
Druids of Saragar
There may be no Veiled Alliance in Saragar, but there are druids. To misquote the film Wild Zero: 'Druids know no boundaries!' - well, in this case anyway...
The druids were there from the beginning. As refugees, as monitors, as advisors, as outlaws - and now as a secret force of stability and protection. The mindlords do not trust the druids anymore in their increasing state of paranoia - and the druids do not trust the mindlords with the protection of the Last Sea region. As a result, they have come up with several emergency plans for different things that can go wrong. One plan, in case one of the mindlords 'loses it', one plan in case the outside barriers fail completely, one plan in case the Last Sea is discovered by someone powerful and evil etc. Unfortunately, if something really disastrous looms, the druids' plans are not good enough to stop it from happening. The druids know this. They hope it will never happen.
Some younger druids are dissatisfied with this denial and are thinking of secretly seeking powerful outside allies. They have been warned that they can trust no one from the outside - but is all what they have been told really true? After all, the sailors who help refugees escape from Saragar, say that the outside is in someways better than the 'inside'...