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Well this section will comprise of the most interesting stories of each day of our lives. It probably won't be each day of our lives though because although we don't have lives, we do have things we have to do. They also probably won't be interesting because as aforementioned, we don't have lives. But hey, it gives us something to do. I decided it will be in reverse chronological order so u can read our most recent entrees first.
When we've been doing this long enough, maybe we can make it into a book and publish it, now wouldn't that be a best seller, it would probably be funny at least.

MARILYN: 11:26am. well, i'm dropping a class so now i have nothing to do all tuesday and thursday mornings even though i have to get up at the butt crack of dawn for sailing. maybe i'll end up being productive. we'll see. today i made a list of stuff i want to take next semester, or i guess i had already made the list and planned it out, but i put it on the computer, so thats like finalizing it i guess. i mean, assuming i can get the classes. the only i'm i'm a little worried about it this english class on transcendentalists. mr. down would be proud. i forgot his nickname because i'm sure it was more creative than that. so yeah its on like emerson (whom i love) and thoreau (whom i don't love) and all those sorts of people. and it counts towards like all the majors i'm thinking about (except classics) so i mean its a good one i guess. i went to a bbq last night which i guess in geneva means "its a beautiful sunny day lets find an excuse to start getting drunk at 6." it was lovely. i really hadn't drank in a few weeks. actually, since my delta boy (who i found out later is the president of the college republicans (ICK!!!)) castaways etc. thing. i've been having trouble sleeping lately and i though drinking helped that but i guess not cause wilsonface says i was up at 2 peeing or somesuch. i took nyquil too so maybe i just really had to pee. at 12:45 i'm going to a potential chem professor thing cause its the easy way out of going to lectures. i'm super lame. i may have left that out of this. my computers being a dipshit. i can't log on to AIM on my user thingie on that one but on the guest one its fine. rediculous. i'm still dating that boy... spent 3 nights this week in his room which may have beena mistake cause not its the end of the week and i'm traveling this weekend so i'm a little crunched for time and won't be able to again til (maybe) sunday. oh but last weekend i went to princeton (or their sailing center anyhow) and skippered women's B and WE WON! there were only 4 boats and if we hadn't won it would have been really terrible for all involved but we did and i've been having good practices (although we havn't been out this week and based on the wind today it looks like we won't again today) (actually just kidding i think its getting better) (er there went a gust, maybe not...) and now i'm traveling again this weekend. and this time i'm co-skippering women's A with barkow whose the senior womens skipper. i guess we're gonna trade off crewing for eachother. it should be a hoot. and i get to go to boston for the first time so that'll be awesome. well, outside boston, but they told me i can count this. how exciting!well, i probably should put on pants. the spring fever isn't getting any better, iceland was fun, i wish it was summer, my grades are trash. i'm in a great mood... (no seriously i am, its weird).

MARILYN: 4:24pm. i had a wild night. there was much drinking. and then much passing out. and in between there was much mosing my cell phone somewhere, but i guess someone found it and gave it to the bartender so now i have to go back down there and try to find it. i hope delta (a frat) rents castaways more often. it was fun. next time i will get not as rip roaringly drunk so i can better enjoy in and not make out with random guys. well i meani only made out with the one. but you know what i mean. and since i didn't do anywork all weekend up til now i am totally screwed. tomorrow, i have a chem lab, paper/midterm thing, and greek shit to do. which is like at least a few hours of work more than i can put into it. we'll see though. so this is gonna be short cause i have to get back to my lab lab lab. babs is on break. i hate her. well, no i don't, but i wish it was spring break. i have SPRING FEVER!!!

