Fast Luck
(Vedic Astrology)
Bhagyam phalati, nahi vidya na cha paurasham.
(Neither education nor adventure, but the luck, is rewarding.)

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Better Luck
  • Since our Birth details, as natural ID, are fixed; hence luck as a script of our ID, is static, and can be decoded
  • But Muhurta, as resultant of your Id with natural ID of every moment, is dynamic and ever-changing
  • Hence our luck, though static in character, yet can be rectified,
    when properly incorporated with dynamic character of Muhurta.
  • This Science of Muhurta was used in Shodas Sanskar, where, if birth has not occurred in lucky star position, it can be rectified during these 16 Sanskars of life.
  • For Better luck this use of Muhurta can help those individuals, who do not feel themselves lucky.
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