Day 1658 - Day 1755
Day 1658  (1 week/2 days later)
They’ve returned with an unconscious Paul and battle stories.  I’m sure they must have exaggerated their kill counts – certainly they wouldn’t have been able to accomplish this without their leader fighter?
Battle Records:  Jezeg = 39 kills.  Nadon = 24 kills.  Arvin = 17 kills.  Growlyn = 16 kills.  Nivak = 13 kills.  Ilmarian = 10 kills (including the “Head Boss Orc of Death”).  Bruticus = 10 kills. 
Notable Quotes: 
Caradryan to Nadon:  “Go back to your stable and shovel shit.” 

Day 1692 
(4 weeks/2 days later)
I’m finally up and about again!  We leave Wissenburg behind and travel towards Marienburg with our unconscious new companion, Paul, and our elderly benefactor, Professor Valgner.  We’re following a caravan hoping for easier travel this way. 

Day 1700
(1 week later)
We arrive in Nuln, but only stay long enough to switch caravans.  Ilmarian and Bruticus have an hour or so before we are set to move on and they take advantage of this to visit the Morr Temple.  It’s supposed to be the largest in the world. 

Day 1716
(2 weeks later)
Our cart breaks down and pitches The Professor out onto the ground.  He’s suffered a broken rib and Caradryan determines he’ll be incapacitated for the next 12 weeks.  Caradryan decides that Paul remains in the same unconscious state without further injury.

Day 1726 
(1 week/2 days later)
Arrive in Altdorf!  The Professor has a home here, so he’s decided to remain here while we carry out our mission.  He’s agreed to take care of Paul and keep watch over our cart, horses, and Timber.  The Wastelands are no place for such things.  Ilmarian purchases a ukulele for himself and Caradryan signs on yet another human female apprentice.  This one, however, seems likeable.  She goes by the name of Amber.  Perhaps she’ll prove herself useful and survive our journey through The Wastelands. 

Day 1727 
(the next day)
Caradryan decides we’re to stay in Altdorf for a few days.  There are supplies to purchase and caravans to arrange.  I really have nothing better to do today, so I decide to relent to Jezeg’s request to accompany him to the temple.  I get no further than a step or two in the front door when Jezeg’s demeanor changes and he insists I remove myself from the temple!  He claims I am not worthy of worshipping inside Myrmydia’s house.  I attempt to argue, but quite truthfully, I am too surprised to put forth a strong one.  I leave Jezeg at the temple and return to the party to tell them of his insulting and highly inappropriate behavior.  Bruticus leaves to speak with one of the Myrmydia priests – I suppose he thinks this will somehow right the wrong.  Ilmarian (the ungracious dolt that he is) thinks Jezeg’s behavior is perfectly within reason.  Oh, one day I shall teach him a lesson…

Day 1730 (3 days later)
Jezeg returns to us apologies and explanations of evil curses.  I shan’t be quick to forget this incident and Jezeg will likely be worshipping at the temple alone for a long time to come. 

Day 1731 (the next day)
We make our caravan arrangements:  hired on as simple bodyguards in exchange for food, passage, and a total of 50 Gold. 

Day 1732 (the next day)
Leave Altdorf and head in the direction of Marienburg. 

Day 1740  (1 week later)
Encounter a few mutants. 
Battle Records: Jezeg = 5 kills.  Caradryan = 3 kills.  Nadon = 2 kills, breaks his 2nd magical bow.

Day 1747  (7 days later)
Run into some goblins.
Battle Records:  Jezeg = 11 kills.  Caradryan = 7 kills.  Nadon = 4 kills.  Lillay = 2 kills.  Nivak = 2 kills. 

Day 1754 
(7 days later)
Arrive in Marienburg.  It seems a lifetime ago that I was last here.  We have a mission to complete, so we waste no time in getting our supplies together.  Old Beefy, a prize ox, is purchased to haul food on the way there and loot on the way back.  We visit Kalikyn’s grave and pay tribute to the memory of our beloved cousin and brother.

Day 1755 (the next day)
We set out for The Wastelands.
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