This is our collection of angels mostly Guardian Angels adopted from Amanda's Guardians

This Is the Guardian of Air and sun.

Stacy has asked her to watch over her girls

This is one of Stacy's little angels.
This is Katy Jane.

This is Stacy's other daughter Amber!
Amber loves horses, cats, birds and dogs. She also plays the violin and loves to sing!

Some of our other adopted Guardians

Guardian of Magic

Guardian of Children not yet born

Guardian of Fantasy

Since most of these pages are based in Fantasy
we thought it best to ask the Guardian of Fantasy to join us.
Giving credit where credit is do!
All the Guardian's within these pages
were adopted from:

Amanda's Guardian Angels

Want to adopt a guardian of your own?

LessaLessa can take you home

Were Too Now

Manora's Room Stacy's Room
Dragon's Den
Places and links to share
Amber's Room Endangered Species Zone
Nala's (Katy's) Room
Women's Issues
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