Day 3089 - Day 3115
Day 3089:  I go back to the town watch with Growlyn and Jezeg to meet with the Captain.  He tells us that four weeks ago they'd received word of a chaos presence in their town and were able to eliminate more than half of them.  The rest of the Orange Passion were run out of town, including Lars, the leader.  The Captain alerted his border guards of the situation, but no more have been caught.  That night:  Nivak returns to the Thieves Guild.  He reports back that Lars is indeed no longer within the city walls, although he may still have a few contacts here.  The remaining cultists are holed up somewhere to the west of the city's gates, but within the walls of this Border Prince.

Day 3090: 
Nadon goes to the Rangers Guild to inquire about the lay of the land outside Rutilli's walls.  He finds out that there are three areas to the west of the city that could hide a large group of people:  a cave, an abandoned farmstead, and a rocky outcropping.  We make arrangements to head out.  Get three weeks of stabling for the horses and a local doctor agrees to take Arvin into his care.  We also inquire about a bounty on Lars' head. 

Day 3091: 
Head out.  Progress is slow, as we are walking and our pace is set by Caradryan's bum ankle. 

Day 3092: 
We find the cave entrance...and bear tracks leading to and from it.  This is not the place. 
Day 3093: 
Nadon picks up on humanoid tracks as we near the abandoned farmstead.  Nadon and Nivak go ahead to scout the area while we stay back in the woods.  A short while later, they return with the news that they've located the Orange Passion compound.  That night:  Nadon and Nivak go back to observe the cultists nocturnal activities.  There's some activity throughout the night, but not much:  a few fires, some movement, and a few sentries. 

Day 3094: 
We rest through the daylight hours and use the cover of darkness to sneak up to the farmstead.  We wait for dawn to charge.

Day 3095: 
The Orange Passion of Rutilli meets its demise. 
Battle Records: 
Nadon = 9 kills (including the Head Archer).  Caradryan = 29 kills (including the horse).  Jezeg = 5 kills.  Nivak = 5 kills.  Lillay = 4 kills (including the Knight and Lars).  Amber = 16 kills.  Roustov = 4 kills.  Phillipe = 4 kills.  Growlyn = 1 kill.  Kurt = 6 kills.  Esche = 1 kill.  Axtrica = 2 kills (including the Head Wizard).  Ilmarian = 2 kills, High Damage Kill at 22 points.  Vladimir = 1 kill.  Timber = 3 kills. 

Day 3096: 
Caradryan operates on the injured.  I take Vladimir, Kurt, and Phillipe back to town to get the carts.

Day 3097: 
That night:  Arrive back in Rutilli.  Stay at the inn for the night. 

Day 3098: 
We take the heads of the Orange Passion leaders to the Town Guard.  They pay us a 500Gc bounty.  We make our way back to the farmstead with the carts. 

Day 3099: 
That afternoon:  Arrive back at the farmstead.  Load the loot. 

Day 3100: 
Load our injured into the carts and head back to Rutilli.  That night:  Arrive back in Rutilli.  Book a week at the inn. 

Day 3101: 
Arvin's finally woken up from his coma! 

Day 3108: We've spent the last week preparing for our departure to The Vaults where the third faction of the Orange Passion is and set out this day.

Day 3115: Some fifteen horse-riders overtake us on the road to The Vaults.  They hail from Margarite in Tilea and make up a small contingent of a larger military group.  Jezeg feels confident they are Myrmydian followers.  Their leader, Telicus, tells us he is looking for recruits for his army.  We respectfully decline the offer.  He tells us we may do so to the tune of 350,000Gc.  That is a far larger sum than we've ever had in our possession.  Caradryan orders us to stand down and surrender.    Axtrica and Ilmarian refuse to surrender.  Telicus battles with them, but neither of them are able to inflict any injury to him.  Axtrica realizes that he's been bested and surrenders.  Ilmarian continues to fight.  Telicus walks away from Ilmarian and so Ilmarian attacks his horse instead.  The horse turns on Ilmarian and Telicus pulls him out of harms way before holding him down and knocking him unconscious.  We are stripped of our weapons, armor, and gear.  Telicus and his men march us for about an hour and we come upon a large, parked caravan surrounded by many men-at-arms.  Telicus' men split us up.  Amber, Caradryan, Nadon, Jezeg, and Ky'Daron are led away to one caged wagon.  Axtrica, Roustov, and Vladimir are led to another.  Nivak, Arvin, Growlyn, and Esche are led off to yet another wagon.  I go with Phillipe and Kurt.  And Ilmarian is taken away separate from any of us.  The caged wagons are cramped and dirty.  It looks as though people from all walks of life are our traveling companions here.  I overhear Nivak speaking to one of the guards in another wagon.  He is trying to bargain for his freedom - he doesn't succeed.
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