Photo by Nguyen Huu Anh Tuan

The following statement has recently (August 2006) been brought to my attention (“U.S. Dollar vs. the Euro: Another Reason for the Invasion of Iraq”):

President Richard Nixon removed U.S. currency from the gold standard in 1971. Since then, the world's supply of oil has been traded in U.S. fiat dollars, making the dollar the dominant world reserve currency. Countries must provide the United States with goods and services for dollars -- which the United States can freely print. To purchase energy and pay off any IMF debts, countries must hold vast dollar reserves. The world is attached to a currency that one country can produce at will. This means that -- in addition to controlling world trade -- the United States is importing substantial quantities of goods and services at very low relative costs.

This is one of only several places where I have seen in print the words “…dollars -- which the United States can freely print” making this a rare paragraph, a paragraph “evaluated” by four Ph.D.'s of some sort. Though the basic idea is one of substance, I have some reservations, so let me edit this evaluation for accuracy.

Presidents Kennedy, Johnson, and Nixon, by stages, largely during the period U.S. combat troops had boots on the ground in Viet Nam, separated the dollar from gold, Nixon finally closing the gold window altogether in 1971, thus terminating the gold-exchange mechanism (substantially different from a gold standard) of the Bretton Woods monetary system. Since then, the dollar -- that vehicle currency which simultaneously had been the foremost global reserve currency and that currency denominating most oil transactions since 1945 -- became 100-percent fiat, not merely substantially so, thus joining all the other vehicle currencies of the postwar global economic system, every one of which had been 100-percent fiat from 1945 when their governments ratified the Bretton Woods Agreement. Unilateral U.S. decision -- taken under pressure from an inflation-driven spiral of demands for monetary gold in exchange for dollars -- to end the gold-exchange mechanism removed the only institutionalized constraint upon U.S. ability to freely “print” dollars to meet its international obligations, to include its incurred debts for goods and services received from foreign providers. The unique role of the dollar had, by consensus of the negotiators of the participant nations, been built into the Bretton Woods system, because the U.S. was the only postwar nation financially capable of insuring adequate international liquidity to prevent a lapse back into the prewar global-depression economy, which was in significant measure responsible for onset of World War Two, and which was a considerable focus of concern amongst negotiators of the Agreement. Bretton Woods, for this reason and by general consensus, gave the U.S. the right to freely “print” U.S. dollars and pump them into the international marketplace so as to maintain global liquidity, constrained only by the gold-exchange mechanism. Removal of that constraint -- largely as a result of the way the Viet Nam war was financed -- initiated a spiral of U.S. “liability financing” (free “printing” of dollars) which has not abated, shows no signs of abating, and cannot possibly abate because systemic properties -- clearance, reserve valuation, regulation, crisis management, multilateral banking -- of the monetary agreement reached in 1945 will not permit such an abatement absent thorough re-creation of the system.

And there is no precedent in human history suggesting a negotiated authentic “re-creation of the system” could be brought about independent of large-scale warfare -- as, indeed, the Bretton Woods system itself could not be brought about until after a pan-European war, a Great Depression, and a nearly-global war. The fact that four Ph.D.'s chose to obfuscate is simply an illustration of this lack of precedent. William Engdahl also writes on this issue (“The Dollar System and U.S. Economic Reality Post-Iraq War”) I have recently (August 2006) learned, and he says:

By 1968 the drain had reached crisis levels, as foreign central banks holding dollars feared the US deficits would make their dollars worthless, and preferred real gold instead.

Over and above the effort required to understand meaning of the term “real gold” as used here, result of an obvious intentional obfuscation -- and there are many in Engdahl's writings, again illustrating the lack of precedent -- one must note that in the period 1961-8 it was not “deficits” central banks feared, it was inflation, and they did not fear this inflation would make their dollars “worthless” but worth less. There are many reasons, as contents of this m-valuedlets website indicate, why this specific free-printing-of-dollars issue is so rarely broached and why, when it is, it is inevitably dissimulated, distorted, and agonized upon. Not the least of which is illustrated by the following question raised by Engdahl:

What if the rest of the world decides it no longer wants to give its savings to the US Treasury to finance its deficits or its wars? What if China decides that it should diversify its risk by buying Euro debt? Or Japan or Russia?

He offers no answer to this “what if” query, likely because an authentic answer would involve consideration of issues associated with the “nuclear winter” hypothesis. Moreover, he proposes no innovative ideas as to how the existing framework should be transformed, and what it should be transformed into. The four Ph.D.'s recapitulated William Clark's suggestion which is to be negotiated by the G-7 (presently, the G-8): dual -- dollar-euro -- denomination of oil transactions; and a dyad -- dollar-euro -- possibly a quadruplet -- dollar-euro-yen-yuan -- of reserve currencies, all these currencies to be traded within bands, bands to be maintained by… and if there are maintenance failures… no answers provided, and the questions are not even raised. Mere details, presumably.

Well, so much black propaganda has been poured into this area, people are quite confused. You even find some commentary suggesting that collapse of the gold-exchange mechanism (inevitably and mistakenly called the “gold standard”) of Bretton Woods resulted from the OPEC oil embargo, which transpired after U.S. repudiation of the gold-exchange mechanism. And the notion that the U.S. forced OPEC to denominate oil transactions in fiat dollars is equally spurious. I certainly am not very well informed on history of corporate structure of the oil industry, but I do know that -- neglecting pre-WWII -- up through the mid-1950s there wasn't even a real market for crude oil, let alone a free market whereupon “transactions” could actually be denominated, denominated in dollars (referenced to monetary gold supported at 35 dollars per ounce) or not. The Majors, or the Seven Sisters, the big oil companies, that is, dominating the industry were vertically and horizontally integrated to very high degree, and by virtue of that structural condition virtually no crude was actually bought and sold, merely moved between functional elements of the highly integrated industry, these movements being recorded in the ledgers by reference to the “posted price of oil” o(i)ligopolistically set by the Seven Sisters in U.S. dollar terms. The oil producing countries -- then actually only the oil possessing countries, countries made countries by oil-related borders mandated in Great-Powers-negotiated division of spoils -- by militarily-leveraged prior agreement, taxed the crude output taken from their fields by the Seven Sisters at a tax-plus-royalties rate of 50 percent minus half the costs of exploration, development, and production prorated across each barrel produced. Something like that. A real market for crude oil began to develop by the mid-1950s because of the appearance of a significant number of independent oil companies -- companies not associated with the Seven Sisters -- with concessions. These independents began selling oil to independent refiners at prices somewhat below the posted price of oil, thus putting downward pressure on the posted price employed by the Seven Sisters. The appearance of Soviet oil priced substantially below the posted price exacerbated the problem. During 1959 and 1960, the Seven Sisters in a couple of steps unilaterally reduced the posted price of oil by almost 20 percent, leading immediately to formation of OPEC with the purpose to collectively bargain with the Seven Sisters so as to achieve price stability and consultation rights concerning future price changes. During the whole postwar period, up through about 1970, there had been nearly a 40-percent decrease in the purchasing power of a barrel of crude. On top of the global post-WWII inflationary drift there was the U.S. inflation spiral due to the way the Viet Nam war was financed (LBJ's “guns and butter” without paying for the war via increased taxes), the resultant run on monetary gold, collapse of the Bretton Woods gold-exchange mechanism, Nixon's very substantial devaluation of the dollar, FOLLOWED BY: [1] attempts by OPEC to negotiate with the Seven Sisters price hikes to cover the cumulative losses in purchasing power of crude and reserves held in dollars; and [2] refusal by the Seven Sisters; and [3] nationalizations of the oil fields (something begun in 1951 by Iran's Mossadegh and in 1969 by Libya); and [4] the OPEC price hikes and associated Yom Kippur war Arab oil embargo. In the aftermath, threats, pressure, saber rattling, deal making, and all the usual suspects resulted in arrangements whereby transactions in crude -- now traded in something like a real market -- would continue to be denominated in dollars, and petrodollar income would be recycled, and so on and so on relative to Third World debt crisis, and et cetera and et cetera. One mostly never sees history of the gold-exchange mechanism discussed in relation to history of oil-price cycles, and vice versa.

When it is lose-lose, not win-win, you oscillate between the poles of lose-lose -- which can go on and on for quite awhile. That's Iraq in particular, the Middle East and Central Asia in general, for a U.S. foreign policy transformed by a sting-induced declaration of GWOT and an Afghan invasion, the proclamation being a general alert as to a willingness to “pay any price, bear any burden” -- even an exponentially growing price conjugated over a geometrically growing ability to pay (or to create fiat payment certificates). Expansion of a conflict in such circumstances is always enticing, just as was Cambodian incursion on the back of a lose-lose Viet Nam war. What is done cannot be undone, regardless of the action taken, no matter how elaborate the pretensions. And oh how many pretenders! In this case, a direct consequence of pandemic infection by post-Tet-'68 “stab in the back myth”. To stay is to lose, because there is no winning; to leave is to lose, because dollar confidence in the post-Bretton-Woods fiat dollar (coup de grace delivered by Tet-'68, delivered, that is, as coup de main become coup de theatre) takes a major hit when the U.S. cannot demonstrate it determines the global agenda. The imponderable is the not-quite unlimited ability of the U.S. to create non-domestic fiat dollars independent of the bond-credit-treasury markets, constrained only by effects of global inflation upon dollar confidence which is partially suborned to the might of American military demonstrations (like Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, N. Korea). No one holds debt on this fiat creation; what they hold are signifiers of a failing store of value. Fortress American equals collapse of dollar confidence, which in due course means a vaporized U.S. economy and eventual national mobilization and total war -- as that is the only way to defer economics. This sounds like something that may land in laps of the Democratic party.

People keep pooh-poohing the notion of identity transparency, particularly that it underlies animism and once was the normative state of consciousness amongst peasants tied to the land all across Asia and beyond. The Cabalistic perception that “everything is connected to everything else” is an affront to the conceptual Aristotelian-Rabbinical-taxonomic mind, academic and hedge-funded -- but they're gunna learn. AQ&A's macrostrategy for disintegration of the U.S. is an extension of that of the Vietnamese communists, who brought down the gold-exchange mechanism of the Bretton-Woods monetary system: actual accomplishment of the Tet-'68 offensive (as distinct from the far from equilibrium synoptic organizational phase transition which preceded it). Economic sanctions as a counter-global-insurgency technique of GWOT and anti-proliferation initiative are clearly bringing nation-state allies to the AQ&A strategy table: Saddam's Iraq, North Korea, China, Iran, Venezuela, for starters, Russia in flirtation. Tet-'68 brought about a separation of the dollar from gold; back-reaction against economic sanctions is likely to bring about a separation of the dollar from oil, ending the dollar's Bretton-Woods carryover as the planet's preferred international reserve currency. The U.S. will not suffer this, as it would utterly vaporize the country. Probably vaporize the global economy as well, as that economy then would be totally without a sea anchor. On what basis structuralized into the international economy is the euro a sound store of value? After closing of the gold window, the dollar only had a structuralized basis by virtue of psychological carryover. Remove the psychological carrier function and the free-float yields no actual vehicle-currency stores of value: just the fight against reflexivities of the currency markets to maintain an arbitrarily established trading band imprinted upon the modified Phillips curve. Shouldn't take long to practically verify that. Particularly when some currencies remain pegged and those next door float. Pretext for total national mobilization will be found in due course. Totally mobilized, all economic issues are deferred until after the war ends -- which may, effectively, never end. This choice has already been made in rejection of the notion of m-logically-valued monetary units (connecting everything to everything else by animistic identity transparency) with a built-in non-vehicle system-composite quantum-relative-state reserve currency unit. See, I never was into the Phoenix Program in the small, let alone globalized large. The best pre-emptive GWOT there ever was or will be is m-logically-valued monetary units, actively promoted from the late-'70s, back when they could have done some good (given that such units in their very defining properties have to be brought up from below, an activity which would take memetime to carry out).

It is only appropriate that the legacy of Milton Friedman should be discussed side by side with resurgence of the Viet-Nam-war-era terminology of withdrawal, transposed to Iraq. The Viet Nam war killed the gold-exchange mechanism of the Bretton-Woods monetary system and Milton Friedman developed what became the foremost rationalization of the resulting free-float (not exactly a fundamental breakthrough in foundations of economic thought) which produced the circumstances making some kind of 9/11 a virtual inevitability, just as the Viet-Nam-war-era “stab-in-the-back myth” made the American mind incapable of intelligent response to the particular 9/11 which actually came to pass, as well as any other which might have transpired. An invasion of Afghanistan was, from Soros to Bush, the only emotionally permissible response, and this is why there is still general consensus that that invasion was justified and necessary -- and why there is still no insight into how the strategic error of that invasion dwarfs the tactical error of the second invasion of Iraq. And also why -- given total lack of insight -- there is no possibility actually-new ideas will appear on the scene. When, in the period prior to 9/11, I several times tried to engage Friedman by letter concerning the importance of the notion of m-logically-valued monetary units, his response was that he had no idea what I was talking about. He supposedly, or apparently, could not understand the same material that had been taught to graduate students of strategic planning, persons who had had no trouble comprehending, whether or not they agreed with the notions involved. Ditto Soros' people a decade earlier (when there was still a possibility of actually accomplishing something). Blah-blah-blah! This guy is speaking gibberish peppered with technical terminology he simply doesn't understand.

Phew! I absolutely stopped concerning myself with that 30 years ago, and made initial substantive moves in the direction of overt dissociation 40 years ago. Had even two decades ago, persons-American-average realized in consciousness -- insofar as such category of occurrence then transpired -- that American interests are not the human interest, and, indeed, may not even be in the human interest… still, all of this would have happened in one form or another, and all that will happen still would will happen. This whole thing is vastly more complex than even is suspected by, well… anyone who has sold his/her soul to be part of… whatever they might be part of.

No, no, non! Friedman's “brilliance” was pedestrian, while Soros truly created a crystal ball (even if it was self-cancelling). Dollar dearth went into abeyance in the late-'50s, at good offices of General Marshall, and within half a decade the gold-exchange mechanism came to dollar-glut challenge and descent into the lost-store-of-value hell ultimately closing the gold window. First real symptoms and responses appeared under JFK. It took no great prescience for Friedman by 1967 to be producing a monetarist prefiguration of the post-gold-exchange regime: oil company executives, even, were co-penning pseudo-monetarist policy documents in then-America's academies Showa. 31 January 1968, 0305: LBJ's first substantive reaction was a monetarist response; only later came “I will not seek, and I will not…” Anticipation, expectations: the Zeitgeist Friedman hopped on. Nowadays, and even sometime ago, the modification making the Phillips Curve plausibly plausible -- even if it actually remains implausible however seemingly plausible. The whole notion of feedback being preschool. Look at the equation sets! First- or second-year calculus, however ramified? Soros -- not Friedman -- saw the relationship between expectations, non-equilibrium dynamics, self-referential propositions, and market reflexivities. Friedman did not see these subtleties. He was a 1T2-logic-identified intellectual lightweight: that's why he was charmed in America. Given that, in America… But Soros bombed soon after setting right the Bank of England: his notion of the import of self-referential propositions was sophomoric, and nowhere near F. von Hayek's sudden-illumination Satori at self-referential open awareness of the unbounded wholeness of the “time-shapes of total capital stock”. Expectations, overt expression of self-referential reflexivity; Lukasiewicz logics of self-reference, overt expression of time-shapes of total capital stock wholly unbound. The leap even von Hayek didn't make was embodiment of time-shapes in defining properties of the identity of monetary units, such that externalities become internalities, thus lifting the level of self-organizational competency of market sorting-demon magic-hands. Friedman cognitively shorted-out -- Zeeeeeeeeiiiiiiiiiiiiiip! -- when late in life plied with this animistic-pagan economics, even though the hugely incomprehensible notion of topologically-active operator-time was never mentioned to him. No one ever lives or thinks ahead of his/her times; it's just that the plurality is cognitively embedded in some century past.

At what relative-absolute (i.e., m-valued universal constants of nature) limiting velocity does phononic atmospheric “sound” become photonic atmospheric “light” -- by transduction of acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes? Ask the same about m-logically-valued monetary units moving through markets -- and what the effects of such relative-absolute limits to econometric baud-rates are relative to von Hayek's “time-shapes of total capital stock”.

Contemporary economics is war by other means, no less than war is politics by other means. Only the glutamate-flooded and consequently massively neuronally-etched human brain does not by now see that modern, mainstream, marginal, neoclassical economics is the “science” of biocide, ecocide, planetocide… and that this would remain the case even if Pareto-optimum outcomes were somehow made normative: all PERSONS are better off. Ha! The span from Pareto-efficient to Pareto-optimal is the width and breadth of collective suicide. That the post-industrial “good life” is clearly one of the most vapid, empty, meaningless, brain-destroying pathologies ever inflicted on THE PLANET is no mere happenstance and no longer contestable. Intelligent people have for decades done whatever they can to get as far as they can off from it. Keep the river on your right! The primacy of human rights: that “universal”. Ha! Enlightenment humanism: human identification, the state of identification marking consciousness abandoned. If the labor theory of value was human-centered, then the hidden notion of value tacitly carried by neoclassical economics as devaluation of values is human-obsessed. Robert Solow (“How to Understand the Economy”, The New York Review of Books, 16 November 2006, p. 44) tells us, “Everyday life is about prices, not values.” So true! And we have no further to look for origins of the present global crisis. Value ¹ values. And a human-obsessed economics produces no value, whatever the array of values there might be socially at play. Solow says (p. 44): “…he [Marx] improvised a complicated story about the 'transformation of value into price.' This turns out to be either mystification or bad algebra.” Actually, this topological, epistemological, and ontological transformation is not a problem in algebra; it is transcendental to algebra in the full Abelian sense, and involves most directly extensions of aleph-null-valued Lukasiewicz propositional logics applied over the quantum relative-state of informational content of markets as codified in Friedrich von Hayek's notion of the “time-shapes of total capital stock” (an econometric reformulation of physicist Hugh Everett's “multi-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics”). A formulation carrying bit markets into q-bit markets, a transformation restoring natural price to Nature -- where it belongs. The only value ¹ values here is the Cabalistic Cantorian continuum, C , the cardinality of the non-simple relative-state identity transparency productive of “potential” for the spontaneous order in autopoiesis. There are no initial conditions-endowments possible, for the framework conditions are linear-time independent, like in Schrödinger's original wave equation; hence, Pareto outcomes of every sort are by definition disallowed. Such outcomes exist only in memetime, a virtual framework condition manufactured in the prescriptively-enculturated human brain by glutamate flood. Solow says (p. 43):

One of the ways that economics makes progress is by trying to extend its scope, converting what had been treated as “exogenous” into part and parcel of economic theory, by which more and more can be explained.

This is precisely how economics does not make progress, how it spins its wheels in cognitive mud, how it insures the “exogenous” remains externality. Theory smeary! Bring the externality into the market, not into the theory. That means changing the fundamental properties of the economy, not simply studying those properties. Study all you want, for the little it accomplishes beyond career development. I know all I want to know about war by other means as economics. Tell me about something I don't know I want to know! The concrete manner in which value is transformed into price, how externalities are internalized to the market, involves actual implementation of m-logically-valued monetary units. Then and only then is a natural price possible divorced from the human-obsessed Pareto criterion and the whole class of normative statements -- Talmudic, fundamentally moral, fallacious under a 1T2 logic, whatever. Were this to be done, however, real business cycle theory would be recognized for what it is: unreal. Only imaginary business cycle theory could be really real. Imaginary numbers, imaginary time. Not only oscillating baud-rates of economic throughput, plotted on graph paper, but limiting velocities, limiting accelerations, limiting time rates of change of acceleration. And not of recursive generations, but of superposed decompositional involutes (which are F. A. von Hayek's the “time-shapes of total capital stock”). Marx turned against the Young Hegelians and fled Germany for Paris and London with reason: he was temperamentally and psychologically identified with Cartesian-Newtonian anti-transcendentalism become an issue of gathering collective hysteria in the period following Abel's demonstration of the existence of mathematics transcendental to algebra, a demonstration that, indeed, algebra and arithmetic could not even exist without presence of transcendental domains. The labor theory of value was formulated against the nature of Nature and as a complement to classical economics in defense of Descartes' and Newton's linear-time-bound perspective. Only in the concrete economics of war and the warfare of economics has there been substantive divergence between Marxism and classical-neoclassical economics -- that divergence being a divertissement drawing the social structure of attention away from implications of Abel's discovery, and thus permitting evolution of what has become the present global crisis.

My worldview has not been skin-headed or crew-cut; I have not put my personal stamp of approval on either of those forms of collective suicide -- at least not yet. These ideas have to be read as if the present were thirty memetime years ago (when I was studying atmospheric physics in loose association with Cornell during the critical year 1976) -- which is the period these assessments and concepts congealed enough that first attempts to act upon them were made. There has been exactly zero success at interesting people in acting upon such perspectives. Any current action would require a thirty-year update. Clearly, I will not live long enough. Even for something as relatively easy and circumscribed as a national-liberation struggle, it is generally impossible to engender significant interest prior to actual collapse to power vacuum and cognitive void, but in the national-liberation-struggle case some small number of committed individuals usually emerges before actualization of the critical state -- because the case is clear, the ultimate goal is clear. Not so with this, this global conundrum, this memetime-present and memetime-future wormhole {blackhole <<>> whitehole} on Earth -- which is the best contemporary analogy to the far-from-equilibrium transition that will be made between two relatively stable states. Which transition one can contextualize -- hopefully as nested within -- by reference to the following assessment made by James Lovelock (The Revenge of Gaia, Basic Books, 2006, p. xiv):

We are in a fool's climate, accidentally kept cool by smoke, and before this century is over, billions of us will die and the few breeding pairs of people that survive will be in the artic region where the climate remains tolerable.

