Day 1541 - Day 1600
Day 1541 (25 weeks/5 days later)
We're all back to full-strength and such again.  Necessary training's been completed.  And we all feel the urge to be on our merry way.  There is a strong desire within the party to leave the Border Princes behind and return to either The Empire or Bretonnia.  But first, we'll journey to Marienburg to visit Kalikyn's grave and pay our long overdue respects.  Passage is booked on a caravan going to another Border Prince and from there we'll have to see about further travel arrangements. 

Day 1547 
(6 days later)
We arrive in the other Border Prince.  There's a caravan going from here to yet another Border Prince.  This third one is in the Forward Provinces, so that means we're heading in the right direction. 

Day 1564
(2 weeks/1 day later)
We arrive in the third Border Prince and find another caravan.  We're working on this one for food plus 100 Gold.  Yes, it's small pickings compared to our recent pay-outs, but we're not looking for fame and glory this time. 

Day 1565 
(the next day)
We've a few days to kill before our caravan heads out, so we take ourselves to a tavern.  Bruticus challanges all to a drinking contest - I win. 

Day 1567 
(2 days later)
Bruticus convinces Caradryan hold his liquor against the dwarf.  Bruticus wins.

Day 1568
(the next day)
Left the last Border Prince town today.  Am not sorry at all to be leaving these lands.  Traveling through mountains again.  Shouldn't be as bad as our other mountain experiences because we're with a caravan.   

Day 1571 
(3 days later)
The caravan is attacked.  We don't see any of the action - the front takes care of it all. 

Day 1578 
(7 days later)
Goblins attack from cliffs above us.  A few of us are able to manage some long-range kills.

Battle Records: 
Jezeg = 7 kills. Nadon = 5 kills.  Ilmarian gets his first ever "pring"!  Caradryan operates on some of the caravan mercs = 2 successes, +1 KOT. 

Day 1580 
(2 days later)
This day marks our 4th anniversary as an adventuring party.

Day 1590 
(1 week/2 days later)
The caravan reaches its destination of some nameless way-town on the River Sol.  We transfer onto a boat headed for Nuln. 

Day 1599 
(1 week/1 day later)
Our boat anchors at the Guvenberg port for a few hours.  Bruticus convinces Caradryan to get off the boat with him to seek out a game or two of dice or cards.  While they're on the docks, they witness a young woman being beaten by the town watch for no apparent reason.  The two of them try to put a stop to this seeming injustice, but their new gambling "friends" advise them not get on the wrong side of the watch.  A man by the name of Hans hints around to them that there have been many serious wrongs committed by the authorities as of late.  He insinuates that he can get them an audience with the new nobility set who's arrival coincides with the recent violence.  My comrades decide they are obliged to investigate this matter further and expose the conspiracy.  I think it's an awful idea and vote to keep our passage on the boat and continue on to Nuln as planned.  The bleeding hearts win out and our boat passage is cancelled.  The Merchant's Guild of this town (of which our new "friend", Hans, belongs to) puts us up for the night.

Day 1600  (the next day)
The Merchant's Guild explains a bit further what's been happening here in Guvenberg - random and unprovoked beatings in the streets by the town watch, supposed wrong-doers disappearing, and such.  As we tour the town for ourselves in daylight, we see some startling differences from other towns we've had the pleasure of visiting.  Guvenberg is completely devoid of any sort of tavern or recreation at all for that matter.  There also are no other temples but those dedicated to Sigmar within the town's boundaries, save one small temple to Morr manned by one cleric.  The merchants hold true to their word and get us an audience with Otto, the man in charge here.  Bruticus poses as a lord with Caradryan as his "advisor", Ilmarian as his "jester", Nivak and I as his "bodyguards", and Growlyn as his "driver".  The life of a bodyguard is rather mundane.  Nivak and I are shown to a lounge within Otto's estate where the bodyguards must pass the time waiting for their employers.  We were there for hours and hours.  That night:  After returning to the Merchant's Guild, Bruticus tells us of visit with Otto and the other important people around here.  He wasn't able to pry any useful or incriminating information from anyone.
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