Day 1111 - Day 1166
Day 1111  (20 days later)
The magistrate’s men have come back.  There’s another attempt to appear as if we are actually innkeepers.  I think they managed it alright, although, it’s quite the sight to see them try to be all domesticated.  Caradryan cooks the stew, Varthlokkur waits tables, Growlyn bartends, Nadon plays stable boy, and Ilmarian entertains with his singing and dancing. 

Day 1112 
(the next day)
Caradryan takes Jezeg, Varthlokkur, and Goldar (one of Nickolaus’ men) with him into town.  There haven’t been any inquiries about purchasing the inn yet, so they’re hoping to find a buyer in Palina. 

Day 1121 
(9 days later)
Caradryan and Jezeg return from their little excursion.  The news they bring is awful:  Varthlokkur died at the hands of bandits and Goldar was taken captive.  Caradryan’s hair is gone…all of it…due to a misfire while trying to cast a fireball.  And Jezeg has broken both of his legs.  They are not a pretty sight.  This is their story: 
On the 3rd day out to Palina, they were attacked by bandits.  The bandits demanded 1000 Silver for safe passage, but Caradryan, thinking the price far too high, refused and made a counter-offer of 500 Silver.  A skirmish ensued.  Caradryan was taken down and held hostage with a sword against his throat.  The bandits increased their demands to include all of their possessions or else Caradryan would die.  Jezeg, Varthlokkur, and Goldar handed over their weapons, armor, and trappings, as did Caradryan.  Varthlokkur was greatly insulted at this defeat and charged back in (bare-handed and “naked”) to exact his vengeance.  Jezeg, feeling that he can’t abandon his brave companion, charged in as well.  Goldar joined in the fight after Varthlokkur beat one or two of the bandits to death.  Caradryan held back from the fray in order to cast a fireball with his last remaining component that he had managed to cleverly and uncomfortably conceal as the bandits took their belongings earlier.  The fireball misfired in his hands and thus resulted in his loss of facial and arm hair.  Those engaged with the bandits were able to pick up weapons off some of the dead, but the end result was still disastrous.  Varthlokkur died, Jezeg was incapacitated with both legs broken so that he had to “play dead”, and Goldar was taken captive.  After the bandits left Jezeg for dead, he crawled his way to Caradryan and they slowly and painfully made their way to Palina.  Caradryan had to sell his magical ring (the only thing of value he managed to keep during the bandit raid) to pay for Jezeg’s doctoring.  A cleric at the Myrmydia temple told them about a dwarf noble who might be able to help them.  They sought out Bruticus and he offered his assistance on the condition that he be allowed to travel with us.  Bruticus comes equipped with a dwarf servant, Meiron, and a Kislevite merc, Eric.
We move out of the inn immediately and make our way to Palina. 

Battle Records: 
Varthlokkur = 4 kills.  Goldar = 2 kills. 

Day 1124 
(3 days later)
A small encounter with mutants today. 

Battle Records: 
Nivak = 4 kills.  Nadon = 2 kills.  Growlyn = 2 kills, High Damage Kill at 27 points.  Bruticus = 2 kills.  Caradryan = 1 kill.

Day 1125  (the next day)
Arrive in Palina.  We’ll stay here for another two weeks or so – that’s about how long it is before I’m up and moving again.  Some of the others search the town shops for the stolen goods.  No luck.  There isn’t any sign of the bandits or Goldar either. 

Day 1142  (17 days later)
It’s time to travel again.  Heading “home” to the Border Princes. 

Day 1150 (8 days later)
Bandits attempt to ambush us along the road.  I see one of the bandits cut down Ilmarian and I lose all control.  He’s fine, though.  It just looked bad in the heat of battle.  Nivak says he was able to talk one of the bandits into surrendering and following him instead.  The bandit seems to have run off, though. 
Battle Records:  Lillay = 6 kills, High Damage Kill at 23 points.  Growlyn = 4 kills (including the Bandit Leader).  Nivak = 3 kills.  Nadon = 2, First Blood.  Caradryan = 1 kill. 

Day 1152 (2 days later)
Arrive in a small town named Gargono.  We buy, sell, and trade all of our extra equipment in order to get Caradryan and Jezeg re-armed.  Ilmarian’s not talking to me for some reason.  In fact, he hasn’t come anywhere near me for the last two days.  I wonder what’s wrong…

Day 1159  (7 days later)
We’re on the road again.  Goblins attack us. 
Battle Records:  Caradryan = 11 kills.  Nadon = 9 kills, First Blood.  Lillay = 8 kills. 
Nivak = 4 kills, 3 kills in 1 turn.   Growlyn = 4 kills, High Damage Kill at 24 points.  Ilmarian = 3 kills.  Bruticus = 3 kills.

Day 1164 (5 days later)
This time it’s a small band of mutants – Nivak’s favorite. 
Battle Records:  Growlyn = 5 kills.  Nadon = 4 kills, First Blood.  Lillay = 4 kills.  Nivak = 2 kills, High Damage Kill at 27 points, +2 mutant ears. 

Day 1166 (2 days later)
At long last, we’ve reached the mountains!  Now the only problem is getting through them.
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