The only opportunity there is -- whatever the ennested actuality becomes, up to the extreme case of Lovelock's assessment (which doesn't appear to have factored in all-out nuclear war, or even lesser nuclear wars) -- is to nudge the flight path of the totality of the process so as to have some effect upon the level of functional integration/disintegration obtained in the post-transition stable state. No matter how globally one thinks, no concatenation of local action can yield such a nudge: the flight path is of the totality of the process (which surely even has extraterrestrial components in the form of solar-wind inputs to complex angular momentum cascades, which inputs, by reverse cascade, may have an Earth-information triggering component, and so on and so on). And at every step along the way of notional discourse about this transition there has to be a caveat, of course, such as right here in the discourse one must point out that vertical integration of a corporate monolith is not the same thing as functional integration of an organic process such as that of the human body where the undeniable organizational hierarchy is superintegrated by the holographic features of its quantum substrate (metabolic cascades are chains of command and control channels and information flow silos, and so on, but identity of their elements is non-simple and unlocalizable -- i.e., forget purely-local action: in principle as well as practice, spontaneous localization is just as disastrous as spontaneous globalization -- on the holographic frequency domain of the referential quantum substrate). The counter-culture model was “created” by quintessentially Cartesian-Newtonian minds entertaining all sorts of unacknowledged Enlightenment-fundamentalist emotional and cognitive identifications and commitments in service to egoic and superegoic self-righteous moral hubris. They have produced no ideas for superceding the dead-world construct. Disaggregating to a peraculture/ecology(based on molecular chemistry sans quantum chemistry) model where all single-valued component processes are brought to a small single-scale level and articulated by the cause-effect feedbacks of simple-self regulation… well, is just to back-react on the metric of the transition, over-compensate, and bury oneself deeper in post-1826 “Ptolemaic” epicycles of the Cartesian-Newtonian paradigm and its consequences, which is to choose a flight path of discorporation in the blackhole, with no emergence from the whitehole. The whole transition has to be comprehended in fine structure, with action directives derived and modulated from continuous modeling of what actually is happening with the totality of the transition. There are autopoietic operators setting parameter values upon the metric over which flight paths configure; these can only be discovered by fine-structure modeling. The climate-shift dynamic, the disintegration-of-the-nation-state-system dynamic, the petro-conflict (peak, no-peak) dynamic, the neuronal-etching dynamic, the mimetic-estrogen dynamic, the microwave-ovenization-of-Earth dynamic, the global-terrorism-insurgency dynamic, the genome-hacking dynamic, the immune-system-collapse dynamic, the virulence-enhancing pandemic dynamic, the extralegal-sector dynamic, the boundary-breaching dynamic… is only one dynamic, THE DYNAMIC of the totality of the far-from-equilibrium transition. Full-blown collective hysteria has not yet even begun to show its face. In run up to seven-billion human inhabitants, that means the capacity for more than a thousand “Holocaust of the Jews”, two-thousand Cambodian holocausts, several thousand Rwandan genocides. No, we haven't seen real collective hysteria yet. This realization puts a certain perspective on things. Bringing up an m-logically-valued monetary system, for instance, should not be done in relation to the Cartesian-Newtonian-Westphalian-system boundaries: the units should not be defined on these boundaries. Nor, likely, should Lukasiewicz e-monies be defined over watersheds or other such purely ecological domains. And picking point-sets like amenity migration sites or line-elements like cultural-conflict fault lines as loci for fulfilling action directives is likely far too simple-minded and monotonic. Implementation algorithms have to emerge out of sophisticated ongoing modeling efforts (likely Musculpt based) where all dynamics of THE DYNAMIC are stacked in overlay as a Riemann surface model of the totality of the transition, with near-real-time monitoring of the flight-path variables, and so on.

Singing in the rain it's a sunny day! I'm not interested in your opinion there will be no nuclear war -- when for fifteen years we've been in nuclear warfare. Just ask Horst Günther! And, again, the only one who's ever used it is the one trusted not to abuse it. DU projectiles are a form of nuclear explosive. Persian Gulf war. Balkans war. Afghan war. Iraq war. DU penetrators; uranium-flash thermal munitions; enriched-uranium bunker-busters. All American originals, all radiation-warfare explosives: inching into echelons of nuclear war less than all-out nuclear war. Put alpha-particle-emitting DU-U-EU dust together with fuel-air explosive thermobaric bombs, and several more inches of entry have been made. Singing in bright-light state it's a flashover day!

Given that -- in this present post-Bretton-Woods regime (and what was white-boy White's job during WWII relative to the GearWheel and Mao? and how does that job speak to the role of T. V. Soong in collapsing the Chinese currency? and what was Nixon's role in all that? the same Nixon who “opened” China, yet again, at the same time he shut the gold window which White had opened against the better judgment of Keynes not long before the Chinese currency collapsed: open-and-shut case, learned that trick with The Doors from the Brits!) -- China is shifting some of its reserves to euros, thus intentionally or unintentionally buying into AQ&A's strategy for global transform, and given that China-the-latecomer is inescapably a tipping-point catalyst vis-à-vis climate-shift dynamic, Mao, The Unknown Story (Jung Chang and Jon Halliday, Jonathan Cape, 2005) is not only an embarrassing read, it is so embarrassing one can be sure there is prefigurative readout on collective unconscious event gradient revealed thereby. A very, very British history of China and an abysmally normotic middle-class assessment of Mao -- done, obviously, with collusion of the present Chinese and Russian authorities, given the assisted archival cherry picking (and the unscholarly journalist-style notes; little in the way of direct quoting from interviewees or documentary sources to support historically significant claims or interpretations, mostly regards trivia, so the reader is stylistically enjoined to accept the presentation whole or set the book aside: a story of the authors' impressions, what popularized post-WWII historiography has come to: author impression of what happened is why what happened happened). The paragraph-to-paragraph embarrassments at reading author assessment-judgment upon Mao blanch by comparison to the enormity of occult blush occasioning embarrassment at the straight-out-of-Sandhurst “authoritarian personality” theory of collective psychosis in history-as-Newtonian-force which tacitly informs the work. A twenty-seven-years-old Mao is critiqued for being a realist by authors who neglect to mention British karmic debt to China for something approaching several hundred million Chinese dead derivative of what British actions set in motion beginning with down Chinese throats forced-feeding of opium grown in British India, and on and on over several centuries, to include the ultimate impact on China of British imposition of extraterritoriality upon a Japan finally opened by American dreadnaughts: contextualizing factor Mao's realism certainly registered. Open doors in Japan; open doors in China. Castigating Kim for confirming support of his ideological cohort prior to preemptive strike south, June of 1950, while not excoriating the Christian fundamentalist Sing Man for years (from his “communism purge” beginning in 1945 as leader of the provisional government) of equal chaffing at the bit of preemption, packing his concentration camps under eyes of his subordinates' counterparts, and engaging in ROK CI over-reach-provocation to preemption, while insuring support of his ideological cohort: True Man Harry'O; the dull, duller, dullest Dulles; and good ol' Deany Boy. My! where does that system find these people? Which is not to mention the atomic intimidation Stalin was implicitly subject to from before Hiroshima and Nagasaki and explicitly from formation of SAC during early 1946 -- long before Stalin had the bomb. There are many dimensions to mass hysteria and collective psychosis: no authentic individualities about it. And I find myself hard pressed to believe that Mao imposed a purge dimension upon the 1968 Tet offensive; therefore, I am incredulous at the poorly documented notion that the North Vietnamese communists had be coerced by Mao into trying their hands at the Russian and Chinese traditions of oppressing kulaks and “rich” peasants in yet one more so-called land-reform scheme. I mean, my gosh! even MacArthur had his Chief for Land Reform, for whom, many years later, I did a Japanese garden in Washington, D.C.! This was a purging of remnant Shinto animism, I was told, not a communism prophylactic-purgative. A US$33,000/hour Wall Street trader: now that's a kulak! Severance pay of US$0.25bn: that's how the rich get purged! By such globalizing conditions, proliferating as they are, bi-polar preemption feints continue dominance of Korean peninsular affairs unto the present day -- closer to going into atomic faint than under Big Mac. That the Korean war ended on Eisenhower following MacArthur with public threat to atomic bomb China, and then in 1954 offering The Bomb to the French for use at DBP (which, as my father stood me that year -- or maybe it was 1955; can't remember for sure -- next to him at the Nagasaki site, he may well have heard rumors about, given his role in the resupply effort; and maybe even it was that “rumor” knowledge which was the why of why he visited Nagasaki and took me with him)… nah! those explicit threats couldn't have had anything to do with Mao's domestic policies over the coming decades, just couldn't have had. Not any more than atomic-nuclear threat influenced Soviet exploitation of E. Europe and its own domestic labor market. And given that the Chinese are now strategically repositioning toward the Tibetan redoubt in the direction of once-British India, the notion that “the logical song” thematically orchestrating WWII will again be resolved to the tonic -- this time relative to China-Tibet, not Poland -- can be sensed lying behind the so-embarrassing read. Step up to the Big Time, boys, as Lukasiewiczian Polish logic is a pale horse beheld, compared to full-fledged Tibetan Bon and Buddhist handling thereof. European Confucianism, Chinese Confucianism: suppresseth all thou wilst, and back upon ye cometh the sledge.

Laughing at your poke in the ribs should I be, for I can't remember the memetime I supposed insurgencies, guerrilla warfare, world wars, revolutions were run by angelic people not into violence. Must have been before I visited Nagasaki as a 9-year-old with my bomber-pilot father. If the leaders weren't into violence, how would they rise to the top? Some are into low-tech up-close; others, high-tech at-a-distance: mostly a matter of circumstances. The substantive question is as to how it is those circumstances are made inevitabilities fully capable of finding perpetrators and instrumentalities: if not he/this, then him/that. Today, a couple of hundred million a year die prematurely as a direct result of the structure of the international system imposed upon the planet in the post-WWII period. That's a circumstance, a circumstance with its associated inevitabilities.

Of course The Unknown Story of Mao is fascinating; it's just the author interpretive drivel that is embarrassing, even funny. Chang's and Halliday's disparaging take-down observations on a disparate Mao inevitably relate to origin or elaboration of the basic principles of subversion, insurgency, and guerrilla warfare -- which, judging from translations of Mao's writings, he was either one of the world's foremost originators, or, barring that, a creative synthesizer of other's originations -- like, for instance the “three-pronged attack”, with its insistence on the necessity of violent acts on part of the “armed propaganda team”, domains of activity quite obviously the desperate dirty business Mao was in, excelled at, became world famous for, and because of which books have been written about him. Just as others, today, are in the same blasted business in places like… it's a very long list, Iraq included. That's a circumstance, a circumstance with its associated inevitabilities, one of which surely is incendiary collapse sooner or later of the global institutionalization of the long-dead Cartesian-Newtonian-Westphalian paradigm: institutional embodiments do not indefinitely survive death of their informing Weltanschauung. Doesn't make much sense to judge revolutionary guerrilla warfare actors by principles of middleclass suburban life. Don't like the realities of guerrilla warfare? Then remove its causes. Pretending that guerrilla warfare could somehow be moral warfare only helps perpetuate the causes. If Mao was hated by so many of his fellow communists to the degree described, then he was surely a surpassing genius alone from the fact that, perpetually unarmed, he survived a year without being assassinated by some sort of fragging, let alone for decades. A story pretty hard to believe. Try surviving as the token American on night missions those who assigned you assigned you because they were sure you wouldn't survive. Or try surviving, as friends have, Nung mercenary Mike Force LRRPs known to be infiltrated by several rice-burners assigned to kill you at first opportunity. Which the infiltrators? Set up a CI net within your own unit; run false missions and ruses designed to entrap the infiltrators. Take the Force in circles. This was SOP until the infiltrators had been identified and killed, or no more time could be spared to reduce quotient of risk. Who the enemy, who the friend? Show no weakness, spare no brutality: otherwise, you die GI. Survival is mostly a head thing. Which war, anyway, has not been fratricidal all around? I'd like to know. Neither the Russians nor the Germans have a world-historical reputation for irregular warfare on a par with that of Sun Tzu, so it hardly seems credible that Stalin in Moscow or German generals recruited by Moscow and sent to Shanghai had more insight into how to deal with warlords, Chiang, and the Japanese than did on-the-scene Mao. The Red Army had to take the Long March only because Mao was born and reared in the south, and that's where, by thumbing his nose at the party, a Red Army was created; he also rightly did not tolerate the Chinese Trotskyites who would all have died in the cities had the party line been followed. Mao was clearly the only long-hair in the bunch. Moreover, what was the Red Army, taken away from Mao's hands, doing in 1933 to allow itself to be duped into fighting in battles involving tens of thousands of soldiers? Its “leaders” were listening to Moscow and their German advisors! Had they not listened, the army would not have gotten bottled up, the Long March would have begun much earlier, and not have been so desperate an affair. To me, the implausibility of the story as told is not that it is a story of power hunger, brutality, murderousness on a large scale, and I have no doubt the CCP propagandized its exploits to the hilt, without the resources or subtlety of Hollywood, but that Mao was so smart, while everyone else so dumb, that he was responsible for so many deaths of friendlies over such a long period, and no friendly was responsible for his death, particularly during the early days, when, according to this story, there was very much more then good reason he should have taken a tap, and when that would have been all too easy to arrange by any number of people, many of whom had to have known they were sure to die in any event. It is hard to understand where the authors got the idea, informing so much of their interpretation, that Mao somehow had a moral obligation to serve the national interests of the USSR and to fight the Japanese, particularly when no single factor made a greater contribution to the rise of Chinese (and Vietnamese) communism than did Japanese fascism (and Meiji even funded Lenin!) -- and that he was wrong to oppose members of the CCP ready to serve the USSR and fight Japan. After all, Mao's goal was to create a Chinese communist state and his objective was to overcome all obstacles to achievement of that goal. Personally, being farther to the right than anarcho-capitalism and simultaneously farther to the left than anarcho-syndicalism, completely off the political spectrum as Möbius strip and into quantum-relativistic superspace, I have zero sympathy for Mao's goal; nonetheless, one could go on and on like this with THIS STORY. A timely book: neocon interpretation of Mao and how China was lost. Chang, apparently, while a Red Guard, naively believed all the pretty propaganda posters, became disillusioned by events, and finally got herself into payback mode. Mao's penchant for placing “cronies” everywhere he could is treated as morally repugnant, when, repugnant or not, it is the foundational principle of infiltrating party fractions into organizations being slain, and fractions into fractions, and so on to Cantorian fractality if that were possible, so as to establish the low-tech cellular webwork superposing all (terrorist) network infrastructural functional elements upon which the national front strategy is based, and which today, in high-tech panarchical digital-Maoism mode, is hailed as the mesh network cellular basis of “swarming” over “smart mobs” and making Wi-Fi-ed clandestine meets with crush-feature drop-dead beauties, if not servicing dead drops, via MoSoSo (mobile social software) counterposed to the satellite-lit virtual-reality battlefield-management milnet, employed most expertly by twice-mobile, even thrice-mobile, forward-observing U.S. Special Forces hyperoperators droning their telepresence by mobcasting and global hawk. The authors even criticize Chou En-lai for not being critical of criticism/self-criticism! And they do this sitting in Britain where criticism/self-criticism had its origins in medieval monastic spiritual practice, taken over into utopian socialism, borrowed by Marx as he daily trudged London streets between house and library. If you can't observe yourself, how can you criticize yourself? And why do you think British, American, and French academic psychology has been so dead set against self-observation, even developing arguments that it is, in principle, impossible, mere retroflexion? And much of the embarrassing stuff, the laughability, is clearly due not only to hatcheting, but simple lack of understanding -- understandable as that may be. Even during the late-'60s, American intelligence analysts studying nuts-and-bolts captured documents of the Viet Cong Political Infrastructure in their thousands and thousands and thousands had trouble understanding a principle clearly missed by Chang and Halliday. Quoting their book, Mao, p. 90:

Mao was no professional army man. Zhu was. So Mao invented a Soviet-style pejorative tag “purely military viewpoint”, to lay down the line that it was wrong to place too high a value on military professionalism.

This is elaboration, if not origin (but surely very close to origins), of the hugely important distinction in communist (surely with parallels in ecclesiogenic, e.g., AQ&A) insurgent infrastructures between the CC (command committee: exclusively military) of a military headquarters, the MAC (military affairs committee: predominantly military) and the MAPC (military affairs party committee: predominantly non-military) -- each with their own distinct personnel compositions (with the usual Venn-diagram overlaps qua intersections) and operational responsibilities and domains of authority. The superior functional element here is the MAPC which reports directly to the echelon CAC (current affairs committee: exclusively non-military). This framework obviously evolved on the back of “pejorative tags” like that given above. Was this an early instance of “fine-grained tagging” of “types in social protocols” where “technical code” is treated as “the locus of social struggle”? An example emergent, but not yet implemented, is the fine-grained tagging of externalities via m-logical-values to Lukasiewiczian monetary units.

Obviously, I don't believe in the “authoritarian personality” being sufficient or even proximal cause of mass hysteria (dissociative, not only intersocially but over unitary group-crowd-mob mind asabiya) and collective psychosis (ethno-bi-polar national-paranoid schizophrenia) -- as was the case in China during run up to WWII, and for a considerable period afterwards. Moreover, I don't credit even the existence of individuality in presence of mass hysteria and collective psychosis, however much action-based sociologists and anti-psychological historians focus their attention on acts within the threat cloud of mass behaviors. This is because I have directly experienced lynch mobs, attempts on my life, elite military training regimens, combat environments, in-group hysterical psycho-forcing of bombing-campaign strategies, and a fair range of altered states of consciousness exhibiting strong enough echoes of these violent, chaotic, regressed circumstances, external and internal, to belie the thesis of individuality and authoritarian causation. You call that a person? You think that is an individual? What is actual etiology of the psychiatrically involutional pandemic? Superficially speaking, tungsten, manganese, molybdenum, oil, optical quality sand… We created the need for these resources; we need to extract these resources; we risk the funds required to extract these resources; therefore, these resources belong to us, even if these resources exist there with you, and even though your environment and your way of life will be destroyed by extraction of these resources. And, of course, we will only agree to help you with the extraction of these resources at a profit margin sufficient to attract shareholders away from other extractions and sufficient to the hypersalaries, infraperks, and megadistributions necessary to attract executive interest in our enterprise to help you with the extraction of these resources. And if you don't find these terms agreeable, well… See those black ships in the harbor? These resources, these resources, these resources… Less superficially? That's specifically what post-WWII (can't say “postwar”, as there is no such thing on this planet as postwar) anti-historiographic historiography precludes. Moreover, as regards Chang's and Halliday's commentaries on the death-dealing collective behaviors/events they recount in their book on Mao, I can only say, “Interesting, I wonder what really happened,” for my experience in the Viet Nam war assures me that even when I was on the spot I had no way of discovering what really happened, and the ten witnesses present at whatever it was would each give a different account, with different “facts” even, and as the years went by their stories about this whatever it was would diverge more and more from one another. And given the degree to which written material, documentation, was fabricated, systematically and otherwise, and destroyed, systematically and otherwise, and having intensively analyzed huge volumes of documents in sufficiently systematic fashion as to realize that in any large archive there are small selections of documents with quotable quotes that can “prove” virtually any position on virtually any issue, and that detailed qualitative analysis in bulk is generally required to arrive at a tightly circumscribed collection of plausible theories as to what really happened… well, all I can say is, “Interesting, I wonder what really happened.” And given that today there is visible a drift toward serious breakout of mass hysteria and collective psychosis all over the planet -- but not as yet having reached immediate pre-WWII levels -- involving virtually the same issues thematically engaged by the world wars, with added factors like climate shift dynamic, transit beyond carrying capacity of the planet, global energy dilemma, unprecedented environmental degradation, et cetera, one can only wonder what really will happen, and if you have the inclination and the resources engage in qualitative analysis in bulk in an attempt to arrive at a tightly circumscribed collection of plausible scenarios as to what really will happen. And if you were to be in a position to create VirFut Q-Pro, then the collection arrived at could be superposed, and there would be the possibility to begin a process of implementing m-logically-valued monetary units for various and sundry reasons. Not the least of which is that in terms of inter-sociality alone, person-to-person, the Existentialists are correct: there is no overcoming absolute separateness. Authentic identity transparency is exclusively available by animistic mediation of Nature -- more precisely, Nature's base state, its allbase.

