going to buy it and use my card that I get for seeing Pokemon 4EVER to play the mini game...

Well, best be on my way now...

the 25th: My bro tells me that I had to update for him because he checked the email... Anyway, we might get booted from PQ topsites... So Ky has to go email "Link" the owner. *sigh* I suppose my greedy ways make you guys vote. You know that pop-up? Every time you fans come here, TWO sites load, but the other one loads quicker... Probably before skool we're going to fix those links, whatever is wrong with them. That's why Mike has gotta inspect it and call us. I know, long distance... Um, I've won eight times today on Psycho Babble? I really don't know what to update, but, um, you like the new splash? Oh, it PH topsites, we're doin' pretty good! We're beating out some other great sites, and that makes me really happy. Oh, hey, I think Mike called! Hold on... *returns eight minutes later* It is our HTML. We mis-spelled something. Oh, and guess what ELSE is personal! We get to keep a cat! Gif told us that his had kittens, so we got a solid black for free. Tomorrow I'll work on some of the links. Oh, yeah, and email us (hit the cute mail pikachu at the below) and tell us if you think we should keep this layout. Eh-hem. I also might LEAVE this site and get a new site for just me up. It'd be nice to see my works for a change. Except that I edited the old Mew's November one so it would look like this... No new topics. I'll write one soon. On what is not yet known. Oh, yeah! I finally got the PPRPG up! V 3.0. I had to delete the old posts, because I started a new one. The old one is lost in space somewhere. I can't even find it. You'll see the RPG link on the side bar probably tomorrow. We need one more post so it looks worthy again. Hey, well, Ky is calling. (Ky = Latios) OOOOHHHH! o_0 We get our own post picture icons! Nad.... Our splash is screwed up. But Yoshi edited it from 5 to 4 years. We were 5 years old... as of today I mean. And today... SEPTEMBER 04, 2002! It is that date. I know I'm lazy. Lol. I don't wanna make a new box. So, I've been playing Mafia lately. That's the thing I wanted to tell you 'bout. In the site specials thing, there WILL be a gaming section, music section, and of course daily tips. And me and Latios started *whispers* ...school. My teachers are really nice. There is this really draggy teacher who says that if we act up we're going to get detention for a week. I think she's kidding, but those teaachers... You never know! Back to the Mafia. Actually, Latios is kinda down. I'm letting him play Black & White for a while. Today he's gonna be the black god. It's his mood that tells me... Gonna get off now.

Oldie Updates
August 14, 2002/August 18, 2002/Aug. 21
1.It's really nice to know that this site is coming back. For that one month, I thought that we had a vacant lot with just a layout and a banner. That changed, yippee! I entered us in some new topsites. VOTE FOR US! Also, we made a Topsites yesterday. LAA Topsites. More than one button to choose from!!! We only have one site, us. So I wanna ask if other sites could pitch in and join. That would be nice. Anyhoo, we put the pop-up link for our topsites and our topsites only. That way we've got a pretty good competition. You see, before, on Jarvis, we had one and NO ONE voted for us, because itwas our own topsites. I hardly think that that's fair at all, so that's why I decided to put the pop-up vote. In the meantime, I would like to add that we are making a comic! "Mortal Morphs Kombat" It is supposed to be like "Mortal Kombat" but there is actually a storyline, and instead, they are Pokemorphs. It should be really interesting. The dead links will be taken care of sometime in the next few weeks, because on the morrow, I'm going on a road trip, and the rest of the gang are having a "celebration". It might be a celebration that I'm gone, but then I never did understand boys. So we'll all be away for the next couple of days, so today, I'm trying to get a lot done.

Um, I might go ahead and make a new site with Gameshark Screenshots so you can play my games. Of sourse, I'll link it to here. I always have to. I think I'll make it an affie site. Well, I must be on my way to fix that broken "More Topics" link at the bottom of the page. I'm not adding a topic, because I really don't feel like it. Nothing much to say, but I'll tell you what. Tonight I'm gonna make a new topic about the "new girl" in the series. (For more, read up on Meet Ruby/Saphhire That's all!
2. I didn't get to that new topic, but I did get more of the site up. And I am back. The guys didn't update, I see. Oh well. More work for me...

3. I heard that Latios found a cool RPG. I'll probably be next to join. I believe that it is at http://www.network54.com/Hide/Forum/214249 . It's called Pokemon Mega RPG. It was supposed to be around for 3 previous years on their old server and have a year on the new Network54 server. We'll see how it goes with them. Man, it's 90 degrees in here. Someone messed with the furnace! That new topic bombed, so I'm doing a new one I think. :) Take care!

