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a bit of the Tower

I headed to Tokyo Tower first. I wasn't planning on going up to the observatory or the aquarium (yet) which was good since there was quite a line for tickets. ^^; But even so, I got a nice pic of the top part of the tower.

I went through the entrance and looked around the aquarium giftshop that was on the first floor. I spotted a cute polar bear plush as a cellphone strap and thought of my co-worker who loves polar bears. (I might come back and buy it next time, although it saids 'Made in China' on the tag. ^^;) I headed up the stairs to the 2nd floor which was a shopping area. There were lots of Tokyo Tower stuff including a Hello Kitty section that made me drool a bit. Hello Kitty boxers too! (Not the briefs I posted about before. ^.^) There were a lot of booths that were all selling the same thing: souvenirs. Snacks, keychains, chopsticks...etc. The 2nd floor was also filled with food areas.

The 3rd and 4th floor is where the mini-museums and attractions are. There is a wax museum (that freaks me out so I avoid it) and a children's version called, 'Space Wax'. 'Space Wax' museum contains alot of superhero figures of wax which includes Yattaman. ^^; There is also the Guinness World Records museum with a guy stacking cups quickly at the door.

The giftshop had the thing below...which I had no idea what it does except you're suppose to put your hand in the mouth after giving it money. ^^;

There was also a statue of the tallest man...which is pretty tall according to the statue. I had a bit of trouble taking a pic of it. ^^;

The lady directing customers into the tour was holding a giant shoe. Alas, I wasn't able to get a pic of it. On to the next attraction!...which is the Trick Art Gallery (picture illusions) and the arcade.

The rest of the two floors had Tokyo Tower related stuff like info on when it was built and the above mini-Tower. ^.^

They also had a model of the town...I think it was Minato-ku (where Tokyo Tower is) but not sure. ^^; Anyway, it's small and cute! ^^; Most awesome of all...there was a poster of Conan's new movie, The Raven Chaser. ^.^ Why Conan? Probably because the movie takes place at Tokyo Tower...of course! Every anime needs one of these. Conan has been there several times already. ^^;

There is this area above the 4th floor that is the amuseument park area...but time was running out and I wanted to hit Zojoji temple. ^^; Ja matta ne, Tokyo Tower-san!

the beginning of the sakura

Due to the cold spell this spring, the sakura are blossoming a bit slower this year. Some parks are blooming more then others, but not so much around Zojoji Temple. Still, there were some around.

The obligatory view of the Sangedatsumon (gate) from the front of the temple.

The obligatory view of the main shrine at the foot of the stairs...with Tokyo Tower in the backdrop. ^.^

With and without the sakura. ^.^

The obligatory pic of the Daibunsho (bell). Didn't actually take a pic of this the first time I was here so glad I got it now. ^.^

Obligatory pic of a lantern with sakura in the background.... I think I'm running out of descriptions. ^^;

To the right of the main shrine is a smaller shrine. There is a 'bell' which you ring by banging the large rope against it...as the child below demonstrates.

At the very right edge of the temple are lines of Jizo statues decorated with red caps, bibs (since they symbolize babies who died,) flowers and pinwheels.

I walked to the back of the main temple and up some stairs...no idea where it might lead...and discovered a cemetary. o.O

On the way back to the office, I caught this view of the tower behind all the sakura...

...and the crow hiding in the branches. ^.^

But what I find most amusing is this little picture behind a random road sign. I don't think it was done by vandals...but I have no idea what it is. ^^;

Okay, I do have some idea what it might be...but a pair of buttcheeks holding an apple? lol

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