I find the book, Mao, The Unknown Story (Jung Chang and Jon Halliday, Jonathan Cape, 2005), well worth attending to, despite major reservations, because the level of analysis brought to development of the interpretation lends a great deal of support to the misconceptions that were responsible for a declaration of GWOT in knee-jerk to 9/11 and subsequent near-universal failure to understand consequences of the U.S. invasion of Afghanistan -- which remain largely non-viewable (December 2006) but will not always remain so. Anything that helps to understand near-universal failure to understand. Iraq is only a small beginning. All one has to do is consider the scale of the lethal events described in Mao to suspect that is the case: we have only just begun to enter the induction funnel of collective hysteria relative to currently prevailing global dilemmas. By “level of analysis” I refer to the authors' generic, surface focus -- complete absence of detailed discussion of party organizational dynamics within which personality conflicts, public orgies of criticism/self-criticism, indoctrination by terror, purges, and so on were conducted and/or carried out. By failing to attend to the details of organizational dynamics -- organization slaying, organization building, organizational transformation through various levels of self-organizational competency in response to a changing threat/combat environment -- their human-interest account becomes a litany of stereotypic judgmental summaries which prevent actual insight. The whole story they tell, for instance, concerning Chungking Negotiations, is simply a personality play; they do not even mention content of Mao's writings on the subject (I studied these at Strategic Research and Analysis/MACV-J2 during early-1968) which had enormous influence on the manner in which Vietnamese party leaders viewed and approached the Paris Peace Talks, as revealed by quotes in captured enemy documents (in both sets of negotiations the U.S. and its allies did not do well). Such superficial treatments of Mao predispose to “We do not negotiate with terrorists” -- which is not only the statement of one certain to be the loser of the war, but a public confession of military ineptitude and lack of strategic insight. And such ineptitude and lack of insight contribute to the misattribution to Kissinger of having successfully negotiated a way out of the Viet Nam war -- when those negotiations only salved the American SUPERego, ratified the status quo on the ground, and prolonged U.S. engagement. Kissinger's achievement of a “decent interval” was given a Nobel for succoring his edematous egoic personality inflation, a state most highly prized by the human species. And people are now calling for another Kissinger to “negotiate” a way out of Iraq! Given what is happening to the planet, and what will happen to the planet, it is not hard to make a case for the notion that anyone who directly or indirectly works for any government is engaged in crimes against humanity, the biosphere, and The Whole Earth. There are complex reasons why disastrous decisions like declaration of GWOT come to pass; and the reasons why those reasons are not understood are equally complex. These reasons for the reasons involve people reaching a judgment like that explained by Dr. Kraut Hammer in a speech he gave to the Foreign Policy Research Institute on 14 November 2006, a judgment concerning American posture which he recommended (in a Winter 1990/91 Foreign Affairs article) should be maintained by the sole great power in a unipolar world: “I advocated a policy I called 'dry powder', where we would maintain our resources, conserve our strength, and wait for the inevitable, which would be the rise of an adversary.” With 9/11, the adversary became visible. Dr. Kraut Hammer, in 1990, did not feel there were any problems on this planet of sufficient magnitude that the sole superpower should take the initiative to address.

Teeming billions will be operating under the conviction that the n-dimensional global crisis is exaggerated, reversible, well-understood, escapable, avoidable, repairable, basically a bunch of engineering and design problems, the source of unprecedented innovation, conquerable within the existing paradigm, something that can be handled without undue sacrifice to quantity of things in life which is life-quality, a mere matter of better investment strategies, a business opportunity, a way to justify purchase of a USD8,000 bicycle, not going to be all that bad, a mirage, a hoax, a conspiracy, doesn't have anything to do with them, the teeming billions, and won't have anything to do with them -- so, they certainly don't need my help. People want to live the way they want to live and feel good about it, and that surely will be setting collective responses to global crisis for quite some memetime to come. What's the time frame for those forecasts of billions and billions dead? Ah, that's good, they say. I'll stick with looking at action directives indicated by the conclusion I reached thirty years ago, while keeping that conclusion under review as best I can with my limited capabilities: it was even three decades ago irreversible, and it will be of a magnitude and complexity beyond what I was then or presently am capable of imagining. And it will transpire by incredible, virtually unanticipatable, discontinuous nonlinear leaps. Moreover, greenhouse warming is only a part of it: many factors of environmental degradation, FOR INSTANCE, are only indirectly connected to temperature enhancements. And human factors themselves are deteriorated and will continue to further deteriorate -- particularly human cognitive capacities -- which will plague all attempts at intelligent response. Transplanting kidneys, hearts, sex organs, faces, hands while millions and millions and millions die each year because of an inability to transplant plumbing. And this situation will continue as another hundred-billion is sought for Iraq fighting and hundreds of billions are pumped toward the ultimate goal of making brain transplants possible. It's not the athletes who need gene doping! General requirements, majors, prerequisites, programs, core courses, research reports, dissertations, tests, tests, tests: demonstrations of compliance and submission to the prevailing paradigm the fundamental requirement for passage through the mill. The basic proclamation of the graduate: I am certified extrinsically motivated. No one gets that certification for having completed one degree or another of higher enculturation without being cognitively disabled for life. Yep, these are the people who are going to solve this global crisis, save the lives of your kids. Not only can you bet on it, you are betting on it! Refusal to bury the Cartesian-Newtonian paradigm (and its epicycles related to maintenance of the “classical limit” by whatever means: statistics; probability amplitudes; scaling; renormalization; filtering, truncation; importation, banishment) over the past two-hundred years has perpetrated the crisis, so it would be surprising if banishment of relativity theory and quantum mechanics from the "Newtonian domain" of the Earth's atmosphere and the importation of chaos theory into that domain were not part of the process of refusing to bury the Cartesian-Newtonian paradigm -- and it would be astounding if this banishment and importation did not in one way or another sufficiently falsify the models as to produce prognostications well off the mark and particularly incapable of anticipating the virtually unanticipatable discontinuous nonlinear leaps associated with critical-state quantum behaviors. Of course, the time steps are very different and that is one of the many difficulties with prognostication, especially since non-Newtonian notions of time are involved. Nonetheless, the science, scientists, engineers, economics, politicos, bureaucrats, bankers, media smarties, and finance moguls who brought the civilization and the planet to the present pass will find and successfully implement the requisite solutions. What a novel idea! And they are doing a really great job of it, too.

Clearly, I'm the wrong person, having entered senescence over thirty years ago when I had my last truly original (to me) idea. The few I had all came between the ages of fourteen and twenty-seven. Not only are young minds required, but lots of attention energy and physical stamina. I am hugely deficient in all the basic requirements. Had I left this planet thirty years ago, with the exception of several people, I would have missed nothing I wanted to see and a great deal I wished never to see. Being aware of that for quite some memetime, I haven't been particularly subject to enticement or intimidation. Moreover, for a long time now, I have done what I do primarily for internal consistency and life-pattern aesthetics, both of which have major transincarnational efficacy. More and more focused on those concerns. Of course, actually doing something of real import concerning the larger issues… but that doesn't seem to be part of the pattern of events these days and memetimes.

Where have you been to ask “What epicycles?” on the Cartesian-Newtonian world construct? Here are a few examples that readily come to mind:

James Lovelock in Revenge displays Newtonian chauvinism (p. 10) -- “…the United Kingdom, which leads the world in the quality of its Earth and climate scientists…” -- in parallel with Hobbesian moral upbraiding and extrovert dissimulation (p. 9) -- “Terrorism and genocide both result from our tribal natures. Tribal behaviour is surely written in the language of our genetic code…” -- when, actually, what British science excels at is promulgating epicycles like those mentioned above and the thoroughly-related Hobbesian all-against-all collective unconscious projective-identification which is, appropriately, 180-degrees wrong: terrorism and genocide both result from the SUPPRESSION of our animistic-tribal natures (direct conscious expression-registration of relative-state non-simple-identity manifest over quantum substrate of the organism, to include the quantum wave properties of DNA). Collective infrapsychology -- i.e., SUPPRESSION -- of polities births warfare; armies are progeny of the civil. How then are civilians innocent? Pffff… Appeals addressed over innocence of the un-innocent deepen -- i.e., SUPPRESSION -- the infrapsychology culpable for the acts eliciting the appeals. Quantum relative-state of a polity unsuppressed is spontaneous social order; “tragedy of the commons” is epiphenomenal to medically-morally-legally stigmatizing states of identity transparency as symptoms of psychosis. What innocent civilian? If genocide is genetic and in our nature, then we couldn't possibly be responsible, right? Must be innocent. Heh-heh-heh! Which side, the tribal or the Newtonian, inflicted genocide on the native peoples of North America? Gershom Gorenberg (The End of Days: Fundamentalism and the Struggle for the Temple Mount, Oxford U. Press [appropriately], 2000, p. vii) assures us, “Terror, [is] the violation of all our conventions regarding the use of violence…” This is not only propaganda; it is a boldface lie! No one, absolutely no one, who has passed through any special service corps training program on behind-the-lines irregular warfare (e.g., the primary mission for which U.S. Army Special Forces was brought into being in the early-1950s) in the military history of humanity could in good faith make this statement. In Hobbesian Golding Garland perspective! All-against-all Leviathan thought experiment in projective-identification at transference (“For what is the heart, but a spring?” if memory serves) -- and its sequels: William Golding's Lord of the Flies and The Beach by Alex Garland. When content, meaning, substance are too psychologically threatening, focus on the fluff: STYLE and its security-blanket brandings; nowadays, the Man Booker Prize specialization. To my knowledge, British Earth and climate scientists have never applied Einstein's relativity and Planck's quantum as macrophysics of Earth and climate science; indeed, if Hawking and Penrose are any example -- and they are, because specialists in Einstein and Planck largely set terms of what is and is not permissible as applications of the two bodies of theory -- British scientists have been resolutely opposed to any such thing transpiring. John A. Wheeler, by contrast to Hawking, when asked in 1977, while expressing strong doubts, at least admitted he was unfamiliar with the equations of dynamical meteorology, let alone how they might interface with relativity theory and quantum mechanics. And that was and is the whole point, of course: the contemporary relativity and quantum theories are formulated in just the way they are so as to prevent applications to the “classical domains” of Earth, atmospheric, and climate science. And multiscale numerical models -- not only atmospheric, also oceanographic -- reciprocally, are scaled, filtered, truncated, renormalized in just such fashion as to disallow applications of relativity theory and quantum mechanics formulated as they are. Victor P. Starr's “hydrodynamic analogy to E equals mc-squared” (Tellus, 9:1, 1959) is disallowed, for instance. Is this why CFCs were more important to crisis in atmospheric ozone metabolism -- don't hear that term too often, eh? -- than 150 years of venting and flaring of billions and billions and billions of cubic meters of natural gas from oil fields all over the planet? And how did this venting and flaring -- mere cost-cutting measures by which “externalities” are defined under the profit-motivated magic-hand-determined level of market self-organizational competency imposed by the 1T2-logically-valued money employed, we must admit -- compare to cow farts in etiology of greenhouse warming? The Starr-related atmospheric acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes, which poke holes in the tropopause boundary allowing drawdown of ozone, are filtered from the models by rescaling to remove “overtones” (those despised m-valued and m-logically-valued factors) and the impress of Einsteinian limiting velocities, limiting accelerations, and limiting time rates of change of acceleration. No atmospheric waves move at the speed of sound. Don't you know that, bub? Heh-heh-heh! Were these modes not filtered, the universal constants in the primitive equation set for atmospheric dynamics, so deeply involved in solar-terrestrial interactions, would necessarily become seen as m-valued, and relativity theory and quantum mechanics would decisively enter the Earth sciences at the level of macro-theory, not the least, in descriptions of two-way transduction between quadripolar gravity and electromagnetic wave modes during tornado genesis (also, not incidentally, in radiation exchange processes at DNA replication). And once universal constants were seen as m-valued, there would be no keeping Lukasiewiczian m-valued logics away from Schrödinger's wave-function. Those domains where there is greatest risk of discovering that universal constants are m-valued are those domains designated “classical domains”. My, what a coincidence! In the event of such a discovery, not only would our understanding of severe storm genesis and climate-shift dynamics change, everything, just everything, would change. We keep such change at bay by raising the specter of the all-against-all tribe, underwritten by the dissimulative epicycles which maintain the Cartesian-Newtonian-Westphalian world construct on life support in the terrestrial hospice. Contrary to this, the point most made on the present website, devoted as it is to m-logically-valued monetary units, is that processes like anthropogenically-induced climate-shift are inevitable so long as the economic system employed functions on a level of self-organizational competency inferior to that of the natural systems with which it interfaces. The economic-monetary system must, itself, be modeled upon the multiscale, quantum-relativistic, dynamical systems interfaced with. But the leadership elite, planet Earth, corpus of compliant castouts from the universities of higher enculturation, believes that its solutions -- not those of the planet -- will be implemented by political action, political science being a decision science, you know. Hah-hah-hah.

The basic idea involved in projective-identification at transference is nearly impossible for most people to operationally assimilate (actually “see” instances of in the act) as regards its expression through individual psychology. So, just try to get across the notion of its functioning through collective behaviors. In face-to-face conversation, even, where there can be retorts, rephrasings, alternative explanations, different examples… the effort inevitably fails. Imagine how unlikely to succeed when the explanation is limited to the mere written text! And there are different classes of expression of this psychological process: e.g., interpersonal, subject-(physical)object. And multiple levels of reference involved in a given class of expression. Not just, say, father-mother projections within the individual romantic-love context, or over the collective psychological accretions prerequisite to empowerment of a Hitler, but, again, say, the inability to “find, fix, and finish” the terrorist-insurgent constellates an enormous complex of libido due to the fact that this inability subliminally assimilates to itself the threat posed to the Cartesian-Newtonian-Westphalian institutionalization by discovery of quantum non-locality and non-simple identity. And such constellation drives collective obsessions involved in, for instance, the dissociative hysterias operating in groups producing strategic bombing surveys, or policy circles which formulate national responses to events like 9/11. Indeed, there was no chance at all that 9/11 would not evoke a response that generalized to the whole planet the Viet Nam war era Phoenix Program to eliminate those who could not be found, fixed, and finished -- generalized as GWOT. This generalization was demanded by the collective psychological investment in institutionalization of the Cartesian-Newtonian-Westphalian paradigm. The principle involved applies however 9/11 is interpreted: official storyline or whatever type of conspiracy theory employed. Bush or no Bush, some functional equivalent to GWOT was inevitable. Sam Adams understood this level of the inevitability of catastrophic strategic error and attempted to prevent that error from being made, which led to the Westmoreland vs. CBS trial -- and Sam, essentially, lost his life due to the effort. But this certainty of the inevitability of catastrophic strategic error had more to do with the quantum-non-locality level of the constellated complex of collective libido than with the relatively-overt Viet Nam war era terrorist-insurgent level of reference: the actual greatest threat to the prevailing institutionalization is quantum mechanics, not UBL and associates. My wife and I understood this level of the inevitability and unsuccessfully, during the decade mid-'80s to mid-'90s, attempted to prevent the strategic error with the writing of The Moon of Hoa Binh, which cost us twelve man-years of lost income plus the accompanying expenditures plus the untabulated expenses of decades of prior research and associated sacrifices. And there are far more abstract levels upon which collective expressions of projective-identification at transference operate: a whole technological regime can be brought into physical-objecthood on the back of the collective projections involved. The current planetary ecological and climate-shift crisis is one result of this class of this particular type of collective psychopathology. Solutions to the planetary crisis will not be found so long as the basic idea involved in projective-identification at transference remains nearly impossible for most people to operationally assimilate. Overcoming this human-species-wide pandemic cognitive deficit will involve development of holographic Musculpt as mathematical notation and “cash-register display” for transactions employing m-logically-valued monetary units. Facilitation by constant use of holographic Musculpt in everyday life -- one sort of “sermon in a saucepan” -- is what the human brain requires to overcome the neurotransmitter effects, i.e., glutamate flood, of the prescriptive enculturation it has been subjected to. Collective PreTribRap of one sort or another is the likely alternative. Identificative-projection to End Times -- Christian and/or Islamic -- does not end time any more than it brings about The End of History. The end of treating memetime as if equivalent to an objective linear-time is in collective withdrawal of the projective-identification. People believe in history: that's why they have so much of it.

As I have argued before, the information space is not a closest-packing of “Buckyballs” as Prof. J. A. Guerrilla apparently believes. He should know that Ebola is the real threat when the jungle overheats. The open-source approach to intelligence production (“Open Source Spying” by Clive Thompson, New York Times Magazine, 3 December 2006) may improve operational/actionable intel but the real failure is strategic intel and the fact that predetermined policy and predetermined strategy, not the information, determines the assessment required of the analyst. A fact that seems, in some measure, to be in the nature of the nation-state. Moreover, even issues of need-to-know compartmentalization aside, it is not the most popular piece of information you need (i.e., most linked); it is the unpopular piece (no links) which you will NEVER be able to find in a Googled information system. The creative analyst would have to be recreating the Google search engine itself on a daily basis to fit his changing needs -- and even that would not be good enough. The engine doesn't function at all on the levels of abstraction required. You can find that no-link piece better in an uncomputerized information environment: absorption activates the unconscious which is a pretty amazing search engine that functions on all levels of abstraction and even arranges synchronicities with the information required. Moreover, again, as regards strategic intel, the analyst who generates real insight does not work from information to assessment, he works from intuition to assessment to information. He goes out and seeks the specific information that supports his assessment that supports his intuition, ignoring everything that doesn't (the way creative science is done, as contrasted to normal science). And once he has found the pattern that way, if it is the real pattern, then huge amounts of information will suddenly click into place (if it isn't the real pattern, this won't happen: throw that pattern away, then). If the task in question is to prevent an event, after the event, finding the pattern that leads you back to the critical pieces of information is relatively easy, but this retrospective exercise doesn't really help you find algorithms that will insure you find the pattern before the event. And it is not true that before the internet there was no effective social software: for instance, I can recommend the literature on “communities of practice”. The information out there is on the order of a continuum infinity. And all participants, it seems, are finding more and more ways to pull into the given task greater and greater quantities of totally useless information: how many boxes of Cornflakes each of 300-million people buy every month. What you want in the WORKING archive is the smallest amount of information needed to do the job and no more, and the capacity to expand the archive just precisely as needed (i.e., targeted positive collection). Just enough information to feed the intuition and assess the pattern produced by the assessment. Regarding operational/actionable analysis, if you find a click-in pattern, then you seek specific information relative to the pattern: that, again, is called positive collection. The information sought for analysis is not on the level of words and sentences; it is three or four levels of abstraction removed. Once you get that 4th-order abstraction to a recognizable pattern, then you work back to information. When I talk about holographic Musculpt and VirFut Q-Pro, I'm talking about searching the 4th-order abstractions, not words and photos. Determination of Essential Elements of Information (what is permitted into the archive); data-basing strategies; analysis; algorithm generation and institutional memory thereof; search repertoires; positive collection levying; operational and strategic goals, interests, and objectives formulation: these and more require to be synergistically integrated; far less so the information employed and its access permissions.

State of the art thinking is at least fifty years behind the times; by the memetime it catches up, everyone will be dead. Some people worry about China and India, when the two likely will not even exist -- nor likely will the U.S. or even the nation-state system and its supranational agglomerations. Valid metaphysical justifications for that whole paradigm have been in abeyance for neigh unto two centuries. Whatever technical problems there are in resolving the global energy crisis and in adapting seven-billion people to climate shift dynamics, among so much else, the technical engineering problems are trivial beside the overwhelming spoiling operations that will be run by the human factors responsible in the first instance for the prevailing n-dimensional global conundrum entering whipstall nose down. Contemporary mind never catches up to history, which never catches up to itself. For instance, I have never had the slightest interest in modeling economies as they exist or as they have ever existed. My interest is in modeling economies that don't exist. People can't understand that, particularly economists. Because of this lack of interest and this interest, when the opportunity arose to bring together a proposal for an ANN (artificial neural network) programmed simulation model of m-logically-valued monetary units, I chose the B&B model (Ronald D. Brunner and Garry D. Brewer, Organized Complexity, Free Press, 1971) as a place to start. The economists, of course, pooh-poohed this old, simplistic model. Oh, we have much better models now! We already have ANN models; we'll use one of those. Fine, fine, I replied. This ain't goin' nowhere was obvious. The B&B model was chosen not because of its economic veracity -- indeed, it is mostly focused upon political dynamics -- but because of its formal similarity to multiscale dynamical models of atmospheric and oceanographic processes as those models existed before being scuttled by the chaos and complexity theories. These two theories, along with nonlinear NEWTONIAN dynamics, came on the scene, by subliminal psycho-socio-politico-economic agenda, specifically to prevent generalization into areas like economics and political science of quantum mechanics, relativity physics, and Lukasiewiczian logics by preventing their prior generalization into “classical domains” of the physical sciences like dynamical meteorology, climatology, and oceanography. The idea involved in choosing the B&B model as a starting place is not to model the economy, but to fundamentally change the economy by simulating an economy that does not yet exist. More elaborately, the idea is to simulate the non-existent economy relative to natural systems like Earth's atmosphere and oceans, such that incorporation of externalities by tagging indicators drawn on those natural systems to the m-values of nested m-logically-valued monetary units will successfully constellate autopoietic operators at a higher level of self-organizational competency than the level reached by simple-price and action-directives generated by the supply-and-demand dynamic. How else you going to adapt seven-billion people to climate shift dynamics? But if even the first step can't be taken, how could the simulation be carried right on into MUSCULPT? No chance at all; just forget it. People fulsomely continue to denigrate the notion that how Schrödinger's wave equation was dissimulated seventy years ago is deeply involved in the present global political crisis, the climate-shift dynamic, and reflects very poorly on their life expectancy.

