Day 2699 - Day 2734
Day 2699:  Travel the trail left by the chaos army.  Jezeg heals our wounds from the previous battle as we travel so as not to lose too much time in our pursuit of the enemy.

Day 2701: 
Continue traveling.  We've yet to catch up to the retreating chaos wizard and what remains of his forces.  Nadon begins hunting for food as we are concerned that we will not have enough to last us.

Day 2702: 
We come across a small clearing with multiple trails leading out -- we pick the one that looks most traveled and hope that we've made the right choice. 

Day 2709: 
Still no sign of the chaos wizard or his minions.  Nadon has continued to hunt this past week.  Today we find that the trail we've been following has come to an end.  We search the area and pick up a faint trail and hope for the best. 

Day 2712: 
Although the trail we've been following these last few days can hardly be called such, the gods finally bless us with the location we seek.  We hear voices in the distance and follow the sounds to a clearing with beastmen camping by an old church, tower, and abbey.

Day 2716: 
We've scouted the area surrounding the perimeter of the church and formulated a plan -- charge in.  The casters and cultists run to the safety of the inside of the church once the battle turns to our favor.  After the battle, we determine this to be a former Tao temple. 
Battle Records: 
Caradryan = 24 kills.  Nadon = 47 kills.  Lillay = 39 kills (including the Beastman Boss).  Ilmarian = 15 kills.  Nivak = 12 kills.  Jezeg = 19 kills.  Growlyn = 28 kills.  Axtrica = 19 kills, High Damage Kill at 28 points.  Arvin = 8 kills.  Amber = 1 kill.  Ky'Daron = 2 kills.  100-Rolls = 5.  1-Rolls = 4.

Day 2722: 
We've spent the last few days healing our wounds and injuries.  We try a different tactic for entering the inner confines of the church this day.  Nivak feels his skills in climbing will get him into the bell tower.  It isn't as easy as he'd supposed and he sustains serious injury from the fall.  We return to our camp at the edge of the clearing so that Jezeg may heal Nivak before we proceed further.

Day 2723:  We attempt to enter the inner courtyard of the church once again.  Caradryan casts his "Open" spell on the door to no avail.  There is a large stone statue set up on a dais to the left of the courtyard doors.  As we begin hacking into the locked door with our weapons, the humanoid head of the statue breaks and falls to the floor.  A bird-shaped head emerges in its place and the statue comes to "life".  It moves off the dais, tears the head off the deer it carries in its arms and throws the pieces aside.  Growlyn and Axtrica run in fear.  Our hardest-hitting shots only nick the enormous statue that beats down on us with his powerful shots.  Axtrica eventually rejoins the battle with the stone statue and lands a magnificent shot.  Large chunks begin falling off the statue.  Axtrica "kills" it in the end. 
Battle Records: Axtrica = 1 kill, High Damage Kill at 27 points, High Damage Shot at 34 points.

Day 2724:  We bust through the locked courtyard doors with our weapons because Caradryan refuses to cast "Open".  We battle with the chaos beasts inside.  A guard and archer are captured. 
Battle Records:  Caradryan = 14 kills.  Nadon = 12 kills.  Lillay = 20 kills, 1 fate point.  Ilmarian = 9 kills, 1 fate point.  Nivak = 17 kills.  Jezeg = 2 kills.  Growlyn = 13 kills.  Axtrica = 11 kills.  Arvin = 6 kills.  Amber = 7 kills.  100-Rolls = 5.  1-Rolls = 1. 

Day 2728:  Jezeg's hand is healed.  He is now able to cast again.  The captives have been interrogated -- they give us very little information.

Day 2730: We go back into the abbey after the wizard and his casters.  After the battle, we return to our camp to check on Vladimir.  We're out of food so we are forced to forage.  We'll rest here for a few days while Amber heals from her blood loss injury.  We'll leave Arvin here with Vladimir, as he sustained a severe arrow injury.
Battle Records:  Caradryan = 18 kills.  Nadon = 10 kills.  Lillay = 16 kills.  Ilmarian = 7 kills.  Nivak = 5 kills.  Jezeg = 7 kills.  Growlyn = 21 kills (including Hogsbreath), High Damage Kill at 51 points.  Axtrica = 18 kills.  Arvin = 12 kills.  Amber = 5 kills.  Ky'Daron = 2 kills.  Enemy Friendly Fire = 13 kills.  100-Rolls = 3.  1-Rolls = 1.

Day 2734:  Roll back in to the abbey and search for the wizard and the remaining casters.  They continue to elude us.  As we search, we come upon a door that opens into crackling blue void.  We will go in tomorrow.
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