Day 1602 - Day 1604
Day 1602 (2 days later)
We've spent the last two days trying to find out anything.  That night:  "Lord" Bruticus and his retinue have another invitation to Otto's court.  Again, we haven't managed to find any evidence of wrong-doing although we can plainly see that the people of this town are like none we've ever encountered before.  Something is definitely off here. 

Day 1603 
(the next day)
Nadon and Nivak go off together to question some of the townspeople.  They're hoping to come across a lead.  Jezeg pays a visit to the Sigmar temple - he wants to request permission to build a shrine to Myrmydia since there's no holy place here where he can pray.  He's also hoping to find out why there aren't any other temples.  Bruticus, Caradryan, and Ilmarian go to speak to the cleric at the Morr temple.  That leaves me at the inn with Growlyn and Arvin.  Not bad company.  Especially since I grow weary of this detective work that has yet to yield anything.  That afternoon: Guards storm the inn and demand the three of us accompany them back to the jail for questioning.  They claim to already have Bruticus and the rest in custody.  It doesn't seem wise to dispute them too much at this time.  The rest of the party has yet to return to the inn, so it is possible they've been taken.  We're taken in and put in separate cells.  Well, no.  Not cells exactly.  More of an interrogation room.  I spend hours in there waiting to hear something...anything.  I'm questioned briefly as to nature of Bruticus' business in Gubenberg.  After that, I'm left to wait again.  On the bright side of things, they haven't demanded that I relinquish any of my armor or weapons.  That means I'm not really imprisoned even though I'm in a locked room.  That night:  There's a commotion in the hallway and I'm ever so happy to see Caradryan's the one to open the door.  Of course, he's managed to land himself in a scuffle with the guards that's quite over his and Ilmarian's heads!  Ilmarian's nobly fighting a guard who is beating him to a bloody pulp.  I run down the hallway and pull him out of combat - no matter our recent differences, I have no wish to see him die.  Caradryan releases the rest of the party from their "cells" and they join in to subdue the guards.  I notice that Nadon and Nivak are missing, but I don't have time to really ponder their whereabouts.  Towards the end of the fight, I lose control of my sword and chop the blade into my leg.  The wound is much too fierce to continue battling, in fact I drop to the ground because I can't even stand on it.  The rest of the party makes it through the guards and a random prisoner carries me out.  We try to make a quick escape - hoping to make it out the front door before anyone notices.  We're not quick enough, though.  There are higher guards in the entrance room to the jailhouse...waiting for us.  The leader, Bruno, demands our quiet surrender.  Bruticus tries to negotiate with him, but Bruno does not appear willing to budge.  Bruticus is determined to see this thing out peacefully and so begins walking back to his "cell".  Jezeg does this as well.  Caradryan casts several fireballs in the direction of Bruno and his companion and Bruno engages.  Growlyn taunts him and Bruno leaps through two people in front to get to him.  In the end, Bruno forces us into submission. 

Battle Records: 
Nadon = 9 kills.  Nivak = 15 kills, High Damage Kill at 22 points.  Caradryan = 12 kills.  Growlyn = 9 kills (including a White Tunic Guard).  Lillay = 4 kills.  Jezeg = 3 kills (including a White Tunic Guard and 3/1 turn).  Ilmarian = 2 kills.  Bruticus = 1 kill.   
Notable Quotes:
Morr cleric to Bruticus:  "I'll give you a proper burial if you fail."  Bruticus:  "Dude, I'll tell you one thing, I'm shoving something down my pants."

Day 1604 (the next day)
My leg is becoming infected.  It’s no wonder since I’ve been in a dirty cell since last night and Caradryan wasn’t able to play doctor before we were recaptured.  The Sigmar High Priestess, Cassidy, comes to my cell late in the afternoon (I think – can’t be sure of the time in here) and accusing me of being tainted with Chaos.  Me!  I assured her I most certainly was not, but she insisted that the festering of my leg was proof enough.  This is ridiculous.  I didn’t even bother to argue.  She obviously is the fanatical type and would never listen to reason.  I am sentenced to death tomorrow by fire.  I can only pray to Myrmydia that someway, somehow She will save me.  Much later:  As I cannot move around much, there’s nothing else to do except watch the goings on in the hallway outside my cell.  It’s then that I see a guard passing by with prisoner that I could have sworn was Nivak - the guard, not the prisoner.  Eye contact is brief, but then I know for sure…it is him!  I know he sees me in my cell, but I can’t blame him for passing me by – it’s obvious that I’m in no condition to walk.  I hear commotion further down the hall after he passes out of view.  Sounds like the guards have caught on to his rouse.  Caradryan finally releases me from my cell and carries me out.  At this point, I’ve witnessed the back end of the struggle in the hallway between the guards and Nivak who’s managed to release other members of our party and a few extras as well.  I don’t understand what’s going on – Bruticus is requesting Caradryan lock him back up in his cell – he doesn’t want Bruno to think that he had anything to do with this 2nd escape attempt.  Caradryan seems indifferent (perhaps understanding) of Bruticus’ decision.  Nivak seems rather furious and he presses us onwards – there isn’t any time to spare.  We find Ilmarian and Growlyn in a dungeon-like room nearby.  Caradryan hands me off to Arvin.  Nivak slays one of the random prisoners we’ve picked up claiming the man to be an informant and the last remaining prisoner flees in fear.  We make our way out to the front room of the jailhouse without too much incident.  We then make our way through the town with only a few townspeople as witnesses and on into the woods.  Safely.  I think we’re all in shock. 
Battle Records:  Nivak = 6 kills, Nadon = 5 kills.
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