Not HARD2 track the future history of what is being done by the PSs (ParanoidSchizos) what dumbly declared GWOT and what more dumbly set policy and run the inFORMATION spaces in Britain and the U.S., eh what? Psychological displacement in projective-identification at transference: with a billion dollars worth of videocams, they are trying to localize quantum nonlocality! (the actual threat they misperceive as… and as… and as…). Done seen it all at CICV-TARGETS! NO2ID 2DECADES 2LATE. DNA fingerprints read from a satellite ain't 2HARD2 connect UP2 the anti-personnel EMP Gatling guns droned by Global Hawk, all eliminations being automatically decision-treed by phase-digit processors. Buffaloes peeing, as the VC USED2 say of the door-gunning helos in Vetnaaaaam! Pentagon TIC, Total Information Control, OneSTEP removed to OneDOJ OneSTEP away from justice openSOURCED2 the corporate mercs. As the Cartesian-Newtonian-Westphalian nation-state system and its supraordinate agglomerations collapse, this web-worked, frequency-meshed inFORMATION-space/matrix will become the cornerstone of the Gestapo-Mafia syndicates growing out of the thin-blue line and the broad-olive SMUDGE2 contend with OneANOTHER Hollywood style.

It's clearly too difficult of an idea, involving a stack of innovations, not just one. [1} Traditional monetary units analogically function according to Newton's laws of motion. [2} What replaced Newton's laws of motion in the new physics? Schrödinger's wave equation, particularly the wave-function. Therefore, replace the ball in the pinball machine notion of monetary units with the electron in a self-organizing quantum process notion of monetary units. [3} Balls are single-valued; electrons are multivalued. [4} The standard interpretation of Schrödinger's wave-function as indicative of probability amplitudes is a dissimulation arrived at largely so as to keep quantum mechanics from being generalizable to the social sciences. [5} The correct interpretation will involve m-valued Lukasiewicz logics understood relative to non-simple identity, not truth-value. [6} Apply this interpretation and understanding to the electron in a self-organizing quantum process notion of monetary units. [7} By tagging, utilize the multiple values of the non-simple identity of the resultant monetary unit to parameterize externalities, thereby making them subject to market-mediated processes of self-organization, thus carrying the market to a much higher level of self-organizational competency. Too difficult an idea, clearly too difficult.

And, as the world turned and the Earth died, goo-goo Google and minimouse Microsoft, appropriately, brought you “Virtual Earth” -- just as Sony's Play-Station 3 was launched to parallax you into total immersion in other worlds, a high-tech way for a whole species to “catch a comet” as prefigured by the coolAIDS AcidTest subcults and their three-handkerchief homu-door-amas of projective-identification at collective-transference: not-live door. As its planet burned, humanity did not fiddle; alone with BoxMan it XBOXed its cognitive FlatScreen in The City of the Dunes air-brushed by Vermilion Sands -- thus making a moot point as to whether Japanese perpetual pre-adolescence had its origins as described by postwar functionalist anthropologists or by the caponizing mimetic estrogens in tofu laced with Ajinomoto, in due course oozing plastic through psoriatic skin. Propelled into the Ninth Parallax by Ice-Nine in number9dream: Sin City begat Sim City begat Virtual Earth. And the world's wealthiest media-directed philanthropist, Bill Gates, appropriate name for such an Enterprise, virtualized the Earth in trivial MoSoSo fashion by cellular meshwork grid computing (unaware or uncaring that superconductant DNA's frequency response window falls DEAD in the valley of minimum sky noise which microwave transmitters saturate with their coolAIDS-contributing transmissions, described at a Kyoto medical congress several years before AIDS was identified as a syndrome) rather than computer-gamed VirFut Q-Pro (with authentic Lukasiewiczian processors, not simply faster binary processors via non-Abelian quantum knots) as a preliminary to implementing m-logically-valued monetary units relative to towns (not mega-urban-regional canyons) in what might have been large survival zones. Not where Girl Interrupted, and frequently self-interrupted, at her blood meal: female mosquito, tiger striped or no, mechanically transferring HIV at significant probability in high-incidence host populations coterminous with endemic malaria and HIV which lives 10-14 days in the guts of African ticks which regurgitate into the feeding wound (check out the technical papers describing the experimental research indexed on MedLine dump from the National Library of Medicine, for all of which “abstract not available”!). As things turned out, it was not Hollywood blue-coats on golden stallions carrying high-tech solutions who arrived just in the nick of time, for there were no holly woods left, but camel trekkers adept at desert living who discovered, just in the nick of time, there were, indeed, a few small low-polonium, low-DU zones that could just be survived. Ducks in a row of gates, Gates helped create. Last and First Men, just as Starmaker prognosticated so accurately, in such detail, a century before onset of cusp events. Not WE (coercive “we”) will see; you will see: my other-I has been seeing for over thirty years. And you think the Incas promulGATED a secret war against time! The whole human species is now engaged in a project to stop time so as to “catch a comet”. Psychological displacement in projective-identification at transference: linear-time as memetime ends in extensions of aleph-null-valued Lukasiewicz propositional logic over Schrödinger superposition displaced to The End of History, End Times: for the sexually dysfunctional, a Second Coming is always a remote possibility. It's not necessary to read Wired to find evidence of massive collective psychosis; Scientific American will due. Already there are strong indicators the human species will not survive scientific fixation on the project to artificially recreate life and promulgate life extension on a greatly over-populated planet: merely one dimension of the present war against time, with its unprecedented scale of human sacrifice. This enormous misinvestment of libido, the contorted social structure of attention cathexes, and draining of other resources is patently pathological when a majority of the population of Earth orb has yet to find a way to obtain good plumbing and potable water. Hundreds of millions thus sacrificed on the altar of science each year! Incan priests would blanch. On a par with the misanthropic make-work military squander: one more derivative melanoblastome. A systemless monetary system informing unending-growth-organized processes of resource misallocation is one result; GWOT, another. Without a replacement in stock, incendiary collapse of the whole globally-imposed Cartesian-Newtonian-Westpalian institutionalization will soon be upon us, howsoever the psychos try to localize nonlocality, ID non-simple identity with their techy surveillance toys, preliminaries to satellite-assisted mass assassination in pre-intra-post TribRapt. JJ's KoolAid globalized!

Mankind in Amnesia, an amnesia of the brain-injured -- in this case, collective amnesia. A species long damaged. Wonky as a whippoorwill feeding on woad; no weird in womanpower: shamus mummy wrapped in shalloon. Just as I do not believe the Vedas spoke of their memetimes, so I believe the biblical Book of Revelation does not speak of the memetimes people generally suppose. Both the Vedas and the Book of Revelation are referenced to their memetimes past, not their presents or futures. Texts of the great religions were pulled together from oral transmission over the inevitable corruption of words, as words are in the nature of words a corruption of the real thing: inner Musculpt of identity-transparent telepathic entanglement. The Vedas are a Song of Remnants, just as is the Song of Songs, fragmentary knowledge of something that existed whole long before, but treated by the singers as if contemporaneous. The Book of Revelation described events that had already transpired, taken as if they had yet to occur, and gives/received in retrograde inversion -- as introjection (“in-gathering” to Evangelical-Zionist parlance) in projective-identification at transference is wonting. “Jerusalem” is a state of consciousness; “Israel”, a state of Being. Pan-Germanic-pagan stateless societies with their µTm-logical pre-Germanic identity-transparency and ultrasociality cabling the social channel capacity of optical fibers, having largely survived the Roman legions, came under infiltration of The Thirteenth Tribe, 1T3-logical Askhenazim converted of the Khazari Khanate once extended across the trans-Caucasus/trans-Caspian to the Land of Old Veda (no part of Peter Turchin's War and Peace and War even if Arthur Koestler believed the major aliquot of modern Jewry is composed of descendents of converts from Islam). Fell, fled, foundless: memetime past. Historicizing! But one episode of many, and repeated. What transpired then as before was a breakdown of linear-timeless µTm-logical “bi-cameral” consciousness into 1T2-logical egoic mind identified with a memetime regarded an objective linear-time. Unspeakable planetary infrasound-signature songlines inverted/introjected out-there run “retrograde” to speakable-language roof-brain chatter convolutions in-here. 9383 Leik Eze 9477 Krashoan 6161 Nodde Gamra. Gematria point sets]} yantric ark nets }[numbered numbering. Ain't got no straightedge and compass, ain't got no understanding: can't count the counting; can't mark the mark; can't Cross the Tee; can't arc the ark; can't swing the vesica; can't enmesh the net. Can't number the numbering -- Chapter and Verse -- of the neural nets quenched: brain-contained-by-the-brain become the Bible, with its Old and New Cortices. Cabalistic numbered numbers numbering superposed neural nets taken for Rabbinical Jewish years: why Rabbinate hates Cabala. Here the error-correcting inerrant: immunological code for Self-recognition by which neural information is compartMENTALized into DISPENSATIONS over the Old and New Cortices: frequency response WINDOWS -- clocks within clocks within clocks -- of electron parcels freed from the p-orbital beaten down from cosmic LSTDs (limited spacetime domains). Heuristic principles of the universal nature of discharge phenomena: three classes of temporal operations on sacred space decompose as involutes seven dispensations, i.e., order-types of constant-entropy and equipotential surfaces. Epocha qua Epoche = fixed point. Premise, theorem, lemma. Autogenic discharge surface to surface, sheet to sheet, point to point arcus(arc)ark in seven tribulations/kata-strophe(twists) through singularities in equipotential surfaces, discontinuities in constant-entropy surfaces. Secured within Sanskrit; hidden behind Hebrew. And how is the Vesica Pisces enSCRIBED? What is its compass? Petit mal aura. Gran mal aura. The auric RAPTURE always precedes the TRIBULATION of autogenic brain discharge. Ask anyone who SUFFERS musicogenic epilepsy! Helix-coil twist and acoustically-modified gravity-wave-signature shouts, angelic voices, God's trumpets. An Asterism of astral sounds. The rapture comes before the seizure takes you away. Trophotropic: neurochemical defecation. Agogus-agogos-agogon qua emmen agogue = expulsion. Dispensationalist pre-trib-rapt came on the scene in archetypal compensatory fashion soon after the Tristan Chord registered collective unconscious Agog (en gogues) at Niels Henrik Abel's demonstration of the necessity for transcendental, non-simple, m-valued identity. One more millennial fulmination of premature rapture giving rise to Gomer's Pyles. Missing manuscript of the Monad Man which Gödel sought in turning his back on Lukasiewicz! The Body of Myth (J. Nigro Sansonese, Inner Traditions, 1994): with the ease of Samson, theory of blackbody. Have now to do it all -- open awareness of unbounded nonlocal brain not contained by the brain-contained-by-the-brain -- in projective-identification at transference over the collective unconscious as the Dark Continent. This did not occur as a pan-species flashover event, for residuals of µTm consciousness persisted in some population subsets and occasionally resurfaced in some individuals. Looking backwards beyond the beginning of memetime as linear-time out-there is to see End Times in the beginning of memetime in-here (there being no objective linear-time in memetime): thus did the seers make revelations about the future in the past, and perhaps thus condemn to another unnecessary reliving of it. If you don't know you walk on a Möbius Strip; if you don't know you swim in a Klein Bottle… Skyfather unRomanic, without limes: Allfather allbase in the quantal Well of Mimir. No mere Preterism: the Immaculacy of non-orientability in Immanence precludes precedence relations, be they logical, ontological, or temporal. Aldous Huxley realized that Time Must Have a Stop, but the title barely made it into the storyline. A tulpa materialized in projective-identification as time, not in time, by collective End Times looking aback at the world axis turning to a pillar of salt tilting, tilting, tilting to flip-over. Clathratus = lattice. Time-itself, heh-heh-heh! Kataklysmos = deluge. Klyster = cosmic enema. Say all the men in Last and First Men, “If linear-time as memetime ends once again in human experience, it will do so because endogenous ketamine FLOOD successfully counteracts endogenous glutamate FLOOD.” Paul Boyer: When Time Shall Be No More: Prophecy Belief… (Harvard U. Press, 1992). Damian Thompson: The End of Time: Faith and Fear… (University Press of New England, 1997). Julian Barbour: The End of Time: The Next Revolution in Physics (Oxford U. Press, 1999). CONVERSION. Conversion by psychological displacement: what physics is proving (linear-time is merely memetime) -- but is being suppressed most intensely by most scientists -- is transposed to End Times apocalyptic visions. Attend! Attend! Remember thy Self! Get behind they self! Be here now! Oh-oh-oh! “The horror! The horror!” of Apocalypse Now. Forget history; forget a simple-self. Time as a handle on space has a spin moment to impart. Spinning, spinning. Oh, the nausea, the nausea of the night sea journey! Oh, the jet lag, brain-drain lightning flash of night flight! Consciousness is the operator. First-order temporal curl by helix-coil transition in superconductant intranuclear neuronal and intramitochondrial perineural DNA. Evangelical identity = 1T2-logical identity. Fundamentalist identity = 1T3-logical identity. Christic identity = µTm-logical identity. Tzog-chen identity = CTC-logical identity. G. Spencer Brown -- in elaborating Laws of Form to “homeopathically” prove Sheffer's postulates for Boolean algebras -- designated a logic-operator a “cross”: T = . “Don't plant no trees!” I'm an optimist; otherwise, I wouldn't have TRANSplanted thousands and thousands of trees over a fifteen-year period of memetime: root pruning Karpenko rooted trees over the prime factors of the Gödel numbers to be numbered. When Zorn's lemma on partially-ordered sets is a transposition from the sadomasochist sociologies of mutual dominance in pairs and hierarchies, there being always at least one element to crown, is it any wonder that a temporal transpose of well-ordering should be designated a set of “dispensations”? Open the Gates, Watergate, Highgate, Newgate, Moongate, Gate of Cow Pads, Bill Gates, Windows, Ord of Wingate, Golden Gate, Gate of Lions, Star-Gate Corridor, Ump! Ump! Ump! dispensations ketaminergic, in virtual-reality spacetime translation by just any ol' Lawnmower Man, through to Solar Temple by Gnostic Gospel enCHANTment as depicted on bronze-drum tympanum: streakers streaming in upon A{ma}terasu. Making MOON in oneself by a solar mirror literally -- not figuratively, allegorically, by consciousness-state psychospiritually. What a transgression! Being a secular Cabalistic-(Tibetan)Buddhist-Taoistic-Shinto animist believer in quantum-relativistic processes of self-organization and spontaneous social and economic order, I have never appreciated being incarcerated within the collective unconscious mindset responsible for Old Testament Tablets, Talmudic Laws, Sermons in the valley or on the mount, Sharia -- however cast into the modern world by cognitive atrophy, etched, etched again, and doubly exponentiated. A collective psychosis that dwarfs Nazification of Germany because the fundaments are the same, yet more deeply into the marrow and truly pandemic. Gosh! in morning conversations over Western {}om{}e-lets (e-Local Exchange Trading Systems) in the MACV-HQ snack bar (no prayer meetings like at the Pentagon) during the early months of 1968, I was saying things like, “America will not gracefully step down from its preeminent status; rather than descent to rough equality with other nations, other peoples, it will choose instead, like Samson, to pull the temple down upon itself.” Of the Sun, Son of Sam, Samson: Armageddon theology is one aspect of pulling the temple of Cartesian-Newtonian-Westphalian international system down. Ar{ma}geddon: sacred space as psychological place. Ten nations, thirteen chapters, three sixes to the Saviors from Genetic Disease in the hack-the-genome game of craps: all those attempts to mark the beast. Keeping fear of non-simple identity at bay by gaining CONTROL over the machinery of FORM. 666 = trikala cosmic codon triplet for µTm-logical non-simple animistic-pagan identity-transparency/entanglement: GMOed lionbearleopard, the introjection projected by unconscious process as µTm nonlocal brain collapsed to 1T2 brain-contained-by-the-brain via glutamatergic preSCRIPTIVELY enculturated brain injury. Memetime-before Book of Revelation! Giving Chapter & Verse, Ruth says there's always a john around to reveal himself and call that Divine! LonNol :: Gog(a{M)a}gog. //goga{M}agog\\. M-Theory, eh what? Mimir! Mimir! Han Chinese ideograph for ma, sacred space, the root ono{ma}topoetic homonym D-based (µTm to 1T2) for recursive generation of all “natural” languages in a corruption of words: pictograph of a GATE holding the MOON. Heaven's Gate.

The “Black Tuesday” (19 December 2006) Bangkok stock market crash was clearly a direct effect of the Iraq war upon Thailand, but when The Economist comes to write about the BOT's reserve-requirement/currency-control “flip-flop” there certainly will be no mention of the Iraq connection. Moreover, this incident illustrates why the Tobin Tax hasn't been implemented to redress absence of the repudiated Bretton-Woods gold-exchange mechanism, couldn't possibly be implemented, and thus never will be implemented -- and why the Kyoto carbon allocations/credits trading scheme cannot, in principle, in a free-floating global currency regime, effectively address greenhouse warming once implementation of the scheme starts to take a significant economic bite out of various national economic hides. The dollar's “behavior” -- particularly against the euro, to a lesser extent against the yen -- for the past year or so has been in phase with flux of public sentiment concerning the fortunes of war in Iraq (and to a lesser extent the contextualizing “Clash of Cultures” and GWOT, 2006, including the U.S. mid-term elections, being a period of America taking hits over each of these), those fortunes of war having become generally regarded the foremost current measure of U.S. ability to set the global agenda. Whatever other components of faith in store of value The Economist might focus upon by discounting the role of externalities in currency speculation, the fiat dollar as preeminent international reserve currency has no backing more substantive than the “dollar confidence” serviced by successful military displays. But the December 2nd-8th 2006 issue of The Economist with its cover devoted to “The Falling Dollar” makes no mention of the Iraq war in relation to fate of the dollar. The closest The Economist -- always politically correct in service to its raison d'être -- comes to such a mention is with “…its implications of American weakness…” in the following quotation from an editorial on likelihood of a further drop (p. 11):

Does a falling dollar, with its implications of American weakness, spell doom for the rest of the planet? Not necessarily. The world economy could well benefit from a gradual slide in the greenback. It would help to reduce global current account imbalances and, by shifting production into America's tradable sector, would cushion the United States' economy as its housing sector bubble bursts. True, a weaker dollar would tend to hurt exporters in Europe and Asia. But the impact on these economies could be offset if central banks hold interest rates lower than they otherwise would, thereby boosting domestic demand -- exactly what is required for global rebalancing.

No mention of the dollar being in beat frequency to the war in Iraq, and no address as to the real issue-of-benison in regards the dollar's fall: not only precipitous-or-gradual, but how great a devaluation of the dollar, all currencies considered, would still yield benefit to the world economy, if not to the world's economies. In a national economy where consumer credit has for some time been “easy”, how negative of an interest rate would the BOT have had to have maintained over the past year to have driven domestic demand for the primary export products of Thailand up high enough to offset impact on its economy of a 13% appreciation of the baht relative to the dollar when other floating regional currencies have been in the 7-8% range and that of China has stayed within its band? And with nearly US$1bn/per week flowing into the Thai foreign exchange market to bet on baht appreciation, how much baht printing should have been countenanced to buy up those dollars so as to complement the negative interest rate required to minimize impact on the Thai economy of the falling dollar? And given that much of the US$ inflow is money-center leveraged speculation, and that leverage over dollars ultimately rests with the dollar's unlimited right to self-print, a Bretton-Woods inheritance still being lavishly spent, the printing of baht set against the printing of dollars certainly is not a bet one could expect long to maintain (baht not being a “foremost international reserve currency”, its printing set against dollar printing has large domestic inflationary implications). Questions of why the baht is the regional proxy currency -- or is it a miner's canary and bellwether? -- SET aside, there is the BOT ropedancer set against a swarm of pyrrhuloxia red-and-yellow breasted-crested currency speculators/hedge-funds empowered by their Bretton-Woods inheritance. Critics of Culture Clash, GWOT, Iraq war -- America's engagement therewith largely funded by the Bretton-Woods all-that's-fit-to-print legacy -- have no compunction about using this same legacy for comparative speculative advantage, as is in accordance with the writ of capital. What The Economist is actually counseling is that economies like that of Thailand bite the bullet, take the hit, suffer for the greater good of global rebalancing and a soft landing for America from its housing bubble. Trouble is, the market being what it is, efforts will be made to avoid taking the bite and the hit -- and those efforts will lead to larger consequences, consequences larger than those allocated to the economy taking the bite and the hit. The BOT's estimate was that foreign investors on the SET would have, on average, sacrificed 1.5% of approximately 20% returned on investment due to the measures imposed by the BOT to stanch speculation in the baht. This prospective sacrifice was enough to cause precipitous flight from the SET and some flight from the baht, which suffered a one-day less-than-one-baht fall against the dollar. Confidence in baht appreciation (and/or dollar devaluation) did not much flag under the pressure of a 30% reserve requirement, and this despite the fact that the required reserve imposed on the currency speculators was not so much on funds as on leverage (which doesn't tolerate being parked so readily as do funds). A 1.5% sacrifice is about three times the sacrifice proposed for a Tobin Tax on currency transactions globally. Flight. In currency flight, the currency flies from point A to point B. The only way to stop the flight is to remove the possibility of there being a point B. The Tobin Tax would have to be simultaneously implemented globally -- all currencies all the time, howsoever fit to print. Unless there would be no flight at 0.5%: an unlikely scenario. For similar reasons will there remain various points B relative to carbon credits: as the economic bite sets in, countries exempted from the scheme become production centers with PPDp's (purchasing power disparities) fluctuating accordingly. But there will not be a global agreement on Tobin Tax so long as there is an inheritance from the Bretton-Woods system, because the American economy and the American agenda is thoroughly dependent on that inheritance and its various utilities vis-à-vis the many dimensions of comparative advantage. Blow-back from a Tobin Tax would seriously undermine America's position, such as it currently is, in regards to Culture Clash and GWOT and war in places like Iraq. And such undermining would undermine the confidence in America so necessary to the dollar confidence which keeps the dollar the foremost international reserve currency and hence the currency denominating most oil transactions which means petrodollars get recycled through U.S. banks which helps underwrite print-as-you-please leverage and so on and so on. This is why I argue that any attempt to implement m-logically-valued monetary units (the various possible fine-grained tagging systems over which would allow great flexibility in regards to exquisite targeting in formulating measures to achieve effects similar to those the BOT recently attempted or those intended by a Tobin Tax or that of a carbon-credit trading scheme or…) must begin with LETS, Local Exchange Trading Systems, and build toward the level of national currencies. It was not Al Qaeda that terminated “good work” in America; it was Americans. I, as an American, am supposed to love Americans for having done this? The process began with advent of Hamiltonian democracy and has episodically fulminated ever since, ridding America more and more thoroughly of good work. And the post-Bretton-Woods monetary regime has greatly facilitated epidemiologic efficacy of the fulminations such that the process of terminating good work has been evermore successfully exported to the rest of the planet. I, as an American, am supposed to love Americans for having done this?