MARILYN: 8:11pm. I haven't been able to sleep much lately. Well, aside from this afternoon when i slept from like 4 until now. i don't get why not. it really sucks though, and i end up just sitting around doing nothing all day too cause i'm exhausted to actually do anything. but then bedtime rolls around and i still can't sleep jus tlike the night before. it sort of pisses me off. i have chem homework due tomorrow night. well, nighttime being 5 pm. and i've done like none of it. and we have a test tuesday. i thought it was thursday, buti am wrong. which isn't good, cause its sooner rather than later, except for that at the time i thought it was it would be the last school thing i do before spring break which would be pretty bad i think. for the exam grade anyways. and i'm going to iceland for spring break. that should be fun. i just took out my contacts as a final retreat from the world. that must mean its bed time again. wow this sucks.

MARILYN: 3:42pm. hey so i'm being good about writing more like i said i was going to a few months ago and never followed through with. sailing got canceled today cuse of the weather. its cold and windy and snowy. i'm glad to have the afternoon off to be totally unproductive. which is part of my charm. i think after this i'm going to download a better ringtone for my cell phone. ooooh. how very exciting. i'm listening to elton john right now. i should clean or something at least if i'm not going to do homework. which is probably the case. i talked to my mom today. i just wanted to call her and let her know that my cousin whose a senior in high school is pregnant but it turned into bickering. just like the good old days. she thinks i should get a full time job this summer. i think that is a bad idea. i'm still a kid, i need a few days to be one. or so i think at any rate. i've taken up origami. in a really half assed way. well, taken up origami again. making cranes instead of doing homework is fun. so is reading. i bought a pile of books a few weeks ago so i've been pretty busy not doing my chem lab and reading those instead. some kid and i have agreed that dancing is fun to do. i think he is the only person that will probably ever read this ever again for the rest of time. its been pushed out of the hearts and minds of all the other people who used to care. which is sweet of them. hmmm. the snow makes me sleepy all the time. you don't know when to be awake and when to be asleep because its always so dark out. i guess i'll go read. or maybe even do something i should do. only time will tell.

MARILYN: 3:09pm. i've officially fucked up my sleep cycle. and i blame the weekend. damn those infernal weekends and all my drug smoking and alcohol drinking. and then all the sleeping in not in my own bed, which really sucks because not everyone is as good at sharing a twin bed as babs is. and most people don't smell as good as her. oh the college life is ever so hard. ever so hard. hahaha. ok well i don't think theres all too much to report back really. i know, like 2 weeks have gone by, something must have happened. but actually nothing really has. i mean unless you count school work, partying, and general sailing. oh right sailing started back up. we started morning workouts right after i got back from my trip and we went on the water all this week. brrrr. like the jib sheets were freezing into place and hard to move around. quite hard even. i'm british. well no, i'm not british. but sometimes i wish i was so i could say quite without having people look at me funny. ummm i think there was something else i was going to say also... ummmmmm. ummmm. i like cupcakes, but my evil roomate gave me a cupcake with clam inside of it. i'm not really sure what that was about. and i have to write a chem lab up before 5 today which might not happen buti really should do it. i'm dating some kid. i'm going to think of a clever nick name for him so for now hes just "some kid". and he wants the address to this website right now. i think hes hoping for a little too much from me cause after all theres some really embarassing shit on here. plus he won't understand any of it. ok well i'm going to go fiddle with a few things in case i do give it to him. best wishes.

