Winds of Change
The Limerick Savant
The Limerick Savant
Dedicated to
no-nonsense nonsense
I’m afraid you may feel, Mr. Blix,
Like Sisyphus down by the Styx.
Along the Euphrates
You’ll think you’re in Hades,
As the countdown to war tick, tick, ticks.

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Winds of Change

Was that spate of cyclonic precession
Due to mere barometric depression?
For we already know,
There’s a similar blow,
When Congress returns to its session.

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Thanks to Nan Clyde(?), senior member of the Court TV Forums, for the following submission.

Send the Savant more and he'll devote a page to them.

Winona went stealing at Saks
Armed with her scissors and bags.
With her hot Gucci dress,
The charges got pressed.
Now she's starring in Hollywood rags.

nanclyde                                               Get the story
Hootie's Last Stand

“No protest could make me adjust a
Club policy, old as Augusta.”
“No women,” says Hootie.
“It’s my solemn duty
To history, like Gen'ral

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Miss Cleo’s one fatal shortcoming
Was conduct, oh, most unbecoming.
Not from criminal fraud,
But this psychic was flawed.
Why else would she not see this coming?

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Terrorist Cells?

Whose peace gets the call, yours or mine?
New York could be dialing that line.
While you won’t go to Hell
Yet for using your cell,
Let it ring in a show and that’s fine.

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© 2002 The Limerick Savant
Osama, et al., “Forget you!”
Our attention’s been drawn, yet askew,
By a home grown assassin
Who’s been surely surpassin’
Public Enemies 4, 3 and 2.

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(Thanks to Jeff Darcy, political cartoonist with
the Plain Dealer, for
the inspiration)
After years of reproach and rebukes,
What a shock, North Korea has nukes!
So, will we attack
Like we would with Iraq?
Heavens no! They’d fight back, Eee, gadzooks!

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Pilgrim’s Progress?

The economy’s firing off blanks.
In Iraq they are firing up tanks.
The future is still grim,
So be a good pilgrim
And remember it’s time to give thanks.

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