Day 2309 - Day 2310
Day 2309  (the next day)
I've been asking Caradryan if I can keep what I find during our searches. It's true that we haven't turned up much, but there's been a few gold and silver here and there. It really just irks the hell out of me that as a senior party member, I have nothing to call my own except what armor and weapons are bestowed upon me by the powers that be. I think I more than earn my keep around here and some personal cash is not an outrageous request. Unfortunately, Caradryan disagrees. And there's no changing his mind once it's set. He condescended to allow me to keep 146 Ss from one of the rooms. A pittance, if you ask me. And while we settled down to camp for the evening, he and Nadon insulted me further by flinging their silvers at my head! Caradryan's missed - lucky him. Nadon, however, hit and it was the last straw! I very calmly got up, walked over to him, and bitch-slapped him across the back of his head. I don't know my own strength sometimes. And I hit him just a tad bit harder than I had intended. I think I almost gave him a concussion because next thing I knew, he was flat on the ground and Caradryan had jumped up and cast a lightning bolt at me! I'm still feeling a little woozy after that and my hair's damn near standing up on end. A truce has been called between the three of us, but only to stop any further inter-family physical violence. I'm still quite furious with the both of them and I'd wager all of my 146 Ss on them still being quite furious with me. Ilmarian's just going to love hearing about this.

Battle Records:
Lillay delivers a 27 point back-of-the-head slap to Nadon, dropping him to -2 as he decides to "take it like a man" and not parry. Caradryan casts a 15 point lightning bolt at Lillay, dropping her to -3. Both Lillay and Nadon have 0 fate points at the time of this altercation.

Day 2310 
(the next day)
We were ready to engage what is hopefully the last of the Black Fang Gang before our little inter-family squabble. Now, we're wasting another day of food so that we can heal up a bit more before going in to meet our doom. Yesterday's events left Nadon and I sorely hurting. The past two nights, we've seen red, glowing eyes in the darkness of the tunnel cavern up ahead. They're waiting for us.
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