Day 3116 - Day 3199
Day 3116:  Telicus wishes us luck, but remarks that we are likely dead.

Day 3122: 
These traveling conditions are hardly bearable.  We arrive in a town - I don't know which one.  The wagons are parked by the docks and we're herded out.  Guards examine us before allowing us to board the boat.  As I walk up the plank, I see the remains of Esche feeding a pack of large war dogs.  I am saddened and greatly disturbed by this sight, but know that there is nothing I can do at this time to avenge his untimely and gruesome death.  We are lead down into the galley and chained up to the oars.  Looks like we've joined the navy.  I can see my fellow party members scattered about with the exception of Growlyn and Ilmarian. 

Day 3137: 
The days are long and dreary here.  Whippings for falling behind in your rowing are a guarantee.  They keep a close and constant watch over us.  The only thing to look forward to now is our daily break on deck.  It's only a few minutes long, but it's fresh air.  Today brings a little excitement.  Our old foe, Rufino, is brought in as a replacement rower and is placed across the aisle from Nivak. 

Day 3141: 
Axtrica comes back from his break all bloodied and beaten.  I can only speculate as to what happened on deck - we're not close enough to talk without punishment from the slavers.

Day 3151: 
Rufino frees himself and Nivak.  Nivak jumps the slavemaster while Rufino works on freeing Axtrica.  Nivak is weaponless and so bites at the slavemaster to distract him.  Axtrica gets free and joins in the fray as Nivak gets beat down by the slavemaster.  Rufino moves on to free Nadon and Axtrica kills the slavemaster.  Rufino continues unlocking captives.  Two guards come down and are quickly overpowered by the newly-released captives.  We reach topside and fight for our freedom.  After the slavers are defeated, Sea Captain Valoneos, a fellow former-captive, organizes everyone to put out the fires and make repairs to the ship.  A search of the ship yields a loot hold.  Valoneous tells everyone to claim what was originally their's on the honor system - that leaves the loot hold empty.  All of mundane gear is gone.  Vladimir has developed the shakes. 
Battle Records: 
Axtrica = 12 kills (including the slavemaster).  Lillay = 3 kills, High Damage Kill by punching at 27 points.  Arvin = 5 kills.  Kurt = 2 kills.  Roustov = 2 kills.  Nadon = 8 kills (including a peasant).  Nivak = 1 kill.  Vladimir = 1 kill.  Phillipe = 3 kills.  Jezeg = 1 kill (including the Banner Guy with help from the mob).

Day 3154: 
We've been repairing the ship non-stop, but we're not yet ready to move.  There's been no sign of Rufino since he helped us make our escape.  Caradryan tells me that I've got a muscle injury in my left arm - it doesn't hurt much so I tell him operate on the more seriously injured. 
Caradryan = +16 KOT's (nameless former captives). 

Day 3157: 
Valoneous says we're ready to move and so we do.

Day 3158: 
Vladimir learns from Valoneous that we won't be pulling into a port. 

Day 3174: 
A thorough search of the ship has been done - still no sign of Rufino. 

Day 3182: 
Land ho!  Valoneous spares us two horses and three weeks of food each from the ship's stores.  We leave a message with Valoneous that should Rufino reveal himself, there's no bad blood and he's welcome to come join us.  He departs with his new ship and crew.  We head towards Maragliano.

Day 3186:  My arm is now fully healed.  Bandits attack and our loot stores are replenished. 
Battle Records:  Growlyn = 4 kills, High Damage Kill at 31 points.  Arvin = 6 kills.  Vladimir = 5 kills.  Roustov = 4 kills.  Caradryan = 6 kills (including the Leader).  Jezeg = 7 kills.  Phillipe = 3 kills.  Kurt = 2 kills.  Timber = 2 kills.  Nadon = 2 kills.  Ilmarian = 3 kills.  Lillay = 1 kill.  Nivak = 1 kill. 

Day 3188:  Our healing is done and we head out.

Day 3192:  We encounter a band of mercs along the road.  Nivak sweet talks them and they let us pass while looting us with their eyes.  I suppose it's a good thing that our loot is none too impressive at this time. 

Day 3196:  A horde of greenskins attack. 
Battle Records:  Caradryan = 33 kills.  Nadon = 13 kills, High Damage Kill at 40 points.  Jezeg = 8 kills.  Ilmarian = 9 kills.  Lillay = 14 kills (including the Boss).  Vladimir = 7 kills.  Roustov = 10 kills.  Growlyn = 13 kills.  Nivak = 12 kills.  Timber = 5 kills.  Kurt = 6 kills.  Phillipe = 7 kills.  Ky'Daron = 1 kill.

Day 3199:  Arrive in Plasota.  We will stay here for awhile to wait out our injuries before proceeding on to The Vaults.  I take a job training for the town watch for 15Gc.
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