Personal Website of R.Kannan
Indian Banking In the New Millenium
Table of Contents


View List of all our products concerning Indian Banking

Table of Contents - Indian 

  1. Ten Years of Banking Reforms - An Assessment of Results Achieved

  2. The Dimensions of Rolled over Problems confronting Banks in India - Part: 1 of 2

  3. The Dimensions of Rolled over Problems confronting Banks in India - Part: 2 of 2

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Corporate Debt Reconstruction

  1. Industrial Restructuring - Corporate Debt Reconstruction

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Banking Ombudsman Scheme 2002

  1. Part: 1

  2. Part: 2

  3. Part: 3

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Prompt Corrective Action

  1. PCA - Part: 1

  2. PCA - Part: 2

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Miscellaneous Articles

  1. Fair Practices Code on Lenders Liability - RBI Guidelines

  2. Scheme of Liquidity Adjustment Facility

  3. The Deposit Insurance and Credit Guarantee Corporation (DICGC)

  4. The Deposit Insurance and Credit Guarantee Corporation (DICGC)Clarifictions for Depositors/Public

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(Continued - Next Column)

Banking in the New Millenium

(Continued from Previous Column)

CRR/SLR & Non-SLR Investments

  1. Satutory Liquidity Ratio (SLR) & Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR)

  2. Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR) - RBI Guidelines

  3. Statutory Liquidity Ratio (SLR) - RBI Guidelines

  4. Prudential Guidelines on Banks'Investment in non-SLR Securities

  5. Prudential guidelines on management of the non-SLR investment portfolio by banks - Disclosures requirements

  6. Prudential Guidelines on Banks' Investment in non-SLR Securities - Clarifications by RBI

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Money-Laundering - Prevention & Other Articles

  1. Crusade Against Money-Laundering

  2. "Know Your Customer" - Guidelines of RBI

  3. "Know Your Customer" - Guidelines of RBI - Full Text of RBI Circular

  4. RBI Schme of one time settlement

  5. CAMELS - International Rating System for Banking Institutions

  6. Special Deposit Scheme (SDS)

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Monitoring of Systemically Important Financial Intermediaries (SIFIs)
  1. Monitoring of Systemically Important Financial Intermediaries (SIFIs)

  2. Implementation of consolidated supervision - Current Practices Being adapted Internationally & in India

  3. Implementation of consolidated supervision - The Proposed Framework

  4. The Proposed Framework (Contd) Monitoring Intra-group Transactions and Exposures:

  5. Implementation of consolidated supervision - The operational framework

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Table of Contents for all Projects on the Website

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[..Page last modified on 14.10.2004..]<>[Chkd-Apvd-ef]