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This lesson will show you how to:

  • write programs using functions
  • write programs using local and global variables

Q: What do a blonde and an instant lottery ticket have in common?
A: All you have to do is scratch the box to win.

A function in C can perform a particular task, and supports the concept of modular programming design techniques.

We have already been exposed to functions. The main body of a C program, identified by the keyword main, and enclosed by the left and right braces is a function. It is called by the operating system when the program is loaded, and when terminated, returns to the operating system.

Functions have a basic structure. Their format is:

return_ data_type function name (arguments, arguments)
    data _type _declarations of arguments;

        function body


It is worth noting that a return data type is assumed to be of type int unless otherwise specified, thus programs we have seen so far imply that main() returns an integer to the operating system. ANSI C varies slightly in the way that functions are declared. Its format is:

return_data_type function name (data type variable name, data type variable name,….)

    function body


This permits type checking by utilizing function prototypes to inform the compiler of the type and number of parameters a function accepts. When calling a function, this information is used to perform the type and parameter checking.

ANSI C also requires that the return_ data_type for a function which does not return data must my of type void. The default return_ data_type is assumed to be an integer unless otherwise specified, but must match that which the function declaration specifies. A simple function is:

int print_message ()

    printf(“This is a module called print_message.\n”);


Note the function name is print_message. No arguments are accepted by the function, this is indicated by the keyword void in accepted parameter section of function declaration. The return_data_type is void, this data is not returned by the function. An ANSI C function prototype for print_message() is:

int print_message ();

Function prototypes are listed at the beginning of the source file. Often, they might be placed in a users .h (header) file.


Now lets incorporate this function into a program.

/* Program illustrating a simple function call */

#include <stdio.h>

void print_message (void);      /* ANSI C function prototype */

void print_message (void)      /* the function code */

    printf(“This is a module called print_message.\n”);

int main(void)


    return 0;


Sample program output

This is a module called print_message.

To call a function, it is only necessary to write its name. The code associated with the function is executed at this point in the program. When the function terminates, execution begins with the statement which follows the function name.

In the above program, execution begins at main(). The only statement inside main the main body of the program is a call to the code of function print_message(). This code is executed, and when finished returns control back to main().

As there is no further example, the function accepts a single data variable, but does not return any information.

/* Program to calculate a specific factorial number */

#iinclude <stdio.h>

void calc_factorial (int); // ANSI function prototype

void calc_factorial (int i)

    int I, factorial_number = 1;

    for (i=1; I <=n; ++i)
         factorial_number *= I;

    printf(“The factorial of %d is %d\n”, n, factorial_number);


int main(void)

    int number = 0;

    printf(“Enter a number\n”);

    scanf(“%d”, &number);
    calc_factorial (number);

    return 0;


Sample program output

Enter a number
The factorial of 3 is 6

Lets look at the function calc_factorial(). The declaration of the function

    void calc_factorial (int n)
Indicates there is no return data type and a single integer is accepted, known inside the body of the function as n. Next comes the declaration of the local variables.

    int i, factorial_ number = 0;

It is more correct in C to use:

    auto int i, factorial_number = 0;
As the keyword auto designates to the compiler that the variable is local. The program works by accepting a variable from the keyboard which is then passed to the function. In other words, the variable number inside the main body is then copied to the variable n in the function, which then calculates the correct answer.

Returning function results

This is done by the use of the keyword return, followed by a data_variable or constant value, the data type os which must match that of the declared return_data_type for the function.

float add_numbers (float n1, float n2)

    return n1 + n2;           // legal
    return 6;                     // illegal, not the same type

    return 6.0;                  // legal


It is possible for a function to have multiple return statements.

int validate_input (char command)

    switch (command)
        case ‘+’ :
        case ‘-‘ : return 1;
        case ‘*’ :
        case ‘/’ : return 2;
        default : return 0;


Here is another example

/* Simple multiply program using argument passing */

#include <stdio.h>

int calc_result (int, int) // ANSI function prototype

    auto int result;
    result = numb1 * numb2;
    return result;


int main(void)

    int digit1 = 10, digit2 = 30, answer = 0;

    answer = calc_result(digit1, digit2);

    printf(“%d multiplied by %d is %d\n”, digit1, digit2, answer);

    return 0;


Sample program output

10 multiplied by 30 is 300

NOTE that the value which is returned from the function (ie result) must be declared in the function.
NOTE: The formal declaration of the function name is preceded by the data type which is returned,

int calc_result (numb1, numb2)

Local and global variables


    These variables only exist inside the specific function that creates them. They are unknown to other functions and to the main program. As such, they are normally implemented using a stack. Local variables cease to exist once the function that created them is completed. They are recreated each time a function is executed or called.


    These variables can be accessed (ie known) by any function comprising the program. They are implemented by associating memory locations with variable names. They do not get recreated if the function is recalled. To declare a global variable, declare it outside of all the functions. There is no general rule for where outside the functions these should be declared, but declaring them on top of the code is normally recommended for reasons of scope, as explained below. If a variable of the same name is declared both within a function and outside of it, the function will use the variable that was declared within it and ignore the global one.

I recommend to use as few global variables as possible.

Defining global variables:

/* Demonstrating global variables */

#include <stdio.h>

int add_numbers( void); // ANSI function prototype

/* These are global variables and can be accessed by functions from this point on */

int value1, value2, value3;

int add_numbers (void)

    auto int result;
    result = value1 + value2 + value3;

    return result;


int main(void)

    auto int result;
    value1 = 10;
    value2 = 20;
    value3 = 30;
    result = add_numbers();
    printf(“The sum of %d + %d + %d is %d\n”, value1, /                 value2, value3, final_result);

    return 0;


Sample program output

The scope of a global variable can be restricted by carefully placing the declaration. They are visible from the declaration until the end of the current source file.

#include <stdio.h>

int no_access (void);     // ANSI function prototype
int all_access(void);

static int n2; // n2 is known from this point onwards

int no_access (void)

    n1 = 10;               // illegal, n1 not yet known
    n2 = 5;                // valid


int all_access(void)

    n1 = 10;               // valid
    n2 = 3;                // valid


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