The OP, Part IV (Remas)
(Leaving the OP, Part III)
Once again, we've got too much loot and too many injured to carry back.  We have four carts and two capable drivers.  Nivak drives the first cart, Nadon and Vladimir walk the second and third carts, and I drive the fourth cart.  We head out.

+9 Days: 
We see a horde of people ahead on the trail.  Their banners indicate that they hail from Tilea.  They send two "emissaries" out.  Jezeg and Nivak go out to speak to them.  They exchange pleasantries and we prepare for a peaceful departure, when arrows reign out.  Jezeg shatters his fire sword -- MY old fire sword.  Nivak loses control of his weapon and pitches it at Ilmarian.  Vladimir offers the mercs attacking us 50Gc each if they turn on their archers.  They aren't immediately convinced.  They counter-offer with 100Gc each to stand down.  Nivak counter-counter-offers with 100 Gc each to turn on the archers.  Vladimir counter-counter-counter-offers with 75 Gc each to stand down.  Caradryan approves this last offer.  The mercs agree and stand down.  Vladimir begins negotiations with the head knight.  We come to a peaceful and expensive conclusion.  As we're burying the dead, one of the mercs sees me take 4Ss off of one of the bodies.  Ilmarian comes to my "rescue" and tells the mercs that they can do anything to take back what I took.  Jezeg steps in puts me to work with Caradryan.  Axtrica and Ilmarian chastise me for looting the dead and I am no longer allowed to assist with burials.  After setting camp for the night, Caradryan, Nadon, and Axtrica have a drink with the head knight.  Caradryan tries to enlist their services as escort back to Plasota.  They state their price at 5500Gc.  Vitas of the Might of Couralous are now at our service. 
Battle Records:
Caradryan = 22 kills.  Nadon = 5 kills.  Lillay = 2 kills.  Ilmarian = 1 kill.  Nivak = 6 kills, High Damage Kill at 24 points.  Jezeg = 9 kills.  Axtrica = 3 kills.  Vladimir = 3 kills.  Kurt = 3 kills.  100-Rolls = 3.
Notable Quotes: 
"Guys can call each other ‘babe'."  -Hudson. 

+1 Day: 
We begin traveling again.  Vladimir made a side deal with some of the mercs to hire on as cart drivers. 

+3 Days: 
Ilmarian entertains the troops at night.  Goblins attack.  Vladimir, Axtrica, and Kurt join the Might of Couralous in taking out the goblin threat. The rest of us sit back and watch the proceedings.
Battle Records:
Caradryan = 6 kills.  Nadon = 5 kills.  Jezeg = 5 kills.  Vladimir = 1 kill. 

+4 Days: 
Vitas challenges Axtrica to a hand-to-hand competition.  Axtrica declines.  Nivak offers him a fight with weapons and armor, but Vitas declines.  So, Vladimir takes the challenge.  Orcs attack. 
Battle Records:
Caradryan = 6 kills.  Nadon = 3 kills, High Damage Kill at 21 points.  Jezeg = 10 kills. 

+5 Days: 
We feel we're being watched, but our large numbers allow us to pass without attack. 

+3 Days: 
We see four ogres ahead on the path.  They see us coming and fall back into their cave.  Caradryan feels they must die as they are an abomination in this world.  Plus, he could use the scalps for his magical components.  Once the ogres are dead, though, Nadon is unsuccessful in scalping them properly. 
Battle Records: 
Caradryan = 1 kill.  Nivak = 1 kill.  Jezeg = 1 kill.  100-Rolls = 1.

+5 Days:  The emissary announces that there are bandits up ahead.  Jezeg sends him up to negotiate.  We pass untouched. 

+3 Days:  We leave The Vaults behind and enter the land of Tilea.  Ilmarian and Nivak fist fight for our entertainment that evening.  Nivak emerges unscathed. 

+3 Days:  Arrive in Plasota.  Jezeg and Nadon go to the Rangers Guild to inquire about a druid to heal Timber's horrendous wounds.  They come back to the inn where we're staying and await word.  The Council votes Pietro, Eltori, Ugo, Bernardo, and Goldor into the Guardians of Light.  We relax that night in the tavern of the inn where we've taken rooms and drink up with our merc companions.  A merc challenges Vladimir to a re-match and wins.  Axtrica steps up to the challenge and wins back our party's honor.  Nivak barely wins a drinking contest with a sergeant.  Ilmarian (a little drunk, I think) challenges one of the mercs to a fistfight and loses. 

+1 Day:  Oh, vicious hangover!  With my recent injuries, I am not able to handle my liquor as well as I am used to and I fear I over did it last night.  The merc company takes their leave of Plasota and we wish them well on their future adventures.  Nadon and Jezeg inform us that they found a druid passing through town to heal Timber.  Her name is Cira and in exchange for Timber's care, she (and her three companions) would like to tag along with us on our next mission. 

+36 Days:  We take care of our usual town business of selling our loot and buying supplies.  It had been decided that we should wait out our long-term injuries while we were are in town.  Cira introduces us to her companions.  Hern is a Kislevite pilot, Lars is a human merc sergeant, and Talano is a human bowman.  We set out for Remas and the fourth part of the Orange Passion mission. 

+4 Days:  Bandits ambush us from both sides of the path. 
Battle Records:  Nadon = 1 kill.  Lillay = 3 kills.  Growlyn = 1 kill.  Axtrica = 3 kills.  Roustov = 1 kill.  Kurt = 1 kill.  Timber = 1 kill.  Goldor = 1 kill.  Ugo = 2 kills.
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