Day 2560 - Day 2625
Day 2560:  A horde of mutants come pouring out of the forest with the coming of dawn’s first light.  Although we’ve fought greater numbers and fiercer enemies than these, it proved to be a deadly battle on our part.  Natasha suffered a dislocated ankle from enemy fire and when complications arose during the surgery, neither Caradryan nor the town doctor were able to save her life. 
Battle Records:
Caradryan = 11 kills.  Nadon = 15 kills.  Lillay = 17 kills (including the leader), High Damage Kill at 36 points.  Ilmarian = 8 kills.  Nivak = 15 kills.  Jezeg = 13 kills.  Growlyn = 10 kills.  Arvin = 8 kills.  Axtrica = 17 kills.  Vincent = 5 kills.  Esch = 5 kills.  Vladimir = 3 kills.  Roustov = 10 kills.  Timber = 2 kills. 

Day 2572: 
The house is finally completed. 

Day 2573: 
We begin an around-the-clock patrol of the stretch of land that falls between the forest’s edge and Blonmarie. 

Day 2575: 
One of the patrols is engaged by a few mutants and beastmen. 
Battle Records:
Growlyn = 3 kills.  Arvin = 2 kills.  Axtrica = 6 kills.

Day 2576:
We commission Gus to build a fence to surround the house.

Day 2582:  Finally, a bit of excitement to end the boring monotony of clearing brush!  The rumored “Chaos Forest” has brought forth large beastmen this time so that we may slick our blades with their blood. 
Battle Records:
Caradryan = 3 kills.  Nadon = 2 kills.  Lillay = 8 kills.  Ilmarian = 4 kills.  Nivak = 5 kills.  Jezeg = 6 kills.  Growlyn = 4 kills.  Arvin = 5 kills.  Amber = 1 kill.  Axtrica = 4 kills.  Vincent = 2 kills.  Esch = 2 kills.  Roustov = 1 kill.  Timber = 1 kill. 

Day 2588: 
The 3rd watch is attacked again.  Axtrica sounds the alarm when he sees movement in the forest and discovers that Esch is missing.  We follow the chaos beasts into the forest to rescue Esch.  Upon decimating the foul creatures and bringing Esch home, Caradryan announces that he’s suffered from a severe head injury and is unable to say at this time when Esch will awake. 
Battle Records: 
Caradryan = 3 kills.  Nadon = 1 kill.  Lillay = 2 kills.  Ilmarian = 1 kill.  Nivak = 1 kill.  Jezeg = 4 kills.  Growlyn = 1 kill.  Amber = 1 kill.  Axtrica = 3 kills.  Esch = 2 kills.  Roustov = 5 kills.

Day 2589: 
We’ve been here one month today and our relations with the townspeople have not improved one bit.  Louis continues to distrust our motives and effectiveness in providing the aid they’d requested from L’Anguille.  He admits that while we’ve killed off a fair number of the chaos beasts that threaten his townspeople, we’ve also increased the frequency of their attacks with our clearing of the brush.  The Professor is still deep in research of the idol and it’s properties with nothing to report as of yet.  We come to the decision to “lay low” for the next two weeks.  No more patrols, although we’ll set a night-time watch at our house for defensive purposes.  No more clearing of the forest brush, instead we’ll mingle with the townsfolk and attempt to gain their friendship rather their fear.

Day 2606:  Beastmen and mutants attack the farms on the outskirts of town.  They kill five farmers and injure three.  We decide to start up our patrols again. 

Day 2609:  Attacked by beastmen and mutants on the first patrol shift.  The patrol kills all of them.  Vladimir breaks his 2-handed axe. 
Battle Records:  Vladimir = High Damage Kill at 21 points.

Day 2612:  The third patrol shift is attacked by beastmen.  The patrol kills them all. 
Battle Records: Axtrica = High Damage Kill at 19 points.

Day 2616: Mutants attack the first patrol tonight.  They kill them all.
Battle Records: Nadon = High Damage Kill at 15 points.

Day 2625:  The third patrol is attacked by beastmen.  Among the dead, they find a piece of paper with a picture on it.
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