After having discussed with Michael Martin for a long period of time, and after having read hundreds of his posts on various groups, I finally uploaded this letter below on his group, which he immidiately deleted and then banned me:
Michael Martin, A Western World Spiritual Master, A Surat Shabd Yoga Guru....or??? _____________________________________________________________________________________

A Western World Sat Guru or Perfect Master, as he also calls himself, is not here to exchange views about religion with anybody (I, and a lot of others, know that from experience). He is here fishing for disciples, as he considers himself a great teacher and spiritual master. The Sect he claims provides *THE TRUTH* is: Radhasoami Satsang Beas (which he is not helping a lot I’m sure). In his own words from oct. 1997 on the groups:

“I was initiated by Maharaj Charan Singh Ji in 1964.  He was then the Living Master (Sat Guru) at Beas, Punjab, India.  His satsang was called Radha Soami Satsang Beas or Dera Baba Jaimal Singh.
Kirpal Singh was there also, in the days of the Great Master, Sawan Singh Ji Maharaj. You asked, who is the current Living Master.  I will recommend for those in the eastern part of the world, Maharaj Gurinder Singh Ji.  He has been the Living Master at Beas for the last seven years. For those living in the western part of the world, I will say that Radha Soami Anami Purush (God) has appointed me to be the Living Master.  Obviously, I would need to have access to our True Home, to act as the Sat Guru.  He would not have appointed me, if I didn’t have that access.”

The following is a piece written by professor PH. D. David C. Lane*): “For whatever reasons, Salig Ram and others held to the unremitting belief that Shiv Dayal Singh was the greatest spiritual master in the history of mankind - in truth, the supreme incarnation of the very highest Lord, Radhasoami Anami Purush. And one of the features that made him unique was that he had no guru; he was self-made, so to say, without any exterior guidance”.

And self-made is exactly what Michael Martin is too - a self-proclaimed Guru. If you ask him how and why that is, he’ll tell you that God told him to accept masterhood during one of his meditations. And you have to obey the Lord, right? 

In another post Michael Martin writes about himself: “A Mystic Adept is one who is an adept in all aspects of Mysticism.  That means he is able to leave his body at will and be with the Supreme Being”. And later in the same post: "It is not a stage to be passed through. It is the goal. There is nothing higher than it.  A True Mystic Adept is really the Supreme Being in the flesh."

So now you know who you’re dealing with, if you respond to Michael Martin’s posts – you’re pratically talking to GOD himself.

If you argue with reason and logic, M. Martin will be offended and tell you that even “Jesus was murdered for what he said, that’s been the fate of many true Masters”. So please, don’t argue and don’t kill M.M., but try to educate him instead :-)
Michael Martin tells you that a. o. these writers are Western Masters, he himself canonized them: William Shakespeare, Oliver Cromwell, Richard Cromwell, John Milton, William Blake, Robert Burns, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Thomas Carlyle, Alfred Lord Tennyson, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Margaret Fuller, Robert Browning, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Walt Whitman, Emily Dickinson, etc…

Shakespeare i. e. is according to M.Martin “God’s dear Son”, he was sent to Earth like Jesus to teach us about God and collect sheep (!). Therefore God was very pleased with him. If you believe that Shakespeare was a brilliant, inspiring poet and playwright – you just forget about it, because he is something far more important than that - he is in fact God incarnate!! I argued with the “Guru” for some time about this, until I understood that it’s a "Michael-Martin-fact" – an indisputable “truth” not to be questioned or discussed, because - after all M.M. is the *only one* in the world who knows *the truth* about the writers that he canonized – and according to him nobody understood Shakespeare (or the others mentioned above) until M. M. abducted them for his own purpose, and turned them into Saints. I guess M.M. expects to gain some extra points from his God before his next incarnation.

What the “divine Master Martin” is doing in a discussion group is inexplicable – there’s nothing to discuss when you are *right*, right?  M. M. reads the writers and poets, like the Devil reads the Bible. "Master Michael" speaks *THE TRUTH*, and if he can stuff it down your throat – he will do just that, without any respect what so ever for your feelings or faith:
Because - as this Teacher of Mysticism, Michael Martin, says in a post on alt.meditation, September 18th 1997: "God told me that I'm the Satguru for the Western World." 

Dr. David C. Lane wrote this to Michael Martin in sep. 1997:

1. Next time you see Charan [Singh] ask him about what he told
Lane when watching T.V. with him over dinner back on
December 5, 1986. He'll remember. Then tell this newsgroup.
It should be quite illuminating.
Now remember, Tiny Man, no fibbing.....

2. Tell us whether any of the Dera run hospitals have performed
abortions (lest you forget oh holy one you have said quite a lot on
this subject before). Hmm, I will be quite interested in your
interpretation of what went down.....

3. Write a letter to Gurinder Singh (since you seem so concerned
about this issue) and tell him about all the "bad" deeds Lane is
doing. You may also want to ask him about what he thinks of your
guru ministry.

Now remember, Guru Tiny, you have to tell us in detail what he
"writes" back (sorry, but "visions" of what you want him to write
don't count ……).

The rest of the conversation can be read here:

*)P.S. David Christopher Lane (born April 29, 1956 in Burbank, California) is a professor of philosophy and sociology at
Mount San Antonio College, USA and lecturer in religious studies at California State University, Long Beach, California.
He specializes in the study of new religious movements including cults. A search on Google will give you lot’s of information
about David Lane and his personal and profesional knowledge of Radhasoami Satsang and Surat Shabd Yoga.
His book "The RadhaSoami Tradition" can be found on his website:
Unlike many other scholars of religion, he frequently joins discussions among (ex-)members of
(new) religious movements on the internet, especially on Yahoo- and Google groups.

You can do a search on the Google-groups for more – the handle for David Lane is neuralsurfer (or his name), and for Michael Martin it is shabd. lackpurity, kabir or simply Michael Martin. Lot’s of good stuff to read. But for Heaven's sake - don't argue with him, because he is and will always be superior to you, so unless you want to become his disciple and promise never to disagree with him, it's wiser to stay away from him. He demands total submission, and he is not willing to discuss whether he is really a Perfect Master or not.That's just a fact you have to accept. In his own words:
"Do you want to be rescued or not?  Why demand proof from the rescuer that he is a rescuer?  Isn't that ridiculous"?
Well... I guess, that depends...!! Actually he will not tell you about his education, work...anything personal. But as he writes hundreds of posts on the groups,  it must be rather difficult to maintain a job in society. He *will* tell you about his 41 years of meditation though - over and over. He thinks those years are sufficient for in-depht interpretation of Shakespeare, Whitman, Emerson and the like.

Karen Sykes.

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