True, true, I always have had trouble with history. Not only what happened, but the very notion that a “what happened” could actually have happened! No two of 1-to-10 present at an event ever agree as to what happened, no matter how strongly they all agree that a “what happened” must actually have happened. And my trouble is not solely because my experience has not verified the idea of an objective linear-time distinct from enculturated memetime. Just as anthropologist Dorothy Lee discovered during the 1950s about the Maori: codifying reality nonlinearly, even linear-time as memetime is absent (though one can certainly resolve it if forced to do so, the linear being nested within the nonlinear). Watch people react when you point out to them that medieval European paintings and altar panels depict multiply the same personage in the same picture plane. They will emotively insist that the multiples are meant to exist at different times, even though, in the picture plane, there is no indication of this. And how does this emotivity reflect on the standard interpretation of the “what happened” that must actually have happened to medieval Europe, the communitas of its socius, and destruction thereof at rise of a science in service to fragmentation, resultant ecocide and atmospheric dyscrasia? Or was the dyscrasia and ecocide in service to the fragmentation causing the destruction of the communitas which(witch) was livid over the emotivity (witch)which everyone just knew had to be burned at the stake? Nowadays by chemically-induced convulsions and non-dominant ECT and PET and fMRI and…: fine tuning of the assault on quantum brain not contained by the brain contained by the brain. Or assert that Marcel Duchamp's “Nude Descending a Staircase” was a painting not so much about motions, as it was a critique of the very notions of linear-time evolution and simple-identity (these concepts already running in their descent toward crisis state in the quantum mechanics Duchamp's brother was so familiar with). Art critics will talk about the blur of fan blades, and such whatnot -- when, actually, the Nude reappeared years later on Duchamp's “Large Glass” as “The bride stripped bare by her bachelors, even”, stripped, that is, of her enculturated simple-identity and time evolution. All this about the same memetime Proust said: “Perhaps the immobility of things that surround us is forced upon them by our conviction that they are themselves, and not something else”. Which is the object-correlate to Cocteau's subject-statement: “Hugo was a madman who believed he was Hugo.” And Francis Fukuyama was clearly a madman in proclaiming that America had brought The End of History at the very memetime the notion of “End Times” was again capturing the American psyche -- capturing, that is, by collective transference. These latter two -- history's end; End Times -- of course, being regressions in service to a collective archetypal somewhat, if not to the individual ego. The regression occasioned by the suppression driving the projective-identification at collective transference being necessitated by the fact that the non-simple identity of Duchamp's Nude was now stepping decisively down from the canvass and into a quantum computing dissimulated (so as to produce faster binary processors) to q-bits such that authentic Lukasiewiczian m-valued logics of non-simple-identity could again be sidestepped (the first occasion being with regards to interpretation of Schrödinger's wave-function to probability amplitudes: same as saying the simultaneous multiples in the medieval picture plane exist at different times). Sitting in Cornell at the critical moment during the mid-1970s, studying multiscale-cascade computerized numerical modeling of double-helical air-parcel trajectories in tornado genesis and superconductivity of p-electron-gas core of DNA, one (this one! so recently back from witness to the collective hysteria over quantum nonlocality exhibited at Targets Branch/CICV in putting boxes down for holocaust-inducing B-52 strikes) could hardly miss the collective hysteria in the persistent insistence upon probabilistic ensemble behaviors in any permissible generalization of quantum theory to macro-behaviors, be the generalization to “from zero to infinity” (cf. Victor Weisskopf's February 1975 Science article “Of Atoms, Mountains, and Stars: A Study in Qualitative Physics”: a heading off of efforts like cascade theory of tornado genesis) or spacetime physics (cf. J. L. Synge's 1972 article for Magic Without Magic: John Archibald Wheeler which dissipates “The Electrodynamic Double Helix” into a probability cloud) or molecular chemistry (cf. Poland's and Scheraga's 1970 Theory of Helix-Coil Transitions in Bioploymers). Synchronicities to holocaust-inducing B-52 strikes! A little magic without magic. Active-time banished, double-helical first-order temporal curl banished right along with Kozyrev's imparted spin moment and Bohm's implicate “active information”. World war prefigured once more by emotive refusal. History was not ending; validity of an objective linear-time was ending in demonstrations of the Unspeakable in Quantum Mechanics by the Aspect Experiments, and so on. Import of this was suppressed and hence regressed to The End of History, and yet another collective identification with archetypally-projected End Times. In all likelihood, after economic meltdown again, again come big-time cusp events. Open the Gates!

Hey, I'm here for a little while yet, probably very little, so might as well focus on the important stuff -- however difficult that might be given that the international publishing industry is on a par with the Idle Singer industry in Japan and there are so few choices in America: Judeo-Christian fundamentalism and mega-church Fosterite formations; New Age doltary; New Economy techno-projective identification; binary Enlightenment fundamentalism bifurcated into open-society liberalism and Neoconery; Saganic Scientism; encounter-group Environmentism; loose-smut Porntism. Anything else? Once you have eaten billiard-ball “action-based sociology” and its theories of “collective action”, the “authoritarian personality” theory of totalitarianism is just one rotten bite away from “great man” accounts of history-as-force. I see no evidence that great men have ever populated history, be they authoritarians or ethicists; but there is much to recommend the notion of projected constellations of great archetypal complexes of collective libido with which little men become identified by psychological induction, and thus lose any claim to be absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct personalities: mouthpieces for and effectors of states of mass regression. Mao's long hair, pudginess, fat-style mode of dress, loosestrife showoff behaviors were permitted by the confidence he displayed and demonstrated in his general male-chauvinist-pigisms: power comes out of the barrel of a gun. Whereas a macho-strutting/posturing president is a foregone conclusion in feminist America for a man named Bush. This is important stuff because how you assess the present pass on the planet depends on your sense of historiography; and how your historiography disports determines the nature of the initiatives you incorporate into your grand strategy. If, for instance, you accept at face value the account of Mao, the authoritarian personality, provided by Jung Chang and Jon Halliday, then assessment of severity of the present global crisis has to be far more pessimistic than I have been able to achieve. If a single “great” man by his own individualistic efforts could have imposed on the huge corpus of Chinese what Chang and Halliday describe, in the way they describe, and for the reasons they describe, then the human species and the planet surely are doomed, for that means that an inordinate ethology-surpassing level of submission-compliance is normative to the species, built-in, hardwired genetically and cognitively, not a disability, a deficit, a disease. A species of Elaine's wherein upon the transference has no overpass! If mass walk-in to gas chambers or functional equivalents thereof is normative, not one dimension of pandemic collective psychosis, substantive behavior modification over a population corpus of seven-billion human souls in face of oil peak, nuclear proliferation, climate shift, resources depletion, epidemics induction, generalized ecocide, passover plot regarding planetary carrying capacity… is not a possible. And if not a possible, then technical solutions not human-factors focused -- disease, deficit, disability -- are not technical solutions, and the initiatives incorporated into the resultant grand strategy will be of little actual utility. I'm a realist and a pragmatist, really -- and attentive to etiology and pathogenesis, while attempting a differential diagnosis and risking speculation on efficacious therapeutics. For instance, uniformizing technology forces cultures themselves to adapt (hence the collective free-energy and attention-cathexis sink of “culture war” in midst of planetary warming crisis in replacement for the Cold War cathectic sink), rather than to successfully adopt technological adaptation, not because of the inherent nature of technology, but due to the design criteria imposed by an economic system which relies for its self-organizing capacity upon perception of violation of the Second Law of Thermodynamics (“unending growth” without explication of a plausible mechanism) and supply-and-demand-modulated prices given in monetary units defined solely upon the 1T2-logic order-type out of a continuum infinity thereof. If one is interested in etiology, pathogenesis, and cure, even merely efficacious therapeutics, this defining monetary-unit condition is an important diathesis/miasm to consider.

Beginning more than ten years ago, I was arguing this to -- as it turned out -- a series of George Soros' executive assistants, Office of George Soros. In the words of Anatol Lieven (“The end of the West as we know it?”, International Herald Tribune, 28 December 2006):

At that point [when climate-change predictions turn out to be correct], not only will today's obsessive concern with terrorism appear insignificant, but all the democratizing efforts of Western states, and of private individuals and bodies like George Soros and his Open Society Institute, will be rendered completely meaningless.

But there are deeper reasons for reaching this judgment than those recognized by Anatol Lieven, and presumably the New America Foundation where he is a researcher on what America's role in the world ought to be, were “ethical realism” realistic for America. A questionable proposition, given the present state of America. Recognition of these deeper reasons is facilitated by a personal history of active engagement with issues of paradigm confrontation concerning fundamental physics of atmospheric processes -- not mere familiarity with the range of prevailing assessments of greenhouse warming. In making his argument, Lieven observes:

For market economies, and the Western model of democracy with which they have been associated, the existential challenge for the foreseeable future will be global warming. Other threats like terrorism may well be damaging, but no other conceivable threat or combination of threats can possibly destroy our entire system. As the recent British official commission chaired by Sir Nicholas Stern correctly stated, climate change “is the greatest and widest-ranging market failure ever seen.”

The question now facing us is whether global capitalism and Western democracy can follow the Stern report's recommendations, and make the limited economic adjustments necessary to keep global warming within bounds that will allow us to preserve our system in a recognizable form; or whether our system is so dependent on unlimited consumption that it is by its nature incapable of demanding even small sacrifices from its present elites and populations.

If the latter proves the case, and the world suffers radically destructive climate change, then we must recognize that everything that the West now stands for will be rejected by future generations. The entire democratic capitalist system will be seen to have failed utterly as a model for humanity and as a custodian of essential human interests.

No! The actual greatest existential challenge to the institutionalization of the Cartesian-Newtonian-Westphalian world construct has been Niels Henrik Abel's 1826 “Impossibility” Theorem and its m-valued spawn -- most notably quantum-relativity physics and elaborations properly understood with proper employment of Lukasiewiczian m-valued logics. The Stern report's “greatest and widest-ranging market failure ever seen”, i.e., anthropogenic climate shift, is derivative of MEETING this greatest existential challenge by suppression of right use of extensions of aleph-null-valued Lukasiewicz propositional logic to interpret Schrödinger's wave-function and apply the knowledge thus gained concerning quantum processes of self-organization to implementation of m-logically-valued monetary units such that externalities (e.g., those involved with the climate-shift dynamic) are internalized to market processes setting action directives with incentives and sanctions posted by m-logically-valued price fluctuations. Whether or not to allow quantum-relativistic principles of self-organization into consideration of atmospheric processes was at the foundation of paradigm confrontation in atmospheric science; before that, the core concepts in non-dissimulated form into fundamental physics; and before that, the generative notions to remain unmolested in higher mathematics. The consensus was, and remains, a very big suicidal No!

There are many reasons why a currency speculator like George Soros would have no interest in m-logically-valued monetary units, but I cannot agree one of them is that employment of such monetary units would implement a monetary system wherein currency speculators could not make money. The longer of the two quotations taken from Anatol Lieven and given immediately above illustrates some of what is involved. How could it be otherwise from a person working for any of the myriad American Showa Research Institutes? And recent post-Koizumi Japanese reintroduction of Kokutai no Hongi into their 21st-century education system is not a return to the 1930s so much as an imitation of the more recent American precedent set by the Council for National Polity (oops! Policy), the Moral Majority, the American Coalition for Traditional Values, the American Family Association, People for the American Way, the Concerned Christians, the Christian Identity Movement, the Christian Coalition, the Calvary Satellite Network, the Christian Broadcasting Network, the National Religious Broadcasters, the National Association of Evangelicals, the Southern Baptist Convention, the Trinity Broadcasting Network, the Voice in the Wilderness: monkey-brain sashimi drenched in Ajinomoto and run through a blender made in America (state-Shinto is animistic-Shinto Westernized!). What do Pat Robertson and UBL have in common? Both of their insurgency movements have, in part, been funded by interests in African diamonds: classic examples of exploitation of the surplus value of labor (according to a theory both disparage). And now Ethiopia invades Somalia to slam a fist down on a blob of mercury once again -- fist in the Horn of Africa following whose fist in South Central Asia? Lieven's reaction to the climate-shift challenge is the same reaction that has prevailed ever since Abel's 1826 “Impossibility” Theorem: protect the system by making the minimum possible change necessary to defend it against criticism and spread of public doubt. Lie even, if that is required: call an existence demonstration an “Impossibility” Theorem; call an m-valued Schrödinger superposition a collection of probability amplitudes; call m-valued atmospheric acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes mere “noise” so they can be filtered from the models and therefore play no role in ozone metabolism, solar-terrestrial interactions, upper-lower/lower-upper atmospheric mixing of greenhouse gases, and so very much more. Meiji, in Westernizing animistic-Shinto, all too appropriately, liberally funded Lenin, and at recommendation of The Adams Family! Willi Muenzenberg's “maximum-minimum program” (promise the maximum, deliver the minimum): Leninist-Hitlerian-Maoism in higher mathematics, physics, and daily operations of the National Weather Service. Plus, disproportionate attribution of ozone depletion to CFCs. As that problem continues to unfold… Increments of such minimum possible changes strung out since the early-19th century sum to climate change dynamics, oil peak dynamics, ecological dyscrasia, nuclear-weapons proliferation dynamics, atomic-reactor-waste proliferation dynamics, dispersal of depleted-uranium dustings, systemic manifestations of mass hysteria transiting to pandemic collective psychosis. It is no mere asymbolic coincidence that Abel died in his mid-twenties of consumption, while Evariste Galois -- author of the long-preferred non-Abelian approaches cultivated by Cantor's bane and Husserl's boon, Kronecker -- died at a similar age in a duel over transference dynamics of a love triangle, permutations of the polynomial dimensions of which have lead to automatisms (oops! automorphisms) in many fields, along with their technological extensions. Analyze that!

Born in the Land of New Olds, the best measure I have of the severity of the global crisis is the near-universal lack of interest over four-and-a-half decades in all dimensions of these ideas. I first wrote about the seed notions in 1963 at AU's School of International Service. At that time, first-semester freshmen were assigned only one paper, a scholarship-award-competition “dissertation” written for the Dean (Griffiths) under the preceptorship of a graduate student of the given freshman's academic advisor (in my case, Prof. Abdul Aziz Said). Mine was entitled “The Predicament of Existentialism” and I worked intensively upon it throughout the semester. The paper challenged validity and utility of the very notion of precedence relations -- logical, ontological, and temporal -- in arguing, by recourse to Husserl, Heisenberg, and Gödel, that both the Platonic “essence precedes existence” and the Existentialist “existence precedes essence” formulations are wrong. The paper concluded with the suggestion that investigations of F. S. C. Northrop's “indeterminate aesthetic continuum”, explicated in his book The Meeting of East and West, would yield a way out of the “predicament”. The graduate student preceptor did not understand the concepts and I received a B- grade. Being an observer, not a protester, I did not contest that judgment -- though the paper codified my life-long intellectual agenda to somehow integrate animistic-Shinto states of consciousness experienced as a child in rural Japan (1953-6) with states of consciousness imposed upon me later in life. Anyone who assures you he has experienced a state of timelessness is misinformed and is shoveling disinformation at you: no “one” can experience timelessness. Timelessness does not permit simple-identity. And anyone who argues that the petrocurrency (dollars, euros, whatever) conundrum -- which, in memetime future, will become far worse than anything seen today and during the 1970s -- can be resolved or even satisfactorily managed with a currency unit possessing simple-identity is misinformed, foolish, telling a lie even. This was at least intuited somememetime ago when the French proposed a “composite reserve unit” (think Schrödinger superposition: i.e., “system composite” which is no mere “basket”) in lieu of Special Drawing Rights. The best period to read into these issues is during the memetime the Bretton-Woods system went into hysteresis and before people like Milton Friedman painted over the issues: a proposition which, itself, is a hysteron proteron (see, for instance: before the fact, Remaking the International Monetary System by Fritz Machlup [The Johns Hopkins Press, 1968]; and as afterwards The Origins of International Economic Disorder by Fred L. Block [UC Press, 1977] and Organizing the World's Money by Benjamin J. Cohen [Basic Books, 1977]. Several of Milton Friedman's prominent students, and finally Friedman himself, could not “get” the basic idea of a Lukasiewicz monetary unit, which means they never attempted to understand F. A. von Hayek's notion of the “time-shapes of total capital stock” (think Schrödinger superposition: i.e., “system composite” which is no mere “basket”, trade-related, commodity-reference, whatsoever). Of course, having some familiarity with the “relative-state formulation of quantum mechanics” (econometrically restated in von Hayek's formulation concerning time-shapes) originated by Hugh Everett, III, does help one gain insight into monetary hysterotely. I would note that L and G had to be combined with F in order to arrive at the combined-form meaning of “hystero” as hysteroneurasthenia or hysteria (see: Hysteria: The History of a Disease by Ilza Veith, U. of Chicago Press, 1970) as stigmatization of non-simple identity, i.e., dissociation. The required viscosity or internal friction, preventing hot-money-driven chaotic reflexivity without imposition of monetary controls, comes from a fine-grained tagging of indices of relative-state (the “engine“ of quantal self-organization), which tagging requires employment of self-referential µTm-logically-valued monies. An important contribution in this regard came from Nancy Hartsock's paper discussing identity construct and empathy in relation to economic processes (see: “Exchange Theory” in Current Perspectives in Social Theory, Vol. 6, edited by S. G. McNall, JAI Press, 1985). One reason Soros is not interested in m-logically-valued monetary units is self-similar to why physicists today are no more interested in G. Beavers' 1993 “Extensions of Aleph-Null-Valued Lukasiewicz Propositional Logic” (Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic, 34:2, pp. 251-62) for interpretation of superposition in Schrödinger's wave-function than they were interested for the same purpose in 1926 in the 1921 formulations of Lukasiewicz logics. This lack of interest in 1926 was the straw that broke the camel's back in regards to pathogenesis of WWII (which, contrary to the opinion of some, did involve a holocaust of the Jews, the Cabalistic tradition of whom was one, but only one, prefiguration of Lukasiewicz logics, logics to the Friedman mindset an utter anathema). Synchronicities are as synchronicities do.

If no guts no glory, then no GUTs (grand unification theories) without Unified Science -- and no Unified Science absent linear-timeless Lukasiewiczian non-simple identity. Contrary to this “wild” association of the unassociated, however, the von Neumann formalism presupposed that scientifically-admissible notions of mind (and, hence, Sorosian market reflexivity) must be elaborated only in a real space and time. To quote John von Neumann's Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Mechanics (Princeton U. Press, 1955):

…it is a fundamental requirement of the scientific viewpoint -- the so-called principle of the psycho-physical parallelism -- that it must be possible so to describe the extra-physical process of the subjective perception as if it were in reality in the physical world -- i.e., to assign to its parts equivalent physical processes in the objective environment, in ordinary space. [Emphasis added, pp. 418-419.]

