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Ka`awa Kaua`i Guest Services

  There's a certain savvy about a Kauaian. A relaxed air that says we know how to make life in this tropic gem called Kaua`i a never-ending delight.  That's the spirit of Ka`awa Kaua`i, the premier purveyor of guest services for those on Kaua`i who require the finest.  We deliver just for you a full range of exceptional amenities and surround you with the warmth and wonder of our aloha.

  A concierge in the family...
  On Kaua`i, we place great stock in `ohana; family.  As part of the Ka`awa `ohana, you need only pick up the phone at any moment to reach our concierge and our network of Kauaian friends dedicated to keep your smallest whim fulfilled during your time with us. 

kaawa music entertain
[That's daughter Fetia on the left, now a senior at Kamehameha. Here's my song for her.]
Homepage  |  808/823-6281 [office]   |  635-8396 [cell]
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