Day 2735 - Day 2837
Day 2735:  Today we jump through the blue crackling void.  And surprisingly, it does not cause instant death to all.  Instead, it transports us into a circular room.  The ceiling above is dropping.  There is a six-letter wheel.  Caradryan enters "wizard".  The ceiling instantly drops another foot.  Nadon enters "change".  A hidden door opens into another circular room.  The ceiling is dropping in this room as well.  There are five levers on the wall in this room.  We try different combinations all the while getting zapped by magic.  We finally come to the correct combination:  4-1-5.  We come to the remaining forces of the wizard and battle.  The wizard escapes again!  We follow him to a stairwell and make camp there for the night, hoping we have him trapped while we heal our injuries. 
Battle Records: 
Caradryan = 2 kills.  Nadon = 8 kills, shoots himself in the foot for 11 points.  Lillay = 2 kills.  Ilmarian = 4 kills.  Nivak = 1 kill.  Jezeg = 11 kills.  Growlyn = 2 kills.  Axtrica = 1 kill, High Damage Kill at 33 points.  Enemy Friendly Fire = 24 kills.  100-Rolls = 3.  1-Rolls = 1. 

Day 2736: 
The wizard comes out into the stairwell and we attack.  I lay claim to the wizard's head and Ilmarian's shining moment is when he breaks his weapon.  We find our way back outside and return to our camp at the clearing's edge.  Vladimir and Arvin are still alive and as well as they can be.  Caradryan and Jezeg heal the injured and we forage for food again.

Day 2737: 
A search party is sent back into the abbey for loot. 

Day 2738: 
Continue searching for loot.  Have run out of food and we begin to starve.  Foraging is not providing enough food for the entire party. 

Day 2739: 
Heal and forage this day.  Find 50 days worth of food in the abbey's garden.  A blessing indeed! 

Day 2741: 
Our packs our laden with as much loot as we can carry, but it isn't nearly as much as was collected.  We leapfrog to the edge of the chaos taint in the forest in order to carry back more loot. 

Day 2749: 
Had to abandon our leapfrog movement due to unsuccessful attempts at foraging -- starvation begins again.  Accosted by beastmen and mutants during our trek through the forest. 
Battle Records: 
Axtrica = 4 kills.  Growlyn = 4 kills (including the Beastman Leader).  Nivak = 2 kills.  Nadon = 3 kills.  Lillay = 4 kills.  Ilmarian = 2 kills.  Jezeg = 4 kills.  Caradryan = 3 kills. 

Day 2751: 
Continue traveling and foraging.  Mutants attack. 
Battle Records: 
Nadon = 5 kills.  Nivak = 5 kills.  Ilmarian = 1 kill.  Caradryan = 5 kills.  Jezeg = 10 kills.  Lillay = 1 kill.  Growlyn = 4 kills.  Axtrica = 1 kill.  Ky'Daron = 1 kill. 

Day 2753: 
Arrive back in Blonmarie.  The wizard's head is turned over to Louis and the Wise Man confirms that we've killed the fabled chaos wizard.  We are slowly, but surely winning the affections of the townspeople.  The Professor reports progress with the idol and the townspeople -- they've let him move into the town along with the idol.  Learning the full properties of the idol will take years and years of careful research and observation.  Two letters were delivered during our absence.  One addressed to Caradryan and Friends.  The other addressed to Vladimir.  The letter for Caradryan is from Halfor requesting our assistance in Goldum.  The letter for Vladimir tells him of the death of his sister in Erengrad.  Vladimir withdraws into himself and won't speak of it. 
High XP = Lillay (1888 points).

Day 2754:  Assure Louis that we will return and that the chaos threat has been eliminated.  Set out for L'Anguille. 

Day 2774:  Arrive in L'Anguille.  Settle into an inn and make arrangements for training. 

Day 2776: Ky'Daron advances to Wizard's Apprentice.  Growlyn advances to Freelance.  Arvin advances to Merc Captain.  Decide to go to Goldum to aid Halfor. 

Day 2791:  Esche awakens! 

Day 2816:  Our preparations for the trip to the Border Princes are complete.  Set out for Goldum. 

Day 2827:  Mutants attack. 
Battle Records:  Nadon = 6 kills.  Ilmarian = 2 kills.  Nivak = 4 kills.  Jezeg = 7 kills.  Caradryan = 4 kills.  Amber = 3 kills.

Day 2832:  Goblins attack this day. 
Battle Records:  Nadon = 5 kills, shoots himself in the foot.  Jezeg = 11 kills.  Ilmarian = 1.  Lillay = 3 kills.  Caradryan = 5 kills.  Nivak = 4 kills.  Amber = 3 kills.  Arvin = 5 kills.  Axtrica = 3 kills.  Growlyn = 5 kills (including the Leader), High Damage Kill at 27 points.  Kurt = 2 kills.  Roustov = 1 kill.  Phillipe = 2 kills.  Alfonso = 2 kills.

Day 2837:  Arrive in Gisoreux and sell our crap loot.  Book passage on a ship to the Border Princes.
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