Day 1259 - Day 1302
Day 1259  (the next day)
Caradryan’s operating again - everyone run for your lives!  Ilmarian likes to live   
dangerously and agrees to go under our cousin’s knife.  He started off with a broken collarbone and ends up with a broken collarbone and a broken rib. 

Day 1260 
(the next day)
Ilmarian must think himself a cat with nine lives because he allows Caradryan to operate again.  Well, I guess he doesn’t have much choice.  The wounds need immediate attention and Caradryan’s really the only option.  And Caradryan doesn’t disappoint us – he fixes Ilmarian’s injuries after nearly killing him.  Ilmarian is on bed-rest for the next 8 weeks. 

Day 1267
(7 days later)
Today’s flavor:  Goblins. 

Battle Records: 
Jezeg = 11 kills (including 7/1 turn with a fireball).  Caradryan = 6 kills.  Nadon = 6 kills, High Damage Kill at 25 points.  Lillay = 6 kills.  Nivak = 3 kills. 
Bruticus = 3 kills.  Arvin = 2 kills.  Growlyn = 2 kills.  Meiron = 1 kill. 

Day 1275 
(1 week later)
Still traveling to the ever so elusive Lombus flowers.  Run into 2 ogres. 

Battle Records:
Nadon = 1 kill.  Jezeg = 1 kill.

Day 1277 
(2 days later)
Oh, we just can’t get away from those Remions it seems.  There’s a traveling band of their mercs just passing through who think we owe them some of our gold and loot.  We disagree.  Arvin gets himself pinned to the cart by a horseman’s lance in mid-battle.  Caradryan and Jezeg weren’t anywhere near us, so I had to attend to him myself.  Mercifully I was able to stop his bleeding, but I wasn’t able to do anything about detaching him from the side of the cart.  I was afraid that attempting a removal would be far more detrimental to his health than leaving him there for someone better trained at that sort of thing.  And so Arvin remained pinned to our cart for the 2nd half of the battle.  I think he understands that it was the best course of action.  Bruticus’ man, Meiron, makes his way to the land of Morr this day.  Caradryan “attacks” Arvin on the operating table and Arvin makes it through the experience with only a blood loss injury that will require us to stay put for the next 2-1/2 weeks.     

Battle Records:
Lillay = 23 kills (including 2 captains & the head horseman, 3/1 turn), stopped Arvin’s bleeding in mid-battle.  Nivak = 20 kills (including 1 captain).  Growlyn = 16 kills (including 1 captain and Antonio).  Nadon = 11 kills, High Damage Kill at 34 points (with 1 shot), Friendly Fire shot to Lillay.  Caradryan = 10 kills (including the leader with a 28 point shot, 3/1 turn x2).  Jezeg = 8 kills (including 1 captain). 
Arvin = 7 kills, First Blood.  Bruticus = 3 kills.  Sandra = 2 kills.   
Notable Quotes: Caradryan to The Hussy (aka Sandra):  “You disobedient little wench!”  Unknown:  “Nivak, you intergalactic space hussy!”  Garth to Lillay:  “BLEED!”  Nivak to Antonio, the enemy merc captain:  “I’m quite insane.”

Day 1296 (19 days later)
We've finally come to the place where the Lombus flower grows.  Only problem is that it's a good day or two of climbing up to get to it.  Caradryan, Nadon, Nivak, and I are the designated climbers.   

Day 1298 (2 days later)
We find the Lombus!  We decide to climb up even further to see if we can procure more flowers.  Might as well get our money's worth by filling up Halfor's magical bag while we're here.   

Day 1299 (the next day)
Find more flowers today.  And attacked by harpies.  Just a typical day in the life of an adventurer really. 

Day 1300  (the next day)
Still up here gathering flowers.  Today was a bit more interesting than yesterday with the harpies.  A troll charged out at us from a cave and that's certainly something none of us have ever encountered before!  Nadon finally kills it, but it comes alive again after a bit so we must kill it again!  This time, we set the body on fire - wouldn't want it to come back a second time.  So, of course, it's only logical for us to search out the troll's cave in the hopes of finding some valuable loot.  And, of course, we're attacked again - this time by slime.  It's not been a good day.  We camp here for the night as we are rather bloodied up from the troll fights.

Day 1302 (2 days later)
We begin heading back down the mountain.
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