One of the not-so-salient features of The New Physics is that very few of the physical processes involved in material systems are described as transpiring in “ordinary space”. After Luneburg, even ordinary visual space is not ordinary space (see: Rudolf K. Luneburg, “The Metric of Binocular Visual Space”, Journal of the Optical Society of America, 40:10, October 1950). What then is ordinary space? The Luneburg paper came out of Columbia University five years before von Neumann's book came out of nearby Princeton University. Indeed, this feature of science von Neumann insists upon fell decisively away with the 19th-century formulation of Hamilton's quaternions, which involve employment of imaginary numbers (themselves going back to Pythagorean gematria and the Greek modal scales), and thus the space involved is no longer “real” and certainly not “ordinary”. All physical fields we know of (and the forms of a lot of the avant-garde music we hear) exist in spaces at least as imaginary as those involving quaternion algebra. It's not surprising that evidence and the facts keep changing when most of them don't even exist in ordinary space! Yet, von Neumann requires “subjective perception” to be less imaginary than are physical fields. And this absurdity is carried into assessment of the quantum measurement problem in just such a way as to preclude employment of Lukasiewiczian logics which have not been dissimulated. Just because a person is good at mathematics does not mean he has learned to psychologically live in a complex world. In this specific respect, von Neumann's book of 1955 was simply a rephrasing of perspectives concerning lattice-logics he had settled upon by the mid-1930s during run up to WWII (thus reinforcing the prefiguration of 1926). Karl Popper -- under whom George Soros studied and by whose thought Soros was greatly influenced -- developed a “propensities” interpretation of quantum mechanics by way of replacement for the Copenhagen “probability amplitudes” interpretation, and this aligned him with John C. Eccles' “Three-Worlds Theory” of mind-body interactions, an action-based psycho-sociology, i.e., an attempt to retain the essential metaphysical principles of Cartesian-Newtonian thought in face of the decontextualization established by New Physics, New Biology, New Neuroscience (see for best explication: J. C. Eccles, “The Physiology and Physics of the Free Will Problem”, in S. L. Mintz and S. M. Widmayer [eds.], Progress in the Neurosciences and Related Fields, New York: Plenum Press, 1974). John von Neumann, Popper, Eccles are each here conforming to the Ockham's Razor principle which Anatol Lieven offers a “minimum change” version of. Only trouble is: an m-valued Schrödinger-superposed Nature processing under m-valued Lukasiewicz logics abhors Ockham's Razor -- and that is in the very nature of the quantum-measurement problem (as well as tornado genesis, radiation exchange by DNA, and so very much more). Why is that? Because Ockham's Razor is a principle meaningful only relative to the 1T2-logic order-type. For reason of all these cognitive commitments and more, George Soros is not interested in m-logically-valued monetary units.

As someone almost once said: Oh, ye of mere faith and so little direct experience. My, what brains you have! Under 1T2 logic, howsoever recorded, ethnic histories are ethnic histories and spiritual insights into the nature of reality are spiritual insights. By “no A is not-A” the two are not conflatable, not one: numbers must be, and actually are, absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct. Recommended is M. Ester Harding's book The “I” and the Not-“I” (Princeton U. Press, 1965). “Draw a distinction” is even more fundamental than “truth-value”, because truth-value cannot be determined without prior existence of distinction between “A” and “not-A”. If you wish to conflate ethnic histories and spiritual insights, and orally transmit them or write them down howsoever, then you are immediately into a universe of µTm-logical Cabala where “Is is absolutely Is-not” absolutely is the CTC-th case. The whole issue of “free will” addressed by John Eccles is moot. Timelessness does not mean everything already always is. That notion is derivative of a linear-time-bound discrete absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct “A” looking at “not-A” through the cognitive lens of 1T2 logic and its derivative laws of recursion (generalized to Tablets [i.e., “calculable iff recursive”], Talmudic laws, Roman laws, Sharia, Common laws, what have you). The same for defining properties of money. So long as you have transactions of a critical variable (e.g., post-peak oil) denominated in a “vehicle currency” there will be acute identity problems in the monetary system and compulsive behaviors in association therewith: attempts to nail down identity to one or another cross, peg to the dollar, say. This, of course, institutionalizes all sorts of purchasing power disparities wholly unrelated to the “time-shapes of total capital stock”. The impulse, then, is to move toward one global vehicle currency which is the reserve currency. But vehicle currencies do not actually reserve stores of value, as they have no indices tagged to time-shapes of the values to be stored -- and, that being the case, price under such vehicle currencies cannot represent the values needing to be stored. The Gulf Cooperation Council is forced by this circumstance to follow in wake of the EU and create a single SINGLE-LOGICALLY-VALUED vehicle currency which they -- à la The Economist, “The Petrodollar Peg”, 9-15 December 2006, p. 80) -- are urged to find some way to link to oil price. Something which cannot EFFECTIVELY be done absent Lukasiewiczian µTm-logically-valued price.

What is involved here is the end of science and the rise of post-science as Lee Smolin, committed to perimeters and their institutionalization, fully realizes: The Trouble with Physics: The Rise of String Theory, the Fall of Science, and What Comes Next. Smolin is another “one” holding Ockham's Razor to Nature's throat (wormhole). In the CTC-th-logically-valued case, which -- unbeknownst to superstring theorists who have yet to “recognize” m-valued universal physical constants processed by µTm-logical Nature -- M Theory is decisively converging upon, there can by definition be no experimental verification, for repeatability simply cannot exist absent 1T2-logical linear-time taken as no mere memetime. Nature abhors science. There are as many kinds of time, light, limiting velocities, and so on as order-types of logic and these, themselves, may be ordered into classes according to the types of operations they perform: operator-time as logical-topological-ontological operator. Nature's way. Without 1T2-logical perimeters -- inside the line absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinguishable from outside the line -- Smolin would be out of a job! Limes and more limes -- and by such limes-upon-limes do given technological regimes, by projective-identification at transference, codify given forms of the socialization of cognition verified in quantum measurement at autogenic discharge. In any possible actual GUTs by Unified Science, there is no possibility of repeatability, for ordinary space and an objectively real linear-time not a memetime are no parts of it -- especially as there are no absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct parts and wholes about it. “2Be or not-2Be?” is not the question facing humanity -- whatever it may think it does not think. Yumpin' Yak Yehoshafat! Rapture as bagging a comet has all the signs and symptoms of resurrecting human sacrifice.

Surely you are living in a different universe of discourse than this “I” and even “my other I-am”. Looking to cultures derivative of the Fertile Crescent for redeeming social value vis-à-vis the present global crisis is as futile as seeking a red heifer in a haystack without infrared imaging and a genome hacker's intuition -- or bouncing phased-array radar off hot auroras in search of redemption from atomic tunnels of crazy Chinamen. Good Ol' JD. Fertile-Crescent-Religion cultures have come together and formed a psychological black hole in the human collective unconscious -- by reaction to the threat posed by necessary Immanence of Abelian trans-al-jabr and that Immanence's Immaculate spawn, corporeal quantum non-simple identity transparency (once upon a memetime nailed down on a cross: find, fix, and finish). These discoveries concerning Nature's attributes are tantamount to a collective withdrawal of the personification occasioning projective-identification at transference: Immaculate Transcendental Immanence being in the omnipotent character of the Divine allfather/OurFather exteriorized from the abstract allbase to the concrete particular by personification in transference via a Sonning of Himself upon shifting sands of the incarnate world. Quantization of temporal curl is Penrose twistor; hypertemperature is the latent energy of the spin moment of operator-time; operator-time is Maxwell's “sorting demon” (regarded by some as the “Holy Ghost dispensation of time”). To discover these characteristics omnipresent always already superposed in linear-timeless Nature is pure unadulterated animistic pantheistic pagan dissing of personification, an existential denial intolerable to those psychologically spayed of capacity for deep subjectivity, be those the scientific priesthood or some other priesthood. Aliyah! Aliyah! Reading from the Desk over the Book of Nature: linear-time become once more mere memetime by endogenous ketaminergic antidote to glutamate Flood transliterated and concretized to End Times aliyah and associated horrors of Great Nihil. A concretizing literalism is psychological hazard of introspective ineptitude, the conveyance of which is the foremost duty of the priesthood, any priesthood, howsoever preachy, confessional, legalistic, rule regulating, sacrificing out-there as opposed to in-here.

After they destroy their world and most everyone around them… Just as changes are not identical to chances, elaborated in a Chinese book or no, Upper or Lower Heaven, Critical or Normative State -- but no probability or statistics, no chronomancy or geomancy in most probable moving lines of Dragon current, Naga lightstream -- there is another “distinction” you may wish to become aware of which could be of considerable value: chi or ki is not energy, spiritual or otherwise (nor the whole hologram, either); it is latent energy qua Kozyrev's temporal-spin moment (which is not ordinary spin in 3-space or Dirac spin in 1T2-logical Hilbert space) qua hypertemperature (not random atomic motions but, say, at the sub-atomic scale, electron latent-temperature enhancements by topological transforms, organized by phased-array radar or acoustically-modified gravity waves or… some other HAARPing Star Wars forward-deployed tunnel surveillance) qua temporal curl (the field-theoretic expression of topologically-active operator-time quantized as Penrose twistor, which, voiding the “classical limit” by m-valued universal physical constants, thus fractalizing all quantum-measurement measures at all scale levels to Koch curves to Cantor-Novikov-kami dust, is a twister at geophysical grid-length scales and time steps on Riemann-Sakharov multi-sheet model -- à la Shinto ma -- numbered in Lukasiewicz terms over Pereira layered-transparent with numbered Gödel numbers) qua the chronomantic's infraself-emptied blackbody-consciousness-state over superconductant intranuclear neuronal DNA topological handle in quantum measurement on µTm-logically-valued hyperfunctionspace at toss of the I-Ching yarrow-stalk Clifford-Möbius bundle qua the latent energy and latent heat laid on by hands and at homeopathic potentization to digibio acoustically-modified gravity-wave-mode signature. That being the case, one can easily see why there might be people out there who would wish a pox on all priesthoods, secular and sacred. Nowadays, according to Rip van Imp, there is no god but God created by man in the image of his inflated ego sphere via the personification occasioning projective-identification at transference. Sustaining the ego sphere reflecting projection of the personification is largely a matter of maintaining boundaries of the bubbles within which Yayoi Kusama places her phallic-furniture wormhole constructs of topological transforms over kami dust clouds of ma by temporal operations of ki. Derailed autogenic discharge mudra during “the Clouds and the Rain” to all yous guys into Tang-style poetry! Or, for that matter, Mariyo Yagi's “Polar Axis Fibrous Screw” (of Clifford fiber-bundles of virtual optical fibers) of superconductant DNA-generated coherent waves transmitted via Ling-polarized intracellular water(clock)-clepsydra and microtubules of cytoskeleton by quasi-superradiance at self-induced transparency (animistic-Shinto sudden-recognition Satori over which occasioned Yagi-san's “Rope Shock”). Which leads us to another “distinction” of note: the I-Gene-Cube of Johnson F. Yan (DNA and the I Ching, North Atlantic, 1991) is not a cube; it is a Brown-Thring-Bennett non-selfsame Clifford-skew-cube constructed of “apokritical intervals” (hypercomplex-angular phase-digit measures of self-induced transparency, the ability of an entity to maintain its selfhood under superposed influence of multiplicity, i.e., m-valued logics: simple-identity being a decompositional involute of non-simple-identity and immune self-signification -- via self-antigens marking host tissues -- being “A Broken Idiotypic Mirror” deeply involved in the personification occasioning projective-identification at transference). Amaterasu's mirror, the mirror, that is, ritualistically hung on a branch of Cleyera japonica -- it must be Ternstroemia gymnanthera, if the Riemann-surface function-branching over superposed flat spaces of ma is to be properly mirrored. How could a novel about this specific topic be less than more than one volume? To quote dissociated protagonist, Derek Dillon, unconcerned with immediate gratification by whomsoever antagonists, and autistically ycleping inappropriate affect through the lens of the model of 3D-electron-gas core of superconductant DNA into the self-referential annotated bibliography to the novel The Moon of Hoa Binh (Vol. 2, p. 751):

Berggren, K. F. “Quantum Phenomena in Small Semiconductor Structures and Devices”, International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, XXXIII: 3, March 1988. (It is interesting to consider how “pencils of skew-parallels” might act as functional equivalents of “quantum well wires” embedded in the “Fermi sea of an infinite 3D electron gas” -- and what role such devices might play on the multivalued [and m-logically-valued] quantum level of cortical function in the intact brain. Who said the Regge calculus is just a mathematical formalism? Who said that Jung's archetypes have nothing to do with Einstein's general theory of relativity?… My God! there he goes again, hypostatizin' and reifyin'. Dere couldn't be no quantum analogue of the fiber optic scrambler for encrypt-decrypt of the m-valued [and m-logically-valued] neural code. Couldn'ta be no connection 'tween pencils of skew-parallels, Regge calculus, fiber bundles, strain tensors, and the real thig: archetypal patterns (maze of nested Platonic regular polyhedra made of Fermi surfaces and Brillouin holes) of Einstein's curvature, all twistor-ized and operator-timed, in sidereal AND cortical momentum space. Not ta speak a correspondences -- dat is, mathematical FUNCTIONS betwixt and baaatween da two. That be pseudo-scientific astrological! Why, da Committee ta INvestigate Claims ta da Po-version a Good Upstandin'… Hmmmm.)

Which Fermi surfaces and Brillouin holes are used to construct the I-Gene Skew-Cube, but one of the regular polyhedra at issue in the orders of Upper and Lower Heaven? Can't answer this question without Musculpt! For the ego sphere, “one” must realize, not any class of boundaries will do: 1T2-logical boundaries only, which permit no self-induced transparency, the very essence of chronomancy by blackbody functions. Postmodernist film being imitation of postmodernist art fiction, that promised is never provided. What isn't revealed in “Cube” and “p” is that cubic nest is actually skew-cubed such that cubed-sphere is skew-cubed Riemann sphere; just as, for cognitive flat screen focused on squared-circle, proportions of Vesica (by gematria translated into the Sermon on the Mount, not vice versa) in “one : Square Root of Three :: 1 : 1.732” reflect ALHIM-Elohim in Pi as 3.1415. Multiple values of a non-selfsame number stacked on a Lukasiewicz point, to 1T2-logic cognition, read how? Just as translating unified synaesthesia to separate sensory dimensions required Kandinsky to seek rules like “a triangle must always be yellow”, so “one : Square Root of Three” becomes 1 : 3 = 13 = AChD = Unity (fundamentalist 1T3-logic notion of wholeness divine: 13th-Tribe ethnic history, and its Pascal's-triangle binomial distributions, as equivalent to religion). D-basing in decomposition by mathematical involutes involves an inevitable accumulation of errors, corruption of words, appearance of deterministic chaos when the world picture is arbitrarily restricted (filtered, truncated, scaled, renormalized) by commandment to “dispensations” over the 1T2-logic order-type of fitness-landscape surface interminably fought over. To obtain a p-adic number one beheads the factors stacked on a point in hyperspace so as to yield a monadic equivalent in ordinary space: such is the sacred nature of sacrifice. The level of disgust rightfully entertained concerning the whole Fertile Crescent enterprise is unspeakable.

Consciousness state mistaken as physical place made landmark; the abstract mistaken for the concrete and the concrete mistaken for the abstract; subjective artifact of the socialization of cognition in-here mistaken for objective physical object out-there; presence of the bare object denied by those without experience of one or more bare subjects; no hyletic data and no superposed horizons and no eidetic reduction; process mistaken for institution; how's mistaken for where's; what's mistaken for when's; the logical mistaken for the ontological; the topological mistaken for the epistemological; the epistemological mistaken for the existential; logical march mistaken for temporal extension; the practice mistaken for the institution and the institution mistaken for the practice; pattern recognition mistaken for pattern; time-rate perception mistaken for time; mantra made greeting and greeting made mantra; behaviors in-here made phylacteries out-there, individually and collectively; ethnic history mistaken for cosmogenesis, phylogenesis, ontogenesis, language genesis; cosmogenesis mistaken for ethnogenesis; language acquisition mistaken for the origin of consciousness. And on and on and on… To the degree a sacred text, oral or written, is demonstrated accurate ethnic history, to the same degree has it no authentic spiritual value. Bodies of learned behavior that should be transmitted generation to generation made instead monuments to historical preservatives, intergenerational memory being too difficult for brains glutamate-flooded by PRESCRIPTIVE enculturation focused on surface shape-of-style, rather than forms of the formless form. Life-world of the socius cartooned, theme-parked, and made a matter of human-zootechnics. Institutionalization, religious and/or secular, is the glutamate of the people -- and that is why the early “primitive” Christians, for instance, were into magic mushrooms. Just as Polish jokes lampoon Lukasiewicz logics, so Jewish jokes castigate Cabala: the “three opinions of two Jews” is an unconscious derisive stigmatization of the 2T3-logic order-type in fractalization of Sepher Yetzirah formation treated as the neuroanatomy of the body of God (in personification occasioning projective-identification at transference). Stigmatize the stigmatist? Sacrifice the introjection? Introject the sacrifice? Nah! The conflations noted above are not in and of themselves wrong; they are wrong insofar as the logic employed is limited to the 1T2 order-type -- such limitation being an artifact of “the stages of cognitive development” accomplished by neuronal etching at glutamate flood (such “development” being retrograde inversion of Sepher Yetzirah formation). Tempus = time. Templum = space of auguries (i.e., a time-like space or spatialized time, both being rather Einsteinian, rather like frequency domains). All but one of the order-types carried by “the Ark” get “sacrificed”: that remaining is the foundation stone of the 1T2-logical-world local(ization) covenant met by fulfilling the commandments of socialization electrochemically arced across the temple (tempus-templum) mount -- or was it doming a night flight between the temples: long-range phase correlation by autogenic discharge? -- and its holy of holies, quantum substrate of old and new brain, testaments to decomposition by mathematical involutes over numbered numbers numbering the self-formative Cantor “dust” unto Cantor “dust” of ADAMic attunement 1-to-10, 10-in-1, any 1-pulled-out-of-10, any 10-pushed-into-1: IChD out-of/into IHVH by AHIH to-or-from AHIHVH. Clearing the throat, ALHIM. Sparks lifting off divine fire. 19 Sephiroth; 37 Sephiroth; 97 Sephiroth; 193 Sephiroth… pregeometry factors of numbered Gödel-numbers Regge-latticed over Hilbert space under operator-timed Lukasiewiczian logics of spacetime curvature configurations self-reentered and non-orientable. Liber Al.vel Legis: I am not extended. ETZ CHAIM: Szentagothai's nested architectonics of the cortex put to number as involuted over quantum substrate. An offering to that Cabalistic Marjorie Morningstar of the late-night library, AU, circa fall of 1963 -- wherewhenhowwhatsoever she might be.

No, no. It has to be understood that Newton's physics was not completely separate from his esoteric, alchemical religious commitments -- no more removed than was the fact of his being the Master of the Mint: money, god, and country (Kinged or deKinged) are deeply related symptoms. It was no mere historical mistake that the “object” of ritual gift exchange, say a sacred soul-cloth, signifying animistic identity-transparency in lieu of mass warfare, underwent non-equilibrium phase transition through barter to monetization by 1T2-logical currencies treated as the moneyer Newton's cannonballs of total war-by-other-means between absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct atomistic micro-actors in possession of wholly-ownable properties with simple-identity traded in markets governed by binary rules, laws of motion in fluxions of supply and demand, for instance. Hey! You there! Yes, you! Carry that price on your head! Nor was Hobbes' Leviathan distinct from his God. God is a personified projection of the ego sphere; nation-state, with or without social contract, a far less personified projection of the same sphere. An objective material nature is a near-total abstraction (from the concrete bare-percept field of hyletic data superposed in horizons of spatial haptification and temporal concretion) borne by the glutamatergic socialization of cognition projected by sub-clinical autogenic brain-discharge over the subject/(physical)object-level of the quantum-measurement transference (and devolving to a cognitive nadir in the perceptual naiveté of post-Renaissance naturalism). Where utopianism, “hard” in the short-term à la materialistic Marx, differed from “soft” utopianism, “hard” in the long-term, say of the spiritualist deism variety, is that Marx had no viable eschatology, no actual theory of the final dialectic state he called pure “communism”, whereas the deist, with his clock-universe running on solar power, could always take recourse to millenarian conceptions of End Times, as, essentially, has contemporary Big Bang cosmology: an unending series of Bangs connected to Crunches by a similarly unending series of dispensational linear-times, each with a beginning and an end (even infinite series have their Newtonian limits). The Fluxion Calculus was Newton's eschatology, giving rise to a theory of unending ends, End Times after End Times after End Times… Yehudah! Yahudah! Yahoodah! Yahoo! How very, very Kooky! Consciousness state as place; times in the Name: transference essence of dispensationalism (see the first item cited in the scientific bibliography to The Moon of Hoa Binh: “Behavior and the Place Names of Time” by Bernard S. Aaronson, American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis, 9, 1966). Twern't no Middle East intelligence analyst at JFK Special Warfare Center in run up to the Six Day War for nothin'! The calculated limit to an infinite series precluded the transfinite sets presupposed by animistic identity-transparency and formalized in Cantor's diagonal-proof of denumerable subset-set-superset cardinality-transparency Möbius-twisted into ordinality-transparency in Gödel's formally-self-similar proofs of undecidability and incompleteness made wholly non-orientable by numbering Gödel numbers into continuum-extensions of aleph-null-valued Lukasiewicz propositional logic (the depth of Schrödinger's atemporal superposition -- real time ends in orders of imaginary time -- underlying the tip of Heisenberg's uncertainty iceberg). The Personification, you see, not only names, states the Name, it arbitrarily binds -- imposes initial and boundary conditions without which the cosmic calculus don't work too good -- the unbounded whole: an insufferable arrogation occasioning projection of the ego sphere. The fact that any piece of the holographic plate contains the whole image (fuzzy to a 1T2-logic ratiocination) recorded upon the whole plate is one physical “interpretation” of the general principle Cantor's diagonal-proof demonstrates. Suchness of this transparency is not personifiable! Kach! Thus! AIN SOPH! Tathata! Which does not necessarily mean there is no god but the no-god! And the further fact that contemporary monetary units do not share this transparency property with holographic plates goes a long way toward explaining why there are so many “externalities” to the global marketplace -- externalities (constellated by psychological projection: who created this economics, anyhow?) responsible for the so-low-level of self-organizational competency capitalist economies have thoroughly demonstrated over the past four-hundred years: expectation of unending growth required simply to organize allocations whilst cyclic End Times reflexively predator the market, population bomb, total mass warfare, genocide, ecocide, planetocide, climate-shift dynamics, resource depletion dynamics, atomic waste dispersal, cycles of atomic-weapons proliferation… Little End-Times cycles leading to big End-Times cycles -- as necessitated by the theory. And, unfortunately, there is no redemption to be found in an overcompensating, childhood's end in a tantrum, instant shake-n-bake Borderless World! Cardinality-transparency and ordinality-transparency of unbounded wholeness is not “modeled” by a borderless world. The transparency applies to the denumerably transfinite no less than the non-denumerably transfinite: therefore, simply removing the borders upon which 1T2-logical currency units are defined as legal tender just doesn't hack it. Borders without boundary; boundaries without border. Not a borderless world, borderless borders (i.e., actually-fractal boundaries for e-monies). Not a possible-world under 1T2-logic only. “One” has to go to the Regge calculus on manifolds subjected to the multi-sheeted Riemann surface over a Riemann sphere handled by Lukasiewicz logics, not a personified 3-sphere as ego sphere in projective-identification. Empathizing abstraction concretizes the heuristic -- which is the only realistic taming of utopia. Utopia without utopia! In complementarity to Wheelerian pregeometric magic without magic. The heuristic model is not expected to materialize, only to function as a teleological strange attractor making increasingly higher levels of self-organizational competency actually attainable absent expectation of unending growth for which there can by definition be no finite model. The notion there is eschatology is epiphenomenal to restriction of ratiocination to the 1T2-logic order-type, which is how personification personifies.

