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Media in Sweden
About Sweden

Mass Media
Swedes are by tradition among the most frequent readers of newspapers. In 1996, with 465 newspapers per 1,000 people, Sweden was ranked fourth behind Norway, Japan and Finland.

Links to Sweden:
Allt om Stockholm
Stockholm Town
Visit Sweden

Sweden has 13 million telephones, or 46 times the number of Costa Rica.

The life expectancy of males in Sweden is 76.5 years, or 8 years longer than in Poland.

Infant mortality in Sweden is 3.93 deaths per 1000 births, compared to 5.87 in UK.

Sweden has 105,000 km of paved highways, compared to 3.90 million km in USA.

Sweden has 255 airports, Spain has 98.

Sweden and Syria have about the same amount of land boundaries, (2,205/2,253 km).

The land forests in Sweden is 66 times that of Denmark (279,431/4,239 sq km).

Every Swede consumes 10.6 times as much electricity (kWh per year) as a person in French Polynesia.

Can't find what you are looking for? Use the Swedish Yellow Pages.



About Sweden

Fast facts

Sweden is a monarchy.
Capital: Stockholm (1,6 million people in 1996)
2nd largest city: Göteborg
Population: 8,8 million in 1997
GNP per capita: 22 499 US dollar (1994)
Doing Business in Sweden: 1998 Country Commercial Guide: Sweden

The History of Sweden

Fourteen thousand years ago the whole of the present country of Sweden was covered by a thick ice cap. As the ice slowly retreated, man came to Sweden and the first known human dwelling place, which has been found in southern Sweden, dates from around 10,000 BC. The Bronze Age is marked in the Nordic region, especially in Denmark but also in Sweden, by a high level of culture, as is shown, for example, by the artefacts found in graves. After about 500 BC such artefacts become more rare as iron began to be more generally used. During the Early Iron Age (500 BC- 400 AD), the period of the great migrations (400- 550) and the socalled Vendel period (550- 800) the population of Sweden became a settled one and agriculture came to form the basis for the economy and for society.

The Viking Age, 800-1050, was characterized by a marked expansion, which in the case of Sweden was mainly directed eastwards. Many Viking expeditions set off from Sweden with the mixed purpose of plunder and trade along the coasts of the Baltic Sea and the rivers which stretched deep into present-day Russia, where Swedish Vikings established trading stations and short- lived principalities. At the same time, Christianity first reached Sweden with the mission of Ansgar. However, it was not until the eleventh century that Sweden was Christianized. Even then the old pagan Nordic religion survived until far into the twelfth century. Sweden's expansion in the east continued during the twelfth and thirteenth centuries through the incorporation of Finland into the Swedish kingdom after several crusades.


Sweden is the fifth largest country in Europe, by area. Treriksröset in the north, where the borders of Sweden, Norway and Finland meet, is as far north as the north of Alaska. More than half of Sweden is covered by forests. About 100,000 lakes covers nine per cent of the area. A map of Sweden.

The Flag

The exact age of the Swedish Flag is not known, but the oldest pictures of a blue cloth with a yellow cross date from the 16th century. Since 1916, 6 June has been celebrated as the Swedish Flag Day. This finally also became Sweden's National Day in 1983. There are two reasons for the choice of date: the election of Gustav Vasa as king of Sweden on 6 June 1523 laid the foundation of Sweden as a separate state; and on the same date in 1809, Sweden adopted a new constitution which included the establishment of civil rights and liberties.

Translation of the Swedish national anthem

Thou ancient, thou freeborn, thou mountainous North,
In beauty and peace our hearts beguiling,
I greet thee, thou loveliest land on the earth,
Thy sun, thy skies, thy verdant meadows smiling.
Thy sun, thy skies, thy verdant meadows smiling.

Thy throne rests on mem'ries from great days of yore,
When worldwide renown was valour's guerdon.
I know to thy name thou art true as before.
Oh, I would live and I would die in Sweden,
Oh, I would live and I would die in Sweden.


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