Day 940 - Day 1010
Day 940 (the next day)
After much, much discussion, we all make it to the armory.  It took quite a bit of time to decide if we were all going at once or if we were going separately.  If we were leaving some party members at the inn with the wounded and also to communicate with Rufino that evening or if we were all going and thereby giving Rufino’s group an obvious double-cross.  In the end, we traveled in two groups to the armory, not leaving anyone behind.  Nickolaus is not confident of our abilities to protect him with so many wounded within our party.  We’re offered lodging and food for the next three weeks while we wait out the remainder of Varthlokkur and Ilmarian’s convalescence. 

Day 964 
(3 weeks later)
We suit up, pack up, and leave Remios. 

Day 966
(2 days later)
Only 3 days out from Remios and we have already been drawn into a large battle.  Our enemies this time were cultists called the Orange Passion.  Their numbers were great and their warriors were fierce, but we pulled through in the end.  Today’s encounter has made us realize that the journey back to Goldum will not be a swift or easy one.  It is decided that we should join up with a well-guarded caravan at the next town.  Caradryan is called upon to operate on the wounded again.  He is successful in patching up Klaus, although he’ll be laid up for the next 24 weeks and is unable to be moved for at least 3 weeks.  We’re parked again and this time with little cover from our enemies.  Caradryan is not so lucky with Elertwa (Nickolaus’ elf bodyguard) – he is killed on the operating table.  Caradryan does succeed with Montaro (Nickolaus’ dwarf bodyguard).  He’s very distraught that he’s killed the elf and saved the dwarf. 

Battle Records: 
Nadon = 42 kills.  Varthlokkur = 27 kills (including 2 battle leaders).  Nivak = 24 kills (including 2 battle leaders & the Head Wizard), High Damage Kill at 31 points.  Growlyn = 23 kills (including 2 battle leaders), acted as battle tank for 4 rounds.  Jezeg = 19 kills.  Caradryan = 18 kills, +1 KOT.  Lillay = 11 kills.  Ilmarian = 10 kills.  Klaus = 2 kills.

Day 969 
(3 days later)
Caradryan and Jezeg have been healing the standing warriors.  We feel a bit like sitting ducks having had to make camp right here on the side of the road. 

Day 970 
(the next day)
Mutant ambush.  Ilmarian is wounded to the point of necessitating Caradryan’s operating skills.  Caradryan damn near flays his leg apart and Ilmarian is now laid up for the next 4 weeks. 

Battle Records: 
Lillay = 3 kills.  Nivak = 3 kills, collects 3 ears.  Caradryan = 2 kills.  Varthlokkur = 2 kills.  Nadon = 1 kill, First Blood.  Ilmarian = 1 kill.  Growlyn = 1 kill.  Akban = 1 kill.   
Notable Quotes: 
Caradryan to Ilmarian:  “It looks infected…”  Ilmarian to Caradryan:  “…with your vengeance!”

Day 982
(12 days later)
A passing band of Remion guards stop to ask our business of camping on the side of the road so close to town.  We tell them of our woes and they offer send back a guard detail for the small fee of 250 Gold.  Caradryan accepts their offer and hands over the gold.  That night:  Our new Remion protectors arrive. 

Day 985 (3 days later)
Mutants have stumble upon us and try their best to inflict some damage.  The Remions teach them a lesson.  Nivak and Growlyn are itching for a fight so they join in as well. 
Battle Records:  Nivak = 4 kills, collects 4 more ears.  Growlyn = 2 kills.

Day 990 (5 days later)
We’re finally able to get moving again!  It’s decided that we’ll head north to Miragliano and book passage on a caravan back to Goldum (or as close as we can get).  We part ways with the Remion mercs and head out. 

Day 995 (5 days later)
We see an army a fair distance ahead of us.  It looks to be Remion and traveling in the same direction as we are.  We slow our pace, but forge ahead as planned.  Not really interested in coming in contact with the army – don’t want to be forced into service again.

Day 1010  (15 days later)
It is a Remion army ahead.  And they’re setting camp.  We do our best to skirt around to the east.  We manage to avoid the Remions and come within sight of a town.  Their town watch stops us outside the gates and we learn that there are no caravans going from this area to anywhere near the Border Princes.  Damn.  I’m beginning to wonder if we’ll ever get back to Goldum.  Since the caravan idea is a bust, we have no other logical choice but to travel the mountain pass by ourselves.  And so we travel on.
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