"The program for this evening is not new.  You've seen this entertainment through and through.  You've seen your birth, your life, your death... and all of the rest.  Did you have a good world when you died?  Enough to base a movie on?"

-- Jim Morrison
  significant others:
  site stuff:
About Me
Ear Candy
Rhyme &
e-mail:  kindrid@hotmail.com
AIM:  Kinduism
  blah blah blah blah blah  (Monday  1-12-04  7:20 p.m.)
So I'm standing in JC Penney's earlier this evening after work, feeling exhausted & looking for some new khaki work pants to purchase.  I have two pairs of pants in hand, each with different lengths to them.  One is 32 inches in length and the other is 30 inches.  I'm thinking to myself, "Do I get the 30L pair, which is what I have on now or do I go for the 32L?"  I'm holding the new pants while looking at the legs of the pants I currently have on and thinking, "What's 2 inches?  Will 2 inches really make that much of a difference to me?"  Then moments later, through my unending feeling of tiredness, it occurs to me...  sometimes 2 inches does make a difference & am I still thinking about it in relation to my new work pants...

I'm updating my site so that it does not get shut down & wiped completely out of existence due to inactivity.  Why?  I'm not quite sure, but it seems like the thing to do at the time.  Under "significant others" Chimptopia, Kompulsive, & Sinnocence are still alive & kicking.  Kompulsive has a different look to it (as do they all pretty much), but I see she still had links to some of her writing.  I always thought she wrote great stuff.  Hell, I still do.  Sinnocence has a new look, too, with some kick-ass graphics, but I haven't yet had a chance to check out the rest of what she's doing these days.  I always thought she was cool, though.  I intend to change some of the stuff on my "about me" page as soon as I finish writing this, but who knows... I'm a procrastinator & a slacker with little motivation sometimes, plus I'm easily distracted today, so that part may or may not get done.  My dailies are still my dailies.  Lester is still the leader of the vervet monkey army.  Kelley's Bistro still has the best bar in the entire universe.  The Brak Show, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, & Space Ghost Coast to Coast  are still some of the coolest shows on television... ever... in the entire history of God & man ever.

That's all you get for now.

Please keep all arms & other appendages  inside the car with your windows rolled up & doors locked.  Keep to the right as you continue through & marveling at our magnificent drive-through safari park.  Do not feed the animals & please... come again.
My HTML Practice Page
Site best viewed in whatever browser you choose, blah blah blah...  I partially created & edited this site in IE6 on a 17" monitor so all I know is it looks fine to me. :p
  insert something witty & sarcastically clever here...  (Tuesday 8-31-04  3:25 a.m.)
Update under construction.  In the process of updating some of my links in the left column.  Check back later.  In the meantime...
Got Booty?