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The Limerick Savant
Popular Culture
Shroud over the Super Bowl

In New Orleans the tensions get tauter
As we near "the day Patriots fought here"
But I have to concede
S'more a bibical deed
To be leading the Rams to the slaughter.

But then nothing is conceded here;
For the principal we hold most dear
Is that, at the coin toss,
There's a win and a loss;
And for patriots it's been a bad year.

Yet this battle will not be long-lived;
And the most pleasure can be derived
In avoiding, this year,
Facing our greatest fear;
And in knowing that all have survived.

© 2002 The Limerick Savant
Light Verse

As physicists like to observe,
Space turns on itself in a curve
Where energy, time,
And matter all rhyme
In one
verse of incredible nerve.

But who wrote the verse, you may wonder,
And if by design or by blunder?
Or is all of creation
The simple gestation
Of a "bang" that tore space-time asunder?

In trying to answer this query,
Even Albert Einstein grew weary.
His final advice:
"God doesn't play dice,"
But remember that is just a theory.

And even the renowned Stephen Hawking,
On the question of big bangs, is balking
So if seeking the source,
As a matter of course,
You will find that the source isn't talking.

For despite principal uncertainty
As to how and why this all came to be;
It makes perfect sense,
'Twas a light expense
That created the required energy

© 2002 The Limerick Savant
To Ann R.

As your lover, I'd be tickled pink;
But one thing that would cause me to shrink,
Is if I heard you say,
In your usual way,
"Goodbye - you are the weakest link!"

© 2002 The Limerick Savant
To Ann R. Redux

Ann, you've been placed on the black, well, list.
Now isn't that a fabulous twist;
To have it expressed
You are weakest dressed.
"Harry Potter in drag," you've been diss'd

© 2002 The Limerick Savant
To the Late Miss Lee

Though known as a "Miss" not a "Miz,"
And a giant in the music biz
Laying on your death bed
Is it true that you said,
My dear Peggy, "Is that all there is?"?

© 2002 The Limerick Savant
New Millenium

At our 21st Century’s birth,
Your computer skills measure your worth.
Revenge of the Nerds
Or put in other words,
The geeks shall inherit the earth

Fellowship of the Ka-Ching

The trilogy you thought they'd never make,
Lord of the Rings, now has millions at stake
Which they hope to re-earn
Through fans' frequent return
To the Hobbit that they just couldn't break.

© 2002 The Limerick Savant
To Ann R. Redo

Ann, I really do not wish to pry,
But there's something you do with your eye.
Is it simply a trick,
Or a mere facial tic?
It's, by far, the meekest wink! - Goodbye.

© 2002 The Limerick Savant
An Olympic god named Apolo?
Can he skate to the gold? I dunno.
Of all of the names
In all of the games,
Will I be shouting this one?  “Ohno!”

A Teaser

Each nominee has their own backer.
Of the four, there isn't a slacker.
Is it Oscar or Grammy?
Golden Globe? I'll be damned! The
Winner is... an Animal Cracker!

To the Ohio School Board

Will our schools start a massive defection
By rejecting scientific inspection?
Intelligent Design
I surely must draw the line
For the sake of our children’s protection.

Can Creationism find resurrection
On the corpse of  empirical detection?
Intelligent Design
And Darwinians will pine,
“You have made an unnatural selection!”

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Danger! Danger, Will Robinson!

Young Lance Bass, can we all now agree,
Is ‘N-sync with his own galaxy?
So why would he race
To float out in space,
When his band’s always been zero-G?

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Colonoscopy for Dubbayu;
Colon-ectomy for the Tribe, too.
While the president slept,
All the Cleveland fans wept,
As we all took it up the Wahoo!

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© 2002 The Limerick Savant