My Beliefs
In a word, I am Pagan.
Now, what does Pagan mean?
Pagan has had many definitions over the years...blah blah blah. If you want a zillion definitions, go check
To me, Paganism is simply a belief in the power of nature rather than a one-and-only god.

There are many types of Pagans, and again, if you want to see them all, go to Google. Or for a quality, no-BS look, bop on over to the
Witches' Voice. For a balance, I also recommend reading up on other religions' views on Pagans. The branch of Pagansism I practice is known as Wicca. The first thing it is often equated with is Satanism. Put simply, it isn't. For this information, check out the Religious Tolerance website's articles on Wicca and Satanism.

I practice magic (sometimes spelled as 'magick' to differentiate it from stage magic. Matter of opinion/choice, I frequently don't, unless it's an error), and thus am also a witch. Not all Wiccans are witches, not all witches are Wiccan. There are Christian, Jewish, Satanic, and Atheist witches, as well as those ever-present Traditional Witches*. Again, to be a witch is simply a matter of choice.

Wicca has several different
traditions, which are similar to the denominations of other religions. Since I follow no one specific tradition, rather using what works best for me, I am an eclectic. That doesn't mean I take what I like and discard the rules or the things that are just "too hard," it means I follow the basics of the religion, like the Goddess and the God, the eight Sabbats and thirteen Esbats each year, the Rede, the Rule of Three, the sacredness of nature, etc. and as far as spells, potions, and rituals go, I use what works, usually those I have designed myself. Not being part of any certain tradition, I am also a solitaire or solitary, a witch/Wiccan that practices alone for the most part. There are solitaires among traditions such as Gardnerian or Alexandrian; two of the most common (and interestingly similar, but that's another issue) traditions; though they are the members of the tradition which have not been initiated into a coven and have rather dedicated themselves to that particular path.

Those of you considering being Wiccan, don't rush in. Consider your reasons; Wicca is not a religion of revenge and smiting your enemies, it is one of love and harmony for and with nature, among other things. And do not take that to mean it is all love and light, no, it is a religion of balance between many things, including 'good' and 'evil'. I highly recommend taking a year and a day of just studying, looking around and exploring the various traditions, then once that time is up, if you have made a decision (remember, don't rush), take another year and a day of serious thought on everything you have encountered on your quest, digesting it and coming to a final conclusion. Then, you may seek out a coven, if you choose, but be warned, many are highly selective of their members, and you may be rejected many times before finding a circle you can work in and with. If you would rather practice as a solitary, what you can do is design a dedication ritual that declares to yourself, the gods, the spirits, and the universe that you are Wiccan. But as I said before, don't rush, if you are not 100% certain this is the way for you, DON'T JUMP IN! During your year and a day, either one, check out other religions as well, like Islam, Buddhism, Shinto, other forms of Paganism, Christianity, Satansim, because if you're going to do research, do it right. You may find that what you thought was Wicca is actually something else, or there is another religion that feels more right to you.

I have included several links below to pages I have found useful, and below that, a list of books I've read and my opinions on their usefulness.
Magdalene's Book of Shadows

Sacred Spiral

The Neopagan Religious Archive


Magia D' La Luna

The Pagan Library

The Fire Spiral
The Witches' Voice

Joelle's Sacred Grove

Lady Rhiannon's Mystic Realm

Google Directory- Wicca

Witch Crafted

A Witch's Cauldron

Religious Tolerance

The Craft: A Witch's Book of Shadows: Dorothy Morrison, 2001.
Highly useful, not just a book of spells telling you this-is-this and that-is-that, but guides you with exercises to strengthen your abilities and learn more about yourself as a magical being. I also recommend the companion journal.
The Encyclopedia of Witches and Witchcraft: Rosemary Guiley, 1989.
  It's actually an encyclopedia. Everything from the Trials to magic circles to little bios of famous witches. Of course, it's fifteen years old now, but I found it extremely useful. Guiley does wonderful work on witches and Wicca, and many of the articles in other encyclopedias have been written by her.
The Magickal Life: Vivianne Crowley, 2003.
Meh. It's mediocre, some good advice in there,  nice stories from her own journey, but I've found little of use. Some decent recipes. Maybe on the second trip through I'll find something good. When you encounter a book that you decide to read, reading it twice is always a good idea. You inevitably miss something the first time through.
I have read several other books over the years, however, I failed to record the titles, authors, or dates of publication, so they cannot be added. An entry of "I forgot: Unsure, could be  Raymond Buckland. Can't remember, but was pretty good" would be of little service.
The same goes for the websites, I know I've probably visited hundreds, but again neglected to record the addresses. If you have any recommendations for either list, please
email them to me and I'll check 'em  and add 'em. If you find that there are any broken links or websites that simply aren't there any longer, please contact me as well and I will fix it ASAP.
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*I have a lot of respect for these people. Because of this, and because I believe in offering up at least two different viewpoints on things, here's a site.
And FYI, I do agree with much of what was said.