Give me JC-superstar-man any ol' end of days! (by psychological displacement from superconductant DNA). The dog's foot! Goldfoot. You call that sane? New Age literalists deserve all the apocalypse they seek -- more power to them; but the tribulation desired for others is a yearning after genocide on a scale dwarfing even the first ninety-percent-effective post-Columbian megakill: religion of Great Awakening most-literally revealed. Gotta get those existential confirmations! Peoples who have sustained endogenous glutamatergic brain-drain, that dread cognitive anasarca, are obsessive about their boundaries: fearing Daoist disorder, they build Confucian Great Walls; in dispensationalist fervor over demise of traditional Western logic, they seek the redemptive GUTs required to make the whole of the Israeli 2nk-fitness-landscape into a Western Wailing Wall blood-brain barrier. The primary function of sacrifice out-there is maintenance of this barrier in-here. All gone to adularia, yet one more monoclinic polymorph. By Jewish messianism, the quantum-substrate holy of holies holography -- within the temple mount, that noble neurocognitive Musculpt-projection-dome sanctuary: Temple-Templar plate, signifier of the World Hologram, that Tempus-Templum frequency domain -- cannot be entered. Forbidden! Ritual purity of the flat-screen Site and the infrasound-signature Name demands it. Anastomotic rows and rows praying within the Temple or across the Plate, unconscious sublimation of subset-set-superset Cardinal-Ordinal identity transparency unavailable one-to-one two-against-the-world face-to-face in any 1T2-logic concatenation, whatever songline topology 2nk might take. Only across nature's very own Mnk AIN SOPH! Abelian trans-al-jabr! The calamity of the very existence of the µTm-logic order-type spread across the Plate is for God's purified perfection alone. Nonetheless, consciously entering that substrate through boundaries-without-boundary is not a secular-Jewish messianism, nor a secular-Christian millenarian program, no mere marking of the Madhi's return, let alone a covert Maoist pogrom. One has only to look at the iconography displayed on the greenback dollar to understand the Enlightenment fundamentalist is fully implicated -- and ex-hippies, ex-yippies, full-fledged yuppies, Lefties, Liberals, all those who place their faith in institutionalization of the prevailing paradigm, howsoever morphed, shape-shifted, transubstantiated under projective-identification at transference in whatever network configuration. The constitutional convention is to make structural and functional change sufficiently cumbersome as to be problematic, hence rarely engaged. Gerrymandering is allowed only for modulation of Newton's vector sums tallied in Locke's voting machine -- not for ongoing institutional adaptation to a changing natural, economic, political, social, psychological environment. Plasmahaut! as any good ol' Kolloid well knows. Cellular organizational adaptation by resource exchange across diffusion barriers, boundaries-without-boundary (the engine of autopoiesis for any successful osmotic insurgent in-gathering). Consider the “plastic bag” of the photoacoustic spectrometer as analogous to the Plasmahaut; in the case of superconductant DNA free-electron gas-core plasma bottle, the “bag” is a temporal-operator and fractal-dimension discontinuity. The rapture of bagging a comet at Heaven's Gate is a poor substitute by projective identification at transference -- though possibly better than cupping Cosmic Kool-Aid which ain't Live-Aid. Vagina Dialogue on the scale level of tornadic-vortex plasma bottle is a rippling of the walls at acoustically-modified gravity-wave mode generation; similar to vibrations of the “plastic bag” of the photoacoustic spectrometer (an Israeli original, it should be noted: “Photoacoustic Spectroscopy of Chloroplast Membranes: Listening to Photosynthesis”, by David Cahen, Shmuel Malkin, and E. I. Lerner, FEBS Letters, 91:2, July 1978). Temple Mount Dome of the Rock (feldspar orthoclase monoclinic polymorph) light-sound interaction device. The boundary is the wave-effect processor superposing all the overtones. Map the m-valued critical-state variables on boundary-without-boundary for superposed m-logically-valued processing such that structural and functional adaptation self-organizes. Do this with the full-spectrum of administrative variables -- public and/or private sector -- and boundary changes become the self-organizational engine. What method can map such variables upon boundaries-without-boundary? This can be accomplished by means of fine-grained tagging over m-logically-valued monetary units defined as legal tender on fractal e-boundaries-without boundary.

In the simplest of terms, the point being made here is that the world people think they are living in has already ended. It ended irrevocably in 1826 with Abel's “Impossibility” Theorem. Those who understand how Abel stopped the world have already been Raptured by the higher atemporal state of consciousness prerequisite to that understanding. It's taken almost 200 years for those Left Behind to hear about it -- and they persist in claiming that the world which has already been stopped continues still. This dogged persistence and mistaken existential claim indulged for nearly two centuries has insured continuance of collective behaviors locked on realizing apocalyptic visions Rorschached over ancient texts and the archeosciences. Linear-time stopped with advent of Abel's trans-al-jabr, but the human mind refuses to relinquish the collectively induced folie/illusion that memetime is an objectively real linear-time. The Refusnik always insists on realizing the consequences of his refusal. Imagining the atemporal (which does not permit simple-identity) as Great Nihil, refusing-mind has no alternative but “displacement” of the end of memetime as objective linear-time to End-Times apocalypse.

The injunction “Get behind thyself!”, sometimes attributed to Christ, was understood in its original meaning by those few persons without “lateral mental cleavage” long before development of virtual reality goggles: m-logically-valued identity, seat of human paranoia this prevailing 10,000-year temporal envelope.

Individual heroism, by virtue of the social structure of attention induced, is a form of collective suicide.

When the incidence of serialmurder and minimassmurder abruptly subsides in America, for whatever reason, I will begin to worry that cusp events soon will be upon us: then “democrashit” becomes “democide”.

Sequence is a property of tools and languages; it came into being with these two, thus suppressing the quantum attributes of brains. “Be here now!” is an empty command, for it is clear that a sequential mind cannot apprehend, let alone comprehend, an asequential universe: the command is neurologically impermissible.

We, the species, will see -- if we live long enough.

What you say? Forchristsake, Stalin was educated at seminary to become a priest.

“Lateral mental cleavage” yields a brain capable of thinking in only two logical values to a given proposition, or gradations there between: true/false, good/bad, right/wrong, we/they. Higher-valued logics, and the perceptions that go with them, are stigmatized by the binary mind as satanic relativism -- a complete misnomer. If you do not believe in lateral mental cleavage, then you have not read the collection of clichéd ideas and flat-stereotype-character portraits which is a Tom Clancy novel. These clichés and stereotypes ARE lateral mental cleavage by glutamatergic neuronal etching: very early onset Alzheimer’s as manifest destiny!

Though I no more agree with the political and economic orientations carried to the historical interpretations than I could embrace Robert Ludlum’s total identification with the theoretical foundations of 17th and 18th century political economy (see his Introduction to his novel Trevayne), I can recommend the following: Edmund Russell's War and Nature: Fighting Humans and Insects with Chemicals from World War I to Silent Spring; Joanna Bourke's An Intimate History of Killing; James Aho's This Thing of Darkness: A Sociology of the Enemy; and Otto Friedrich's The End of the World: A History.

One could just as easily countenance the title: A History of the Killing of the Intimate (i.e., m-logically-valued animistic identity transparency).

Severe storms -- atmospheric, political, economic, psychic -- are not locally forced, however much the resident academic establishments insist they are. Your ratiocination is asynoptic. Think of Iraq not as a war, not even as a battle: think of Iraq as one extended iconic Bloody Sunday -- prelude or no prelude. Recognition of fractal self-similarity comes only across scale levels. Mind you mind!

One can only protest! M-valued logics have nothing to do with “synarchy” or “democrashit” -- however much those two pre-WWII idiocies were subliminal back-reaction against pre-WWI Polish logics. There is French thought and then there is French thought. N'est ce pas? By displacement, it was the m-logically-valued which Hitler and Stalin tried to cleanse. “Democide” always proceeds by projective identification in transference of the regressed repressed. That is why the perpetrators are rarely, if ever, those responsible. Hitler and Stalin: personifications of split-off autonomous complexes of the collective unconscious of the human species.

Humph! Robert Ludlum does, indeed, employ the notion of identity transparency, but only between assassins and only in a context of drug-induced personality dissociation: “…the two sharing an instant of transparency that was an instant of identity…” (The Ambler Warning, p. 624, St. Martins paperback, 2005, i.e., eleven years after publication of The Moon of Hoa Binh). Orgasmic sex as mutual assassination; mutual assassination as orgasmic sex: just one more Hollywood snuff film.

You have to take account of the fact that the American revolution implemented ideas by then almost 150-years-old. It was while enrolled in the four semesters of Elspeth Rostow's American Civilization seminars at AU's School of International Service that I was able to purge the expectation of significant psychological, social, political, economic innovation by America. A big contribution to that purgation came in 1963 with a first reading of Wilbur Cash's The Mind of the South, which I judged had become America's mentality. Even a Great Depression could not significantly move the American mind. You think a global climate shift will?

When one realizes how psychologically gimpy visual dominance is, over-valuation of the visual arts goes on the slide -- particularly if one happens to be engaged in figure drawing from the nude model two hours a day, five days a week.

And you thought George Orwell was on the side of the animals! The notion of “Doublethink” suppressed a mature understanding of Polish m-valued logics better than any other idea explicated in English literature. Wonder why quantum mechanics is still falsified? The collective consequences of black self-propaganda are always deep-structure and far more profound than ever imagined by the propagandist -- which is not even to mention Doublespoken and Doublethought and Doubleacted blackflag operations.

Individualism, a particularly egregious expression of the pathology which is personal identity, has been a late elaboration of personification of the split-off autonomous complex of the collective unconscious -- early expressions being the gods and goddesses of tribal peoples. There was no “bicameral mind”; there was an m-logically-valued mind which prescriptive enculturation fragmented and personification crystallized by glutamatergic neuronal etching.

Look, the Santa Fe Institute's late-20th-century “complexity theory” is a perfect example of the worldview-construct inversion I'm talking about: psycho-socio-techno projection onto nature, rather than a mapping of the forms of natural processes into human systems design. Complexity theory developed out of early-20th-century telephone system engineering applications which were later “transferred” by collective psychological projection to become the worldview construct embraced by the Santa Fe Institute. Hold Mad close by a presidential portrait. No mere bushwacked Alfred E. Newman, humanity: four-faced Han Suyin lampoon. That's why the “fitness landscape” inevitably had to become a binary on/off switching grid, while the genome, which it supposedly models, is m-logically discrete-smooth, as is any and every quantal system. The quintessential examples of this m-logically-valuedness are the superconductant quantum-wave dynamics of free-electron gas core of DNA and its response characteristics to ambient radiation and the acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes conveying solar-wind angular-momentum-variation signals into tornado genesis. And you think the SFI construct provides a lot of insight into, say, climate shift dynamics? Ha! A ten-percent human-survival-rate forecast may be too optimistic. Leading minds of the new generation are going to be using weather-war tech to re-engineer supersevere storms with electron-temperature modification, ion fields, mirror-mode and mirror-reflected phased-array radiation bursts based on the false assumption that the Earth's atmosphere is a significantly-self-contained non-linear Newtonian system, not a relativistic-quantum system omni-interactive, the solar-terrestrial radiation exchange being but one synergistic component. This re-engineering will put the icing on the cake of abrupt far-from-equilibrium global climate shift by modifying frequency response characteristics of the global atmosphere relative to solar-wind-conveyed inputs, among other such.

Post-Renaissance Western notions of corruption -- repeat corruption -- imposed by force upon peoples all over planet Earth, are violations of nature which prevent reemergence of the m-logically-valued animistic identity transparency prerequisite to human species survival in the presently accelerating anthropogenically-induced biospheric-atmospheric crisis. Ritual gift exchange of signifiers (e.g., sacred soul cloths) of m-logically-valued identity transparency, not only once mediated ecologically-adaptive propitiation behaviors, but was the origin of money. Suppression of this m-valuedness, culminating in post-Renaissance notions of logically-singlevalued money and corruption thereby, insured pandemic fulmination in rape of planet Earth. Implementation of m-logically-valued monetary units is the only means by which consquences of this rape can be forestalled on a consequential scale. Any other means of organization will be found inadequate because the natural processes raped are m-logically-valued and logically-singlevalued systems simply do not possess the requisite organizational competency.

Christ, the agent most responsible for the present planetary crisis is the Protestant work ethic coupled to the unending growth simply to organize demanded by capitalectical materialism. Transcendental rationalizations of materialist obsessions: what a hoot! Don't talk to me about the bad guys and the good guys: I understand, not only that “Doublethink” violates the Law of Noncontradiction, but also that that law applies only to 1T2-valued logic -- an order of logical-value nature rarely employs.

Trance to the binary mind is not trance to the m-logically-valued mind -- and vice versa; Japanese gardening triangles stacked in hyperspace overlay; Gaussian-metric angles superposed; let the yarrow stalks fall as they may; trance reading of the yarrow-stalk lattice array in I-Ching chronomancy is the original procedure understood relative to operator-time; Regge lattice array in I-Ching memory wheels; DNA trigrams in Lower Heaven; prime number hyperspace; n-hypercompex-number dimensions on the Riemann Hypothesis zeta function; numbered Gödel numbering; Karpenko functors in Lukasiewiczian Hilbert space: m-logically-valued psychoneuroimmunology and geomancy read in severe storm dynamics and pandemiology by helix-coil transition in tornado genesis and superconductant free-electron gas core of DNA. One system, many loops over first-order operator-time.

All our Manhattan Projects are to create destruction, not to deconstruct creativity. The closest thing we have had to a Musculpt Project has been some DARPA team VRing the threat cloud for the drones. AI is an attempt to replicate something that has never actually been deconstructed. And you think this species is going to survive what has been globally constellated!

Any ambitious, career-oriented scientist living a First-World, middleclass lifestyle cannot be believed on climate shift, because a real assessment means he is culpable, that what he has done with his life, his belief system, his values, his consumptive behaviors, what he wants, what he simply will not do without are the primary responsible agents: not only ecocidal, but genocidal. Greenhouse warming is only a small part of the ongoing climate-shift dynamic -- which is not even to mention other environmental crises and associated epidemiologic surges. Some people have known of and affirmed the ramifications for almost half a century, while mainstream science continues to time stretch, downplay likely severity, dispute, disparage. This will not change. I became aware of the irreversible inevitability during the mid-'70s while associated with Cornell's group of then-young atmospheric scientists -- men not focused upon greenhouse warming or nuclear winter, but who were convinced that the Earth's atmosphere is not governed by principles of classical physics, rather by those of relativity and quantum physics. Much creative thought was suppressed during the 1960s and '70s -- some of it transforming and appearing in popular fiction of the day. You might try James Follett's novel Ice (N.Y.: Popular Library, 1978), for instance, if you are interested in, say, the dynamics of icecaps breaking up: Russian strategic bombers buzzing Alaska, nukes tiny enough to delight a terrorist, collapse of the World Trade Center towers…

Yes, I believe that. Hozro. Hozro, in the full original sense of the Navajo word, surely meant what I call m-logically-valued animistic identity transparency. Study old Japanese Shinto terminology in relation to Navajo and Lakota: the same words appear. But people have no insight into this. Let me illustrate. Quoting Tony Hillerman, The Ghostway (Harperpaperbacks, 1984), pp. 273-4:

Everything is connected. Cause and effect is the universal rule. Nothing happens without motive or without effect. The wing of the corn beetle affects the direction of the wind, the way the sand drifts, the way the light reflects into the eye of man beholding his reality. All is part of totality, and in this totality man finds his hozro, his way of walking in harmony, with beauty all around him.

The part of this statement about “cause and effect” is dissonant with the part about “totality”: no “way” shared; no commonality. The connectivity of totality is quantum relative-state, which is acausal and outside linear-time. Cause-effect relations are linear-time bound, Newtonian, and cannot be rigorously defined in any order of logical-value other than the binary. The distinct conceptions conflated in the statement are incommensurate. What is particularly revealing about prevailing human cognition is that, ever since the German studies of Navajo cosmology conducted during the 1920s, it has been known to anthropologists that the traditional Navajo worldview was singularly atemporal (i.e., in our terms, free of the notion of passive linear-time). These German studies were undertaken at just the memetime the meaning of Schrödinger's time-independent wave equation was falsified by Max Born and others over the issue of m-valued dependent variables and their implications about non-validity of causality as a connecting principle -- indeed, about non-validity of the notion “connecting principle” and, following Gödel, of the non-validity of the notion “validity”.

I have, indeed, been informed on more than one occasion that the very idea of a “worldview” is a racist imposition perpetrated by the anthropologists. You don't have to tell me that again. Just do it! Do hang out your encomium, you unironic Jesuitical mind.

Look, it's really rather simple. Gulf War Veterans Illness could not remain Gulf War Syndrome which could not remain Günther's disease because of the number of weapons and mass communications systems that impinge upon superconductant free-electron gas core of DNA. Lou Gehrig's disease; SLE; MS; brain cancer; lupus-like syndrome as forecast in The Moon of Hoa Binh, i.e., HLH -- the list goes on and on. Nesting principle and reverse causality: brain-eating amoeba; flesh-eating bacteria; mad-cow-eating deformed proteins; DNA-eating EMP, i.e., up- and down-loading microwave bursts increasingly saturating Earth's atmosphere in the post-WWII period. General theories of degenerative disease do not fit with prevailing human systems institutional formats and hence are inconceivable. MSG, the neuron-etching neurotransmitter and mimetic estrogen, involved in genetic obesity, pathogenesis of Alzheimer's, breast and prostate cancer? Humph! Impermissible, and a threat to national security -- not to mention Crick's “central dogma”.

There, in that place, quantity in life is great while quality of life is poor, quality brought to life being even poorer.

Why would I be interested in realistic dialogue -- particularly if it were incorporated into art fiction -- when it is so readily available? My only possible interest is as illustration of the reflexology of the 1T2-binary mind and/or its reflections of stress-induced multiple personality disorder regressively mimicking properties of m-logically-valued identity.

The actual case is so different from what it is thought to be that the human species will never catch up with it.

On what level of verisimilitude are you capable of talking? Cancer has no causes. Onset of cancer transpires on the quantum level of biological organization where the very notion of “cause” is indefinable and meaningless. Moreover, the so-called “genetic code” is merely a machine language, not a higher-level piece of software -- no single-level cipher system being of real interest to m-logically-valued biogenesis. And given that first-order operator-time, by helix-coil transition, establishes clock functions by decomposing logical operations over an m-logically-valued reference space, the whole notion of linear-time evolution is largely an artifact of information overload on binary processors like the glutamatergically-etched human brain.

What nation-state over the past half century has proliferated WMDs around the planet more thoroughly than the USA? What human society in the history of human societies has dissipated more planetary negentrophy than the USA? Black propaganda inevitably becomes deleterious self-metaprogramming and such operant conditioning inevitably subverts capacity for strategic assessment and effective policy formulation. What nation-state over the past half century has produced more black self-propaganda than the USA?