2-14-05 V-DAY!! and i'm down visitng babs, kerker, saliva, and sancho.
MARILYN: 3:30pm. Happy v-day boys and girls, but mostly just me. I'm down in a certain city know for particular things visiting a whole passle of people this weekend. even though the weekend is over, i'm still here because its valentines and babs just broke up with her beau of first semester so i'm being her valentines instead. plus i just had to get down. the weather is so nice here compared to the frozen tundra that is my home. and saliva threw a wine and cheese party that was a blast cause we had a mini high school reunion (babs, saliva and kerker) and i met a whole bunch of fun and exciting people who go to school with babs and saliva and just generally had so much fun that it didn't matter i ended up having a sort of rough night wherein i spend quite a bit of time worshiping the porceline god. cest la vie. tank god i just slaughtered some french. and then yesterday i went down to the school of the sancho and he took me to all the monuments and out to dinner and bowling and we got to bother his roomates together so it was a lot of fun. these kids down here know how to have a good time. i think it has to do with having co-ed halls... seriously living with all girls is making me go crazy. anyhow now i'm back staying with babs and she is reading so i'm taking this opportunity to wish you all a happy and fruitful (or unfruitful, depending on how you look at it) valentines day and to let you all kno that i'll be your valentine ay day of the year... well almost any, i can probably think of a few where i wouldn't but imean if you just let me know a few days in advance then i'm sure it'll be fine. btw, there is serious contemplation on my part at least in putting the link to these pages up somewhere (perhaps AIM profile or facebook or something). i've got to talk to the kirsten though, and probably i'll kill a few of the links cause no one in college cares about some of the stuff we did in high school. but if you are one of those high school people i could give you the pages, they'll still be there just not at easy to get to. and i think i might finally get around to cleaing up this pages and archiving some of it... maybe. sweet mid-afternoon dreams...

MARILYN: 6:24pm. Woah!!! Happy new year dude!! I've got to go work out (bleh) in a few minutes cause they make me for the sailing but its ok cause i don't mind too much usually. Well sometimes i do, but then i just run for a while and do the work out and its all over anyways so who gives a flucking fluck. I'm at college, i bet you would have never known if i hadn't told you. well anyways i am. and THERES SNOW EVERYWHERE!!! now, kirsten and i never really told you where we were from (on purpose) or the people we knew (again, on purpose) but i will tell you this much: almost all the people are now in colleges across the country and we come from a place where it doesn't snow!! and now here i am, in a place that has a "lake effect" which really just means it snows a lot. what have i gotten myself into? hopefully i'll live through it. probably i will. well yeah. so whats new with you? i haven't really been up to all that much yet. its the beginning of a new semester here and so that means the work is relatively light so far and i have got a little too much free time on my hands which caused one of my former good friends to call me an alcoholic (which isn't true) and i've been having a lot of fun and doing a lot of stupid things anyways. stupid things are my favorite kinds of things to do. we mostly... anyhow you never knew 6 months could change a group of people so much. but now you do. except you won't believe me. but it will still be true. i'm going to go now, have a great life until we meet again.

MARILYN: 11:04am. So much for everyday, eh? oh well. i think no one ever reads this anymore though, so i can just babble away and not feel sorry for anyone but the people who don't know me and dtumble upon this website, and no offense, but i don't mind babbling away to people i don't know. so the reason i'm even here is because of my wisdom teeth, which got removed yesterday morning. my head is puffy and my mouth hurts even with the vicodin. but the advantage is that i get to use the laptop in bed. thats what i'm doing right now. well not bed so much as couch, but at this point its the same idea because theres blankets and pillows on the couch in much the same way as would happen in a bed. and i'm watching blind date. and this newish talk show called "jane" which doesn't seem to be very exciting. i much prefer ellen, but its not on until much later. ugh i'm bored. this happens far too often for me at home. college on the other hand, theres hardly time to be bored with all the school sailing and partying going on. my head hurts. in oh so many places. i think i might go and nap. ta ta.

MARILYN: 10:48am. so i'm back!!! its also really early on a sunday. i'm moving all the old stuff to a different section, we'll call it the kirsten years. cause now she never does this anymore and it makes marilyn sad casue even though i never have any time kirsten has a little and should spend someof it typing to you nice people. ok we'll i've got breakfast with sailors who are all going to make fun of me for hooking up with crew people three nights in a row. ta ta.

