Personal Website of R.Kannan
My Encounters with Corporate Corruption
in my Service

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Title Page - Introduction
(First seven pages)

The first project is part of my career history in the second part of the tenure of my service. In the next seven Pages I will be describing the problems I faced repeatedly from the year 1977 up to the end of my service, except for an intervening span of four years between 1988 and 1992 for no committed faults of mine, but due to my inability to compromise with service values. Thereafter the last three WebPages contain a narrative of the complaint lodged by me to CVC about the spate of frauds detected by me in the last phase of my service at Delhi Zone of the Bank.

The situation resulted in the management serving me several charge sheets in bunches, digging out old moth-eaten issues and thereafter keeping these charge sheets pending for considerable years, to be finally disposed mostly awarding me the punishment of "censure". As these are clearly explained in the subsequent chapters, I am not further elaborating the same at this stage.

I may but add that the development only served to fortify my own determination and urge to tread a path where I have not to compromise my loyalty to the Institution I served, despite provocation to the plenty. It further endowed me with rich experience, in investigative work, in my understanding of law relating to Crime and Punishment, and knowledge about agencies organised for enforcement of its prevention. When I got the first charge sheet served in 1988, I went to my friends in the Secretariat of Andhra Pradesh Government and showed them the "reward". I was then introduced to a CVO of a premier public sector undertaking in Hyderabad, who gave me first two books on disciplinary proceedings. This is the small beginning that resulted in the following years to continuously pursue legal studies on domestic inquiries, of frequent interactions with principled officers of the CBI, which stretched over a period of 14 years. I put an end to this in the year 1990. I had six more years to serve the Bank and this period will be devoted only for the Bank and no more involvement in legal battles. I took a decision that come what may, I will not file further writ petitions in High Courts. All these developments are described more vividly in the within chapters.

The second charge-sheet against me was engineered by making a false complaint to CBI. With my knowledge gained by mastering the two books I got, and the assurance of my friends (not from within the Bank) I defended my case before CDI of CVC, who conducted the oral inquiry and was able to vindicate my innocence. The charges were dropped as per recommendations of the CVC.

In the new enthusiasm with the possession of the powerful shield, I took upon defending other charged officers as Defence Assisting Officer in oral inquiries, and was able to achieve creditable performance.

One of my elders used to advise me, that God had created Pakistan and China only for the good of our country, as, for but for the aggression by these neighbours, we never would have developed defence consciousness, and the need to remain alert. We were brought to the world of realism and to adopt ourselves thereto. Thanks to the events, we are a powerful and strong nation today. But what if there were no wars in 1962 with China and later with Pakistan several times? Would it have been to our good?

I am narrating these encounters in my service prompted by the fact that it is informative and represents the real-life service environment in PSBs today that one confronts. In brief I was punished because as part of my assigned duties I reported facts relating to serious developments affecting the interests of the Bank, and failed to accommodate the powerful bosses.

I am ever grateful for Providence on two counts. In the first instance events have not drowned me and made me to sink or compromise to what I cannot accept. Secondly despite facing several ordeals I was able come off unscathed and retire from service gracefully and to pass on my retired life peacefully and purposefully.

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Post Retirement Events - My Complaints to CVC(Last 4 Pages)

Earlier I could not complain to CVC and inform them the different frauds detected by me. I did not conduct investigations on behalf of the CVC, but on behalf of the Bank. I was subject to the discipline of the Bank and I could only submit findings to the Bank. This was the position until the year 1997, when my case was settled and I was allowed to retire from Service. Thereafter the then CMD continued in service up to Jan. 2000. When frauds were exposed the branches also try to recover the amounts in the first instance. All these years they had the opportunity. If they had recovered at least 25% of the amount involved this forbearance would have been justified. Recovery now appears like an attempt to recovering back a bag of sugar got dissolved in the waters of the sea. CVC has to call for statistics on the 67 accounts (including present status report) covered in my complaints to confirm the dismal progress of recovery made.

I suffered a stroke on 26th March 2000 at Delhi and was hospitalized for a week. Thereafter I settled in Hyderabad since April 2000. Forced to stay at home due to partial paralysis of the right leg on account of the stroke, I commenced writing books on Discipline and Integrity in Services and happened to study the CVC web site in totality. The changed environment in corruption handling has again emboldened me in submitting my experience to the public and leaving it to the sober society and public conscience to do what is considered apt and deserving. Is the Institution more important or interests of a corrupt few? Caught embroiled in their own coils, two senior most executives appear to have been booked already fo their acts of corruption. So also the executive, who was dealt with in the earlier phase of my fight against corruption in the southern zone). But quite a few remain hiding, under the façade of innocence, but with a guilty conscience

I have sent the entire material with Annexure to CVC, and CVO of the Bank. I have also sent the case history to the present CMD through ED of the Bank. I feel relieved that I had not failed in my duty. My further cooperation and service if needed will be available at any time. Though I can have no say, still I will submit that this case should be looked into with regards of the role of the persons commencing from the top downwards, from the angle of cleaning and purifying the functioning of Head office and Delhi zonal office. There are three chapters dealing with the complaints and you can access to any or all them in the following pages.

Connected Reading

  1. The Tools of Vengence - Action against Non-Conformists

  2. Malice in Exercise of Power and its Dimensions - More Facts About the 10th Charge Sheet

  3. Malice in Exercise of Power and its Dimensions - Contradictions in Charge Sheeting - The 11th Charge Sheet (BO. Tilak Nagar)

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