Information Harvesting
What's new
On Games, Escapism - March 10th, 2003
Spooky & Monday
On MUDding - April 7th, 2003
Email the creator of Spooky & Monday:
Want to know what games I play?  Go here.
Did you know that
Freemasons suck?
Gaz is holding onto my links for me, now.
Anecdotes and Photos
I thrive on attention.  More people should write things in my guestbook and send me email.  I've very needy in that way.
I was never entirely sure why this site was called "Gamesmanship" other than it's such a good word.  Oh well.  I'm trying to do some more work on it, so give me a break if it still looks like complete crap, which it does.  Ignore the large amounts of color that are gracing the front page, as well.  I'm trying to figure out what looks good.
I recently wrote a few prize-winning articles for StarCity Games about strategies for the most recent Magic: the Gathering set called Mirrodin.

You can find the complete list