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Limerick Savante Garde
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The Limerick Savant
Current Events
Ism or Isn’t

As Bush wages his War on Terrorism
He claims this will make it a rarer
But it’s not a sure bet,
If he makes good the threat,
The void will be filled with a fairer

Ad in the Kabul Times

If you believe you are a self-starter
Then you can really do nothing smarter
Than to join al-Qaida
You won’t be well paida
But you can be an Islamic martyr

Or come enlist in the Taliban
If you’re conversant in the Koran
And vacation today
At Guantanamo Bay
Where the Marines will work on your tan

To avoid presidential flatlines
It doesn’t  take a meeting of minds
Just heed dad’s advice
Though pretzels are nice
Your much safer eating pork rinds

They’ve counted and recounted the vote
And George W. still gets to gloat
That Gore’s choke on a chad
Lost the chance that he had
To get Osama stuck in his throat

FOTA (Fear of the Alternative):
A letter to the editor in us all

The real evil of Mohammed Atta
Cannot be discerned from the data,
For facts often lie
When beliefs go awry
And the Truth doesn't fly on errata.

But your heart may eventually find
What you already know in your mind.
No matter the fear
To which you adhere,
True believers are all of a kind.

In your race for a new human member
Of the Heroic Club of September,
Oh please hear the call
Of life 'fore the Fall
That is urging you on to remember

As you select that upcoming headline
And which stories to run or to redline
So few of us squint
To read the fine print
That says "Your life comes with a deadline."

They are laying off workers at Ford
Though their flag-waving ads aren’t ignored;
While South of the border
They are taking more orders.
So please tell me, just whose ox got gored?

The State of the States

Though the U.S. is under attack
As a Superpower “We’ll be back!”
In George Bush’s rendition
Of the Union’s condition
We can purchase whatever we lack

To the person who made the attacks
That found postal security lax,
I can’t say it louder,
And preferably make it anthrax.

In a game of stock market poker
Gruttadauria turned up the Joker.
His clients were deceived
By the bluff he'd conceived
That left everyone broke but the broker.
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In deference to Daniel Pearl and his family, I have removed the limerick concerning his kidnapping at this time.
Mayor Campbell aint you got some pain
At the end of the Michael White rain?
Now can Cleaveland be runn'd
Since he spent up the fund
And left you a Calamity, Jane?

(Best read with a bit of a twang)
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Will campaign finance reform stay aloft
With all the lobbying funds that were coughed
Up, to shoot down the bill;
And on Capitol Hill,
House and Senate, like their money, turn soft?
Clearing the Air

Mr. Bush has a plan, that is bold,
To combat global warmth, I am told.
The Kyoto accord
Is completely ignored
To make certain the plan leaves us cold!
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Nothing-Noble-About-It, Georgia

This most burning of questions obtains
That the body count nary explains:
If the lately expired
Have been properly fired,
There’s no question of burning remains?

His own lawyer, he'll rave and he'll rant
Trafficking legal skills that are scant.
Can this famed Congressman?
He most certainly can,
But his client, the fool, Traficant!

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Political Grooming

The congressional rep from Youngstown,
A city that would turn your lungs brown,
Is in Federal court.
The latest report:
He made his aides shovel horse dungs 'round!
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The Verdict

As his lawyer, James couldn’t quite hack it.
But for chutzpah – he never did lack it.
So as to the charges
‘Bout whence came the largesse,
Traficant sure did make a racket!
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Visit the new Taxing Our Patience page
From Islamabad to Verse

When I learned bin Laden can’t hide a
Talent for verse, I confide a
Slight envy. You see,
The man, unlike me,
Knows Arabic rhymes for “Zubaydah!”

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Oregon has a new shibboleth
We’ll assert with each undying breath.
And so, here’s to you, doc!
Pass the cup of hemlock:
“Give me liberty AND give me death.”

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