I use the word “inevitable”, meaning certain, not for any reason commonly understood -- and not because the Nobel Prize over and over again directs the common understanding away from real insight. The Nobel Committee, far from being noble, is the Hollywood of science, and just as Hollywood manipulates the social structure of attention into pathogenesis by inducing obsessions and paranoia, so Nobel's ill-gotten gains have been used to channel scientism into the collective psychosis which is the worldview construct of a global civilization in its death throes. Inevitable and certain because the factor in overwhelming governance of the death of this civilization through biocide, ecocide, and climate shift is suppression of m-valued logics understood through the lens of animistic/tribal identity transparency, not truth-value. The quantum wave dynamics of the DNA molecule are m-logically-valued and the acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes of the Earth's atmosphere are m-logically-valued: there is no aspect of the current global crisis not intimately involved with these facts. The prevailing civilization is incapable of coming to terms with this, not least because the human brain has been glutamatergically etched of its m-logically-valued cognitive capacities, thereby inducing human behaviors which interdict the m-logically-valued attributes of natural processes, those attributes responsible for self-organization in nature. Schematically, and falsely, presented in cause-effect linear fashion: prescriptive enculturation suppresses neuronal-DNA-mediated m-logically-valued modes of cognition by glutamatergic neuronal etching and alteration of the normative values of the quantum properties of subclinical autogenic brain discharges, which, in turn, sever neurological capacity for the transorgasmic sexual response mediating self-other and self-object and self-world identity transparency as the normal median state of consciousness. This suppression, which has been going on with increasing thoroughness for thousands of years, is now reaching terminal fulmination in a host of autoimmune disorders in transit to pandemics, HLH being exemplary. During the late-1970s, when implications of the superconductant model of free-electron gas core of DNA were being contemplated, the emergence of “lupus-like syndromes” were predicted. HLH -- hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis -- first identified about a decade after this prediction, has all the properties of one such lupus-like syndrome. This whole suppression-driven psychoneuroimmunogenetic cascade is in correspondence to -- i.e., has been “transferred” by collective projective-identification to -- the anthropogenic disruption of solar-terrestrial interactions in cascade through the full spectrum of wave motions, macroscale to microscale, in the Earth's atmosphere, the m-logically-valued, acoustically-modified, gravity-wave modes being the critical factors for atmospheric self-organization and repair. Suppression by prescriptive enculturation corresponds by projective identification in collective psycho-socio-techno transference to modification of atmospheric frequency-response characteristics to solar-wind and other complex angular momentum conveyed inputs: e.g., by phased-array radar, electron temperature enhancements, hot auroras, communications microwave and radio-wave pollution, alterations in the spectra of atmospheric gases, chemical and radiation disruption of ozone metabolism… The list is long. Cascade-cascade correspondence by projective identification in transference. When collective-psychological inner states of pathology become so fully mirrored in physical processes of environmental abuse as this, use of the words “inevitable” and “certain” is not an overreach.

It is hard to know what to say to someone who has missed the fact that a pandemic of human brain impairment has settled upon the species. Perhaps the October 24, 2007 San Francisco Inquirer op/ed piece by Mark Morford entitled "American kids, dumber than dirt; Warning: The next generation might just be the biggest pile of idiots in human history" will set you to thinking.

No! No! It’s only in the approved new New Testament that it is phrased “Get thee behind me, Satan!” In the original, as the Gnostics knew, it was “Get thee behind thyself, fool!” Only now, with the ADVENT of virtual reality goggles, can the meaning of this be SEEN without spiritual attainment by those restricted to use of but two values to a given proposition.

But not only SFI’s complexity theory. Isn’t coherence of the human mind just extraordinary! The whole of French deconstructionist postmodernism issued out of the Prague School of Linguistics with origins in Solzhenitzyn’s old Number Seven clipped-speech lab, a facility mounting the Greatest Genius of Geniuses’ last assault upon Polish m-valued logics, suppression of which is the rhyme and reason of all deconstructionist constructs. And the formants, just think of the formants of the voiceless dentals: acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes are not only coherent like a laser beam, they are m-valued and even m-logically-valued. The British mind -- e.g., Hawking and Penrose -- could barely tolerate the m-valued, let alone the m-logically-valued, and this intolerance supported renormalization, the filtering of acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes, deemed mere noise, from weather and climate computer models. This filtering began just as Solzhenitsyn's Number Seven was being set up. And all these years later just look at what is happening to Earth's atmosphere. Circles within circles within circles.

Yes, the late-1940s -- just as J. G. Bennett, in brilliant counterwork, formulated the concept of “pencils of skew-parallels”. As I have come to believe, R. L. Brown and Thring were probably most responsible for origins of Bennett's notion of pencils of skew-parallels. This concept clearly issued out of the Brown-Thring-Bennett articles of the late-1940s/early-1950s on higher-dimensional unified field theory (an area of study, not incidentally, then most cultivated in Poland). The skew-parallelism appendix to The Dramatic Universe does not mention “fiber bundles”, but at some point it became apparent to me that Bennett’s pencils of skew-parallels is a reformulation of fiber bundle arithmetics which had origins during the late-19th century. Fiber bundles have an important role in Riemann space, tensor calculus, general relativity, superstring theory, et cetera. I believe that Brown-Thring brought a conventional understanding, circa 1950, of the meaning of fiber bundles to Bennett's Systematics and that fiber bundles were at that time reformulated into pencils of skew-parallels because of the influence of Bennett's understanding of the ancient Greek idea of Hyparxis -- a notion involving “identity transparency” which was never fully formulated (deemed “diversely identical” by Bennett in the appendix, e.g., skew-cubes). Fiber bundles were not mentioned in the skew-parallelism appendix, I believe, because a new understanding of their import was being developed, and using the term “fiber bundles” would thus have been confusing. Quite an amazing cognitive leap for 1950! The appendix mapped the new notion into geometry as “apokritical intervals”, but not also into logic by employment of Polish m-valued logics. Hence, the lack of full formulation of a rigorous foundation for Bennett's idea of Hyparxis. Both fiber bundles and m-valued logics, as conventionally interpreted, do not involve identity transparency or apokritical intervals, so neither fiber bundles nor m-valued logics, as conventionally interpreted, could have been mapped without reformulation onto Bennett's idea of Hyparxis. One way of understanding apokritical intervals is as the geometrodynamic expression of order-types of quantum relative-state (a species of identity transparency).

In the Earth's atmosphere, I believe, apokritical intervals manifest as m-valued acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes, fully mathematically characterized, I suspect, only as Penrose twistors regarded quantization of temporal curl (the third order of which may be deemed Hyparxis). Most unfortunately for us all, likely, is the fact that ever since shortly after WWII acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes have been filtered from numerical weather forecast models and the climate models, because of the specter of a breach in the “classical limit” which they raise. A reinterpretation of the meaning of m-valued logics which could eventually incorporate identity transparency and apokritical intervals (and hence Hyparxis) has been begun by the Russian logician Alexander Karpenko. Karpenko has done this by rigorously establishing the existence of mathematical functions between m-valued logics and prime number distributions (treated as “rooted trees”: maybe the numerical expression of pencils of skew-parallels).

Let me make a stab at non-technically explaining the paradox of superluminal velocities of light. There are as many velocities of light as there are orders of logical-value through which to evaluate them. QED and classic relativity are formulated on the basis of traditional 1T2-logic, wherein the notions of spatial separation, time evolution, and single-valued identity (of information or whatever) are derivative of the order of logical-value employed, and understanding of the meaning of logical-value is restricted to the sense of truth-value. With the advent of experimental exploration of sub-quantum domains, e.g., that of the photon, the traditional tacit assumptions about logic fundamentals carried to QED and relativity theory were superseded -- but this supersession went unrecognized or unacknowledged. Mathematically speaking, this situation is partially reflected by the various Mobius solutions to Maxwell's equations (where the arbitrary “cut” in the referential unit circle, required to obtain thermodynamic irreversibility, is not obviated, but twisted and pasted). “Light for what?” is the question we asked during the mid-1970s relative to tornado genesis. The answer in this special case? Acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes fulfill the same FUNCTION in atmospheric processes as light fulfills in classic relativity theory. Hence, from a post-structuralist approach, the cognitive leap to m-logically-valued light, what are now called “acoustic analogues to black hole computers”, e.g., a tornado, and so on. This is demonstrated daily by the Earth's atmosphere, particularly in tornado genesis, but unfortunately acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes are filtered (renormalized by re-scaling) from numerical forecast models (hence also climate models) because these modes are “superluminal” to the classic conception of atmospheric wave motions.

Hmmm. I've long thought of Penrose twistors as responsible for such time-generating twists and pastes -- hence, twistors as quantization of temporal curl. Temporal curl, via twistors, I've imagined as “lifting” higher-order Gödel-numbered information “off” an m-logically-valued reference space. Hence, twistors take logical operations into temporal operations, i.e., operator-time. And I think multiple orders of hypercomplex-number zeta functions beyond the real-Euler and complex-Riemann zeta functions, involving, paradoxically perhaps, singularities numbered with non-self-identical Gödel numbers, are the key to “decoding” the m-logically-valued reference space with Karpenko functors. The beginning of such thoughts, now thirty years ago, as illustrated in our 1977 paper, entitled “Toward a General Theory of Process”, was the notion that tornadoes, more than mere vortices, are, electrodynamically speaking, Klein-bottle reentries which touch down only at such Gödel-numbered singularities, where depositions of complex angular momentum are made to modulate the QED of Earth's core.

But insight into that was developed over thirty years ago. Trouble was, everywhere the insight went it found only flailed mind. Changes of the time rate of change of acceleration/deceleration of helix-coil transition at transcription, i.e., DNA and RNA, CONTROLS -- in the full technical sense of the word as employed by Arthur Young -- protein-folding articulations. Just like the rotor of the Bell helicopter! The third-order autopoietic operator is key to the dynamics. Suzi Daniels, the radiation biologist, realized this immediately upon encountering early pre-publication versions of the superconductant DNA model while doing her Ph.D. research at the Smithsonian. This CONTROL feature is directly implied by the mathematical model of DNA's free-electron gas core, but I didn't quite see it, not being focused on protein synthesis as she was in studying the effects of variable radiation inputs upon productivity output of growth factor hormones like phytochrome. She kept feeding me paper after paper on protein folding dynamics, until finally I got it -- so, much later, I was not the least surprised at the epidemic of mad cow disease. Last I heard, Suzi had thrown up her hands and returned to her prior focus: art. Ask yourself how complex angular momentum inputs steer a tornado: it's all on the third-order exponential. This was clearly explicated in the many papers written on cascade theory of tornado genesis. But we knew, from experience with reviewers of these severe-storms papers, that any attempt to describe third-order dynamics would preclude publication of the superconductant DNA model. We, therefore, left it out. As things went, the paper was initially rejected over the issue of “electron temperature enhancement” -- a concept introduced in the paper, but not so named -- and was only accepted when experimental tests of the notion were proposed and inserted into the submitted version. These tests were never made, however. Strangely, the term “electron temperature enhancement” was later introduced into upper atmospheric physics in association with inducement of “hot auroras” -- but the concept never made its way back into studies of DNA-RNA-protein dynamics. Personally, I not only believe in karma, personal and collective, but in the rightfulness of karma. In the scheme of things, if flailed mind receives it due, the larger sphere accommodating it balances out: ontological balance equation. I, therefore, long ago, stopped trying to contravene karma, personal and collective. A failure here may well be a supreme accomplishment absolutely elsewhere. It all depends on where you live -- psychologically. And if substantial failure has already been achieved, then additional failure is all the more joyous, to roughly quote Solzhenitsyn's prelude to the Rule of the Final Inch. Who among us is not a prisoner?

Sorry, I don't agree. Soviet black propaganda during the Stalinist era was not as bad as present-day black propaganda in the West -- incorporating into this judgment an awareness of Solzhenitsyn's astute portraits. As a onetime instructor at Psychological Operations Group, the JFK Special Warfare Center, I ask you: Is black propaganda commonly understood to be black propaganda actually black propaganda, or is black propaganda commonly understood to be objective information actually black propaganda? Cold-War propaganda was most damaging to life on Earth by directing the human social structure of attention away from the fundamental deficiencies of prevailing civilization. That that redirection has only accelerated in the post-Cold-War era is daily demonstrated by Earth's atmosphere -- not to mention other natural, as well as social, political, and economic processes.

Matter is nothing but nothing given shape by imaginary operator-time. After Kozyrev's “spin moment of time”, Sakharov's strain tensors, and particularly Sakharov's 1968 “multi-sheet model of the universe”, how could any knowledgeable Soviet scientist still believe in materialism, let alone dialectical materialism? Solzhenitsyn's zeks may still have been debating the negation of the negation in 1950, but, by then, Kozyrev's temporal spin had already negated such discussion, and soon thereafter, when finished with the Ministry of Medium Machine Building and the Soviet nuclear bomb, Sakharov, too, negated the negation of the negation by moving on to strain tensors, Novikov dust, collapse/anti-collapse sheets in spontaneous self-organized gravitational collapse. Don't tell me this “nothing but nothing” had nothing to do with collapse of the USSR! In due course, the Soviet collapse will be viewed in starkly different terms than it presently is.

Yes, our approach to homeopathic mechanism of action has been criticized as being yet one more instance of materialistic reductionism. The paper in question was primarily about the information-carrying capacity of hypercomplex-imaginary operator-time brought to imprinting of hydration shells in homeopathic potentization. Unfortunately, the publishing journal did not use a symbol font when printing the article, so the involved mathematics was significantly unreadable, and thus the message about operator-time did not come through. The critique, rightly enough, fixed upon the term “water borne” used in the non-technical appendix (free of mathematics), requested by the journal's editor, wherein a correspondence was explicated between the Sakharovian, multi-sheet, complex angular momentum, cascade model of tornado genesis (involving many Kozyrevian temporal-spin twists executed by active hypercomplex-imaginary time, and possibly also involving K-vortex formation) and the process of homeopathic potentization. It was suggested in the critique that the authors (one of whom first became involved with clinical homeopathy in India during the 1970s) did not know that homeopathic potentization involves the intemperate use of alcohol. Whereas -- and the critique allowed for this possibility -- the actual subject at issue was O-H groups. It should be noted that elsewhere the authors of the paper had earlier addressed similar issues in regard to the therapeutic “homeopathic ozone effect”. Atmospheric ozone metabolism, if I am not mistaken, does have something to do with tornado genesis, which should be apparent to anyone with a nose for it (and an understanding that acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes punch holes in the tropopause boundary, thus allowing drawdown of ozone from the stratosphere -- a process the aggravation of which may contribute to ozone-hole formation). Get some feeling from this as to why, at crescendo of the Cold War, cascade theory of tornado genesis should have been rejected by people like John A. Wheeler? Nowadays, of course, there are acoustic analogues to blackhole computers, acoustic analogues like acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes radiated by tornadoes and mathematically described for the first time in the papers sent to Wheeler -- and politely dismissed by him -- during the late-1970s, August of 1977 to be more accurate. I remember this date because Wheeler's “dismissive” arrived in the mail while I was in Kyoto presenting a paper applying similar ideas to a consideration of autogenic brain discharge phenomena as viewed through the lens of the coherent waves (i.e., acoustically modified) generated by the superconductant free-electron gas core of intraneuronal DNA -- the presentation being at the invitation of Wolfgang Luthe, the foremost practitioner of Autogenic Training. It should be noted that a decade after this exchange with Wheeler acoustically-modified gravity-wave-mode radiation from tornadoes was experimentally verified and widely reported in the scientific press (but was in no way connected to the ozone-hole problem). Acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes continue to be filtered from diagnostic equation sets: severe-storm and climate models. What does this filtering tell us about accuracy of current climate models which reduce climate shift to greenhouse warming? And if the ongoing climate shift is not merely a matter of greenhouse warming, what would that tell us about how effective Al Gore's corporate-enterprise solution is likely to be?

I'll say it again: the West has not the ghost of a chance of dealing with terrorist global insurgency over the long term. Why? Consider the following excerpts offered after so many years in which what actually happened could have been assimilated, but was not (David Warren, “Forty Years of the Tet Offensive”, Ottawa Citizen, 3 Feb 2008):

Breaking the negotiated annual truce, for surprise, Viet Cong and North Vietnamese regulars launched the Tet Offensive, in the night of 30/31 January 1968, named for the Vietnamese lunar new year. This campaign continued in various forms through September of that year, ending in total military defeat, for the aggressors. And a brilliant propaganda victory, for the same… The Tet Offensive ended not only in a huge allied victory in the field -- some 45,000 of the Communist soldiers had been killed, and their infrastructure destroyed… The media turned a tremendous victory into a tremendous defeat.

Anyone who has read the assessment of the Tet Offensive written at Strategic Research and Analysis, MACV-J2, during early summer of 1968, and reproduced in our novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh, cannot help but cringe at the utter stupidity of what Warren has to say, how that “understanding” has conditioned U.S. assessments and responses in decades subsequent to the offensive, and how further cultivation of that “understanding” will continue to preclude intelligent action relative to the full corpus of global problems confronting the human species today.

Here is interesting detailing of some economic dimensions of a scenario becoming evermore likely: America's Economy Risks Mother of All Meltdowns.

Now that J. P. Morgan has taken over Bear Stearns' derivative contracts running itself up to about 90 trillion dollars worth of the 500-some trillion dollars in derivative positions globally, don't tell me my “Constructing a Chaotic Marketplace” article on risk management theory is a bunch of bunk.

With 500-trillion dollars worth of derivative contracts hanging over the existing global economy like Damocles' sword, and the Fed having clearly decided to use its money-creating capabilities to bail out failing banks and big firms, they may pass Go, not land on Park Place, pretty much altogether skip the Great Depression phase, and just proceed directly to high-intensity global war. Other concomitant factors auguring for this are post-peak oil, climate shift, GWOT, nuclear proliferation, greater and greater distance between have and have-not, increasing concentration of resources in the hands of fewer and fewer, more and more resort to technologies of mass coercion as panacea, continuing unbridled population growth, unabated primate-city mega-urbanization, the continuing threat of pandemics, increasing incidence of mass hysteria, and the gathering diverse consequences of 200-years of clinging to a dead paradigm.

This is a great site. Really gives you a feeling for dimensions of the crisis. I'd love to see some similar site focused specifically on derivatives. The powers that be have clearly decided to try to resolve it by flooding the US and global economies with more fiat-money-creation liquidity, while judiciously rolling back the decades of deregulation by reassertion of centralized manipulation and institutional amalgamation (knee-jerk control, control, control following upon Reaganological dominance of policy formulation). I agree with your evaluation that the biggest factor, the most uncontrollable factor, is the 500+trillion dollars in global derivatives contracts the banks (of various categories) sit across as counter-parties. I think that the 14.3 trillion dollars in Bear Stearns derivatives counter-partying (pyramided on a small fraction of that figure) was the real reason for the decision to change all the rules and bail BS out -- not merely the mortgage issue. They have no way to simply nullify these derivative contracts and what they have decided to do in using the FED and like institutions elsewhere as sources of bailout (the national treasuries being the “lenders” of last resort for these bail-outs: the FED, I have seen detailed, currently has about 100 billion to work with, in addition to the quarter-trillion already distributed, and further money creation reverberates back on the Treasury and its interplay of variable against variable) is tantamount to wrapping the national treasuries into an eventual (potential) global derivatives meltdown. Creation of a free-floating global currency bazaar when the Bretton-Woods gold-exchange window was closed enormously increased the risks involved in all cross-border transactions and their domestic involutes, and response to this eventually yielded the derivatives ballooning (quite a stone the VC David slung at Goliath, eh! and quite a strategy AQ&A have adopted). With step-by-step transfer of the derivatives problem from the banks to the national treasuries, they potentially create a global circumstance where the only alternative is to reformat the global economy's hard-drive. The easiest way to do that is war -- postwar, if there is a postwar, being a circumstance wherein the victors can recreate the global monetary system from scratch, and largely to their own liking. Meanwhile, there are all the other dimensions of global crisis…

How could they not have known? The first derivatives, futures, options were traded during the South Sea Bubble leading to the London Stock Exchange crash of 1720. Surely Alan Greenspan must have known this history. And could he not have heard of the “devil's staircase” whereby compacted risk is transported from microscales to the macroscale precipice? Percolation theory of forest fires, anyone? As noted by Neil Unmack and Sarah Mulholland in their 15 April 2008 article “Swaps Tied to Losses Became 'Frankenstein's Monster'”:

Greenspan told a banking conference sponsored by the Chicago Fed in Washington on May 8, 2003, that “the use of a growing array of derivatives and the related application of more sophisticated methods for measuring and managing risk are key factors underpinning the enhanced resilience of our largest financial intermediaries.”

So, get this, again quoting Neil Unmack and Sarah Mulholland: “…derivatives tied to bonds backed by loans on everything from offices to shopping malls”. The end of DOMESTIC stagflation! As real-estate values fall globally, collateralization of the derivative contracts fall. Risk at every microscale of the global marketplace is not only compacted and transferred by derivatives to a SINGLE SCALE LEVEL, the macroscale, but all local pricing (i.e., the actual information value of a price) is stripped from it (collateralization value) such that market micro-behaviors (actions of individual investors) have no way to acquire informed (i.e., by actual price-related information) action directives (i.e., buy/sell). In the absence of necessary information, Soros-market-reflexivities (mob-mind expectations as components of market action directives reentering themselves self-referentially) are greatly magnified. Moreover, macroscale behaviors begin to drive microscale pricing as the indexed “price” of macroscale collateralization-demand and swap-speculation-driven prices bleed down into the factors heretofore determining microscale pricing. With derivatives on derivatives on derivatives, the 45 trillion in debt over the swap market is inextricably tied to the 500+ trillion in intertwined global derivatives of all sorts. And market analysts have no reliable information on this because most of the trading is over-the-counter! Soros says this crisis is the worst since the 1930s. If the whole thing falls apart, it will make the 1930s look like a school holiday. What happens if China and Japan, say, wait too long to unload their dollar-denominated assets? What happens if the European Monetary Union waits too long to disaggregate itself?

Photo by Nguyen Huu Anh Tuan

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