* * * Latias! * * *

Welcome to Latios' Aqua Adventure, or LAA.

There are a fair ammount of staff members here, including the original Webmaster, Latios Caper.

Staff Members

Latios - Webmaster and does everything

Latias - Topic Finder, Picture Finder, Updater

Yoshi - Everything

Tohjo - Everything

Darkness - Fic finder, Updater, pretty much anything

Giffy - Gets Misc. things, makes HTML for the site, Updates

Link - Artist, Fictionist (?), Button/Banner/BG maker

What is this site?

This site is a well done site. There is no swearing or anything not for little kids, due to this being an "everyone" site. All fan fics are rated and we do not except any lemon or lime or R/NC-17. We do not except pictures of that sort either. This site is mostly about Pokemon, although, if our muse likes it, we might post it.

Staff Notes and Comments

Latios - This site was originally Mew's November. I was originally Mew. This is pretty logical because Latios was just discovered. I write a lot of original stuff, with my own Pokemon, so I'll have a disclaimer up somewhere on my fics stating that if you wanna use my new Pokemon or new characters, you gotta email us and ask and tell what usage they will be of to you and then you gotta credit me... So if you REALLY wanna use my people, you better be prepared for a longrun. =) I almost always except, unless I don't like the usage. If you lie about the usage and it's DIRTY, I can go and tell your server that you did yadda.

Latias - *blink blink*

Darkness - This site has been around like forever, and this is the edited version of our old layout from Mew's November. I dun believe we copied.oh, yeah, WE DIDN'T!

Tohjo - We hate flames. Don't flame us or anything, because we credit everyone that we used stuff from, and so far, we know who and what we have used. So don't go emailing us saying that we copied you or we didn't credit you.

Yoshi - The news we have is not copied, we write our own original pieces. If you want to use our articles below, you MUST credit us. At least freaking tell us by emailing us by clicking on the cute little mail-pika by the disclaimer. If you are really smart, you'd learn to write your own articles. Take care! Except for link. Click on his name above to email him.

Giffy - don't copy us!

Link - None... yet


Be and Affiliate! Email us with your site address!

Who's That Girl? - August 23, 2002
Who is that girl? What is her name? After reading Latias' topic on the season with the new girl, Professor Odamaki, and that boy, you must be wondering the exact same thing! As these questions fly through your head, I promise that I can answer some of them. The first question I will answer is "What is that girl's name?" and I will answer it in one short sentence. Her name is Kimi. I found this out by e-mailing one of the greatest Pokemon sites on the web, and they answered me back. (They prefer NOT to be known, because the owner seems to be very shy... -_-'. I wanna give them credit, but I can't!) So Kimi it is... The second question that I got most was, "She looks awfully fimilliar, but I don't know from where! Where do I know her from?" and this was plain and simple AND answered in the last topic from Latias. She is the female trainer in Pokemon R/S (Ruby/Shappire), but she somehow got stranded in the show. (lol) Next question? "What Pokemon will she have?" Well... I do not have an confirmed answers but most people think (including me) that she will have new Pokemon (R/S), semi-new Pokemon (Johto), and old Pokemon (Kanto). Hm... "Did she replace Misty?" It looks as if she did. I'll go email the Pokemon makers and ask them. (Seriously! I'm not kidding!) But my prediction before I email them (if they ever answer back) is that she did. Besides, if she DIDN'T, where's Misty in that picture? Well, until I confirm... I hope I answered some of your questions! Comments? Questions? Do you know something about this topic? E-Mail Tohjo.

Pokemon 4ever Wait, Almost Over - August 06, 2002
Your wait is almost over for the NEXT Pokémon movie -- the fourth Pokémon movie, "Pokémon 4Ever," will begin appearing in American theaters this Fall 2002. "Pokémon 4Ever" will be a wild ride with Ash, Pikachu, Suicune, and the time-traveling Celebi on their most important mission ever - protecting Nature and saving the world! Of course, as fans have come to expect, a unique promo Pokémon TCG card will be available at the movies! Miramax Films , Pokémon USA, and Wizards of the Coast are working together on a special one-of-a-kind offer that will distribute thousands of a new limited edition Celebi Pokémon Card-e to Pokémon fans attending the movie (while supplies last). For more details on this offer, visit the official web site at http://www.pokemon.com/movies/pokemon_4ever.html on July 19th! Until then, save your movie money for one of the best Pokémon movies ever! Comments? Questions? Do you know something about this topic? E-Mail Giffy.

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