MARILYN: 9:56pm. I'm a little bit drunk right now. i just deleted soooo much stuff. basically i'm gonna start typing in this everyday. and put it in my profiles (sailorcaligali and bnnytrifecta). And you're all gonna like it. We're coming up on a year for something stupid. you should all be fucking as proud as i am bitches. god i'm gonna lose it. NO I"M NOT. Here we go.... XOXO mar

MARILYN: 11:05pm. I"M AT COLLEGE!! Woo hoo... it looks like kirsten and i should perhaps draw to a close what has been imortalized forever... our website. i don't think anyone reads it anymore. and i'm pretty sure that the people who do are stalkers. or sancho. hahaha. ok probably he doesn't anymore anyways. well, i think the only fair way to do this is to decide by vote. AIM me at sailorcaligali and let me know what you think. otherwise we might close it. or leave it up. whichever you don't want to happen. so i should probably tell kirst about this too... so i'm gonna go do that. later kids.

MARILYN: 10:07pm. the scaryist thing just happened to me. as i was about to sign onto this website, a story came on the 10 o'clock news with a lead something like this: "a 17 yr. old teen driving a mercury sable in carlsbad caused 2 deadly crashes today..." or along those lines. which is when i stopped breathing. but then they said something about how "he" (as in its a boy! THANK GOD!) fled the scene and so forth. and THEN i recalled that kirst is out of town in a city to our north where she used to live. but until i recalled that i was on the verge of dying. oh thank god kirst is ok. babs was bent out of shape when i told her too. good god. well, in other news, i played tennis at the yacht club today. with the babs. and i got a birthday present from her, thoughtful girl that she is. oh and i'm back from colorado. just in time since the kirst had left. so, i think i'm going to bed, as band camp starts tomorrow and i have reached the point at which i get a paid position. good night all.

MARILYN: 10:41pm. I'm leaving for a week long family reunion in colorado tomorrow morning at the rediculous hour of 5:15. in the AM!! Who knew they had on of those... oh wait i remember its from that all nighter back in high school. those were the days. oh wait nevermind. i'm being vague. so uh yeah. god i don't even know what to say. cause theres not really much to say. i shopped with mother today. bought a swimsuit, well tankini actually, and a dress that looks like a tennis dress but is dressier than that. its really cute. and more old navy shorts. i forgot to mention, i bought old navy shorts a few days ago too. i don't like people in relations that last mroe than a few weeks or never get to the point where they are sexing it up. ok because after a while there is nothing to say to those two people dry humping cause you can't say anything funny about sex without them getting all oh were waiting to make it more meaningful. my ass. you're waiting cause you areboth boring lame people, and believe me i would know. stupid 18 year old virgin. this shit is lame and i'm tired so i'm going to bed.

MARILYN: 11:03am. I know its sunday. and thursday was the 22nd, my birthday. but i'm too lazy or stupid to count and see what today is. now that i'm 18 i want to go throw away some money at the horse races in our nearby town, "of the sea." right now i'm living way north casue i'm house sitting for my chem/sci&rel/genetics teacher. last night there was a party at kirst's. it sort of accidentally turned sort of into a birthday party for yours truly. that was interesting cause all through high school i never had a birthday party. its one of those things that are easy to put off. hmm well i'm on a mac right now and i'm not really very happy about that so i think i'll go do something else for a while. byebye.

KIRSTEN: 10:35 AM. Well I like my work now. I like both of them. I'm making friends at the large party store and the Indian Restaurant is pretty chill. I have a lot of random time during the week, but then they call and say they need me to work. I'm way too lazy to do anything to prepare for college. I really want to want to organize my stuff and go shoppping and all that but then when i get down to it there's always something more pressing to do, like watch a movie or talk to my brother and cousin or read something. I did go shopping for bedding and came to the conclusion that my mom and I are making our own. Its really cool though. Marroon corduroy on one side and marroon sky stuff on the other with a big star made out of marroon star material. I like marroon. Well I work 11-3 at Indian food place today so I should probably look for my hair net. Byebye.

MARILYN: 3:51pm. Still no job, still no friends, still no life. Well, i guess the friends part isn't entirely true, but you all know what i mean. i didn't go to the fair this year. cause everyone is busy on weekdays (except me) and i'm busy on weekends (when everyone goes to the fair).


Yes i'm one of those people. but come on, just fucking vote. ya wanna know why? i think you know