Day 376 - Day 403
Day 376  (the next day)
Nivak went off by himself again today while the rest of us looked for work.  Caradryan finds two recovery missions on the town board.  One is paying 200 Gold and the other 100,000 Gold.  Ilmarian insists we inquire about the 100,000 Gold job – we try to talk him out of it because it seems like an obvious waste of time, but he’s set on it.  The only way to get him to be quiet about it is to agree to put in an inquiry the next day. 

Day 377 
(the next day)
We all go together to inquire about the two recovery missions from yesterday.  For the 100,000 Gold one, the guards do not even allow Ilmarian past the gate and do not buy into his arguments that acrobatics are useful in battle.  One even challenges Ilmarian – if he gets past the guard, then they let him through the gate.  The other puts up a wager of 100 gold.  Ilmarian wisely figures he is outmatched because they are both wearing light chain armor compared to his leathers.  Caradryan leads us to the more reasonable sounding mission that pays 200 Gold.  A man named Klaus wants us to recover a jeweled belt of his that has been stolen.  He does not seem overly confident in our abilities, but allows us to take on the mission regardless.  We have 12 weeks to travel to Krugenheim in the Ostermark province, recover the jeweled belt from a man who goes by Schultz, and make it back to Altdorf. 

Day 378 
(the next day)
Jezeg books our passage on a boat to Krugenheim.  It costs 100 Gold for all six of us to travel.  It now appears that we’ll be lucky if we break even with this mission.  Klaus mentioned that any loot we acquire is ours for the taking – maybe it won’t be so bad?

Day 379 
(the next day)
We set sail for Krugenheim.  This is my first time on a boat – how exciting!

Day 394 
(15 days later)
Arrive in Krugenheim.  Thankfully, none of us turned out to be seasick!  Our mysterious employer was able to give us one bit of “important” information:  “Jeweled Belt Man” does not go anywhere without his Kislevite bodyguard.  So, all we have to do is find the Kislevite, right?  We break off into pairs and do some snooping around town.  Looks like we have all got pretty much the same idea of where to look for this bodyguard guy – the taverns.  Ilmarian and I run into half of the party during our tavern hopping.  Nadon and Jezeg are the only lucky ones, though.  They get to talking with the Kislevite at one of the taverns and arrange for a drinking contest the next night.  Looks like we will be here for a few days, at the very least, so we arrange lodgings at a flophouse.

Day 395 
(the next day)
That night:  Nadon and Jezeg try their luck at drinking a Kislevite under the table.  Ha!  Who’re they kidding?  I go along to make sure that they get “home” in one piece.  I was right – my cousin and our newfound friend have no tolerance for alcohol.  They managed to lose a sword and a mace in the process as well, so I see it is necessary to step up to the challenge myself.  I’m not much better, so it’s good for me that the Kislevite is already far-gone.  I win back Nadon’s sword.  The Kislevite and his friends call an end to the evening and head out with Nivak following them.  I take my drunken companions back to the flophouse. 
Records:  This day marks the 1st anniversary of our travels as an adventuring party. 

Day 396  (the next day)
Nadon and Jezeg are nursing rather evil hangovers from the looks of them.  Nivak regales us of his adventures from last night.  Apparently, there is more than one Kislevite in this town because this is not our man – he is just a stable-hand.  Damn.  It’s decided that we need to attempt to blend in a bit because a group of five elves is rather conspicuous in these parts.  We’re all able to find some temporary work about town for the next month.  Hopefully we will have some more useful information about our man, Schultz, within that time.

Day 403 (7 days later)
Have had a horrible day!  I was met with a very unpleasant surprise upon arriving at work this morning – Ilmarian and Nivak in jail!  Am going to throttle Ilmarian as soon as possible for doing whatever stupid thing it is that he did!  Am also going throttle Nivak because I’m sure that he is behind this!  I have only been on the town watch here a short while and now I have to bail them out of jail?  I don’t know how to accomplish this, especially since Ilmarian quickly dashed any hope of being subtle about it.  He called out (very loudly, I might add!) something along the lines of, “Hey, Sis, how are you this morning?”  I am definitely going to throttle him!  I had no choice but to respond and glare at him.  Neither one was forthcoming on why exactly they are there, nor would the jailer give up any information.  I tried the head jailer and he pretty much laughed at me when I asked for leniency on their behalf.  Apparently one week’s service does not buy any favors.  He hinted around that there may be something that I can do - I am to come back in two days to discuss it further.  Hmm…I do not have a good feeling about this.
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