Day 2509 - Day 2558
Day 2509:  Set sail for Marianburg.

Day 2519: 
Arrive in Marianburg. We put flowers on Kalikyn's grave and book passage on a boat heading for L'Anguille.

Day 2521:
Set sail for L'Anguille. We're now close to the end of our journey.

Day 2543: 
Arrive in L'Anguille. A trip to the constable's office doesn't yield us with any immediate gratification. They've told us to come back in a few days for the information we seek.

Day 2544: 
Caradryan thought it'd be nice to have a dinner party to celebrate Amber's advance to 1st Level Battle Mage. It was a pleasant time, especially so for Caradryan who was practically swinging from the rafters with all the wine he had.

Day 2545: 
Guess who's still drunk?

Day 2546: 
Our party leader finally sobered up enough to remember about the constable's office. The constable's assistant gives him information on a small town about a week south of here. The town is called Blonmarie and sits on the edge of Arden Forest, a place tainted with chaos since the dawn of time (or so the rumors go). Louis, the town mayor so-to-speak, writes to L'Anguille about once a month for help, but the constable's office has yet been able to spare any assistance. This sounds to be exactly the type of town we're looking for and so we pack up and head out.

Day 2551: 
Attacked by a small band of mutants.  Caradryan was quite pleased to have the opportunity to use his new “Flight” spell for the first time in battle. 
Battle Records:  Caradryan = 3 kills.  Nadon = 6 kills.  Lillay = 6 kills.  Ilmarian = 2 kills.  Nivak = 2 kills (including the Leader).  Jezeg = 9 kills.  Growlyn = 1 kill.  Arvin = 3 kills.  Axtrica = 3 kills, High Damage Kill at 19 points.  Vincent = 1 kill.  Esch = 2 kills.  Vladimir = 4 kills.  Natasha = 2 kills.  Roustov = 1 kill.  Kurt = 1 kill. 

Day 2554: 
Bandits make the unfortunate mistake of demanding payment for safe passage and Vladimir, much to the surprise of everyone, steps up to put them in their place.  They leave quietly and without the sought after payment.  And so we travel on.

Day 2556:  We’ve arrived in the small hamlet of Blonmarie.  It’s a bit smaller than I’d imagined.  The people here aren’t overly hospitable.  I dare say they almost seem afraid of us.  Caradryan and Jezeg are granted an immediate audience with the town mayor (if one can actually count him as such), Louis.  They report back that Louis has graciously allowed us to build a homestead on a plot located approximately halfway between the forest’s edge and the town “wall” with a discounted land rental fee of 20GC per month.  We find Gus, the local carpenter, through the word of Francois, the shopkeeper of the general store.  Gus takes on our housing project for a mere 1,000GC.  I suppose it isn’t a bad price, not that I’ve ever purchased a house and stables before.  We make camp at the site of our future home. 

Day 2557:  Jezeg and Growlyn go to the Lady of the Lake temple seeking permission to build shrines to their gods, as no other temples are represented here.  They are granted their request.

Day 2558:  Work on the house begins.  Being unskilled in the carpentry trade, we make ourselves useful in other ways, such as working to clear out the underbrush from the forest’s edge directly in front of our new home.  We encounter a few random mutants while clearing the brush, but still mange to clear out about 20 yards.  A productive day, I’d say! 
Battle Records:  Caradryan = 1 kill.  Lillay = 2 kills.  Nivak = 1 kill.  Arvin = 1 kill.  Growlyn = 1 kill.  Timber = 2 kills.  Axtrica = 1 kill.
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