Personal Website of R.Kannan
How to Conduct/Defend Departmental Inquiry - Knowledge
of Law Essential for Public Servants - The Common
Citizen & Legal Awareness

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Law in the Everyday Life of a Public Servant

A public servant abides with or administers different laws and legal provisions in the discharge of his official functions. He applies the law relevant to his public activities. While dealing with the public, both individual and social/corporate bodies, he enforces the law applicable to them, or deals with them as per law related to them. Here we are concerned with officers of nationalised banks, who are also public servants. Some of the laws relevant to the activities of banking are dealt with under the web pages 'Learning Circle'.

In this project we deal with the Law relevant for the Bank officer to protect and preserve his own person from the threats that he may face while discharging his bonafide duties. When you stand as an individual without the powers and authority of the public post you hold and subjected to trial by hostile elements, what resources possessed by you will keep you to hold firm and steadfast? When you are served charge sheets in your public service, or when you are falsely prosecuted for offence not committed by you, or when people opposed to you file civil suits against you on perverse grounds, or when you have to file Writ Petitions or civil suits in appropriate courts of law in your personal capacity to vindicate your fair name or secure any other bonafide interests of yours, how will you handle and solve your problem? There is no trade union or organization that will protect you. If you are personally weak and unable to face the problems directed against you as an individual, how could you successfully steer your public functions, which need to be administered with firmness and fearlessness. It is your knowledge, your self-confidence and determination that alone will stand by you in times of such crisis.

Under the captain " Law essential for the Public Servant" an effort is made to introduce you to appropriate legal resources that will keep you equipped fully to face such eventualities and to come out of the same unscathed.

The legal resources for your benefit that are dealt with in this project are listed in the table given in the right margin. We start with the need for legal awareness and deal with the elements of criminal, civil and service laws, as also procedural laws relevant for getting action through the law courts.

Text of Bare Acts

Those desirous of referring to bare acts with reference to the listed or any other useful legislation - may refer to the web site-
chamberpractice/content.htm , where all bare acts areavailable.

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