For right at 30 years we have been taking the Gospel of Jesus Christ in WORD and DEED to the lost and
dying in this nation and other nations of the earth. GOD is Faithful who has strengthened and enabled us to
do so. We are so Thankful to him for that, and we know that he will continue to enable us as we continue to
Trust him in all things.

The way God has chosen to do this, is through folks like you who know the necessity of supporting Godly
ministries that still hold fast to the Truth, and refuse to compromise it for filthy lucre.

Please Pray And Ask The Lord What He Would Have You Do To Help Us Reach This Last Day Generation
With The Glorious Gospel Of Jesus Christ.

2007 Mexico
Missions Update

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.We are setup to receive Donations through PayPal.
Your Gifts of Love are needed and very much appreciated.

Eternal Life
The Lake Of Fire
The Choice Is Yours!

Power Of God
Click Here To View

LifeLine (Affinity4) Is A Christian Company!

TGBTG Missions
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Choose LifeLine (Affinity4) As Your Long Distance Company, You Will Be Helping Us In Our Ministry
Outreaches. When you sign up for any of Affinity4's services, 10% of your monthly bill will be donated to this
Ministry's Outreaches.

Click On Banner Below To Sign Up, Or To Find Out More Info.

Or Call: 1-888-258-1005

Be sure to give our NPO # (35441) when calling to sign up

Evangelist Listing
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Ministries Listing
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Translators Needed
Click To Learn More

July 06' Peru
Mission Trip

Click Here To View

Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and
shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with
the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again.
Luke 6: 38

We need for you that know this Ministry, and each of you that fill the witness of God's Spirit to stand with us Faithfully each
month with your Gifts Of Compassion. Whether they be Monetary, gifts of Bibles & Tracts, Clothing, Shoes, Blankets, Food,
Toys, etc... No gift is to Small, it's the Faithful Constancy in your giving that makes the difference. I have found that many would
say, when I get more then I'll give. Their waiting hoping to get a bigger amount before they give. Take a look at what Paul said
to the church in 2 Cor. 8:10-12 (And herein I give my advice: for this is expedient for you, who have begun before, not only to do,
but also to be forward a year ago. Now therefore perform the doing of it; that as there was a readiness to will, so there may be
a performance also out of that which ye have. For if there be first a willing mind, it is accepted according to that a man hath,
and not according to that he hath not.) They had a willingness to give, but they keep putting it off because of what they didn't
have. A whole year had went by, so Paul writes; perform the doing of it. If each one will do what they can, for the Glory of God
we can Show Forth His Great Love, and Salvation to this Last Day Generation.

If you would like to help with Food, Clothes, Blankets, KJV Bibles & Tracts, and Spanish, Shona, Bemba,
French Bibles & Tracts, and other items for the Orphans such as Soap, Toothpaste, Toothbrushes, Pens,
Paper, etc... Give us a call at: 724-435-7803 for pick up or shipping arrangements.

Our shipping address is: 1074 Smith Creek Rd. Waynesburg, PA. 15370

Also if you have a Special Ministry Love Gift that you would like to give towards our
Ministry Outreaches, make your checks or money orders out to Last Days Deliverance
Revivals, and send them to: L.D.D.R. PO Box 6, Spraggs, PA. 15362

Together with God we are making such a wonderful difference in the lives of many around the world.


Send us a e-mail today
We would love to hear from you

Using eBay To Raise Ministry & Mission Funds!

No doubt if you are viewing this web page, you have heard of eBay. And it is most likely that you have ether
bought or sold items on eBay. It has been a good way to get rid of things that are not in use, and make
some extra money. Well it can also be a great way to support our Home and Foreign Mission Outreaches.
What we do is collect donated items. Items that are practical to send to the Mission Field, we take on our
Mission Trips, but any items that are not practical to send to the Mission Field, we list on eBay, and then we
use the funds to support the Home and Foreign Mission Outreaches.  Or maybe you would be willing to list
items you have, and then donate the funds from the sale to our Outreaches.

Other Ways You Can Help Us To Raise Ministry Outreach Funding Is Through The Banners Below.

Last Days Deliverance Revivals




Sign up for a Hosting package and Help support our Mission Outreaches. THANKS!




