Day 2311 - Day 2318
Day 2311 (the next day)
Today was truly death-defying! The force that had amassed was gigantic and they had us pulled apart in no time at all. A few of us had managed to stay more or less back-to-back with another party member during the push. The rest of us were not so lucky. It took me a long time to cleave through the beasts surrounding me and make a break for the closest friendly face. Axtrica and Esch were separated from one another, but only by one orc, so I made my way to them, hoping to get the three of us back-to-back for more safety. My plan didn't quite work out as I had intended, but it did well enough. We never did get the three of us exactly next to each other, but at least we were sharing hits on three of the enemy at any given time. They're both still probationary members of our group, but they both have my vote once we get back to Altdorf. They both did an outstanding job and I'm happy to have them standing by my side. It was a long battle - dragged out for most of the day. Things looked like they were clearing up just a little bit, but we could still see there was a large contingent of archers, ballista crew, goblins, and the shaman and his bodyguards, not to mention the two war bosses and Mog Tooth bearing down on us. Really it was Mog Tooth we were most worried about. One of the biggest things I've ever seen in my entire life! Caradryan took the opportunity to make his escape at Jezeg's urging. Jezeg tried to assist Yuri in escaping, but Yuri chose to stay and help one of the "nameless" mercs instead. And then Mog Tooth was upon us. Brave Nivak charged the hideous beast and deftly side-stepped his first clumsy attacks. And then his second attacks. And then his third attacks. Now, I would never doubt Nivak's fighting skills because the young lad is very handy with his sword, but I was concerned that Mog Tooth was eventually going to land a hit on him and I feared it would be a large one in proportion to the sheer mass of the thing. The war boss I was assisting Nadon and Jezeg with was badly bloodied, so I made my break for Mog Tooth and made quick use of my two amulet necklaces to strengthen the blow from my flail. The amulets proved to be less powerful than desired and I only managed a nick on old Mog Tooth. The thing had a one-track mind because although Nivak had ceased doing much damage to it, it was still laying into him without reprieve. At the sight of Nivak dropping his shield, I became frenzied - I was sure that Morr would be soon claiming my comrade's soul. Nivak wasn't ready to part with it, though, and soon managed to make his escape. There was no stopping me. I was hell-bent on demolishing the vile creature in front of me. Axtrica and Jezeg joined in at some point. And finally, I took him down. After that, I went after the next closest enemy and the remaining few orcs and goblins we soon dispatched. Axtrica and Yuri had to hold me down in the end to calm me. They told me afterwards that the shaman, along with his bodyguards, the archers, the ballista crew, and the rest of the goblins, ran as soon as they saw Mog Tooth go down. We'll have to fight them another day. Healing and safe resting is top priority, but it'll have to be quick because we must get to them before they have much chance to regroup. There are only nine of us still standing. Artur died in battle and Larisa died on Caradryan’s operating table. Plavin suffered some grave injuries, as well.

Battle Records:
Caradryan = 9 kills (including 4 2-Handed Orcs & 1 Elite Goblin), +1 KOT (Larisa). Nadon = 15 kills (including 2 2-Handed Orcs, 3 Advanced Orcs, 1 Veteran Orc, 3 Elite Goblins, & 1 War Boss). Lillay = 24 kills (including 4 2-Handed Orcs, 3 Advanced Orcs, 5 Veteran Orcs, 1 Elite Goblin, 1 War Boss, & Mog Tooth - the Orc Leader). Nivak = 14 kills (including 1 2-Handed Orc, 3 Advanced Orcs, 2 Veteran Orcs, & 1 Elite Goblin), High Damage Kill at 28 points. Jezeg = 21 kills (including 1 2-Handed Orc, 6 Advanced Orcs, 1 Veteran Orc, 1 Elite Goblin, & 1 War Boss). Axtrica = 10 kills (including 2 Advanced Orcs & 1 Veteran Orc). Esch = 7 kills (including 2 2-Handed Orcs & 2 Advanced Orcs). Artur = 1 kill. Larisa = 1 kill. Enemy Friendly Fire = 1 kill. Party Fate Points Lost = 3 (Axtrica = 1 from a blow that nearly chops his leg off, Nivak = 1 from Mog Tooth's blow that chops into his rib cage and lifts him up off the ground as the blade slices his heart in two, Jezeg = 1 intentionally burning it to regenerate his "bop" for Lillay and amulet to use on one of the War Bosses).

Day 2312 (the next day)
Today we rest and heal.

Day 2313 (the next day)
Another day of resting and healing. Caradryan and Jezeg say we should be able to go after the remaining Black Fangs tomorrow.

Day 2314 (the next day)
We find the remainder of the Black Fang Tribe lying in wait for us just beyond the room where Mogtooth was defeated. The plan is to charge straight through to the Shaman, but this doesn't work as well as we'd hoped. Yuri is slain in the battle. In the end, I claim the Shaman's head for my own. He does not have the Idol on him. Nor do any of his minions. We'll have to search further for it after we've healed.
Battle Records: Caradryan = 19 kills. Nadon = 11 kills (including the Head Archer), 2 Friendly Fire shots (both on himself and one in each foot). Lillay = 9 kills (including the Head Shaman). Nivak = 3 kills. Jezeg = 4 kills. Axtrica = 3 kills, High Damage Kill at 32 points. Esch = 6 kills.

Day 2318 (4 days later)
We found the Idol! We found a "treasure room" of sorts. A dumping ground, if you will, for all their loot. Broken furniture, ripped tapestries, and piles and piles of random things. The Idol had been carelessly tossed into one of the piles and finding it required digging through all of it. This tribe looted for the sake of looting, not because they saw anything of value. We rejoin the rest of our party - the previously injured who'd been left in the courtyard - and give a proper burial to our dead. We are feeling quite desparate for some civility and begin our trek back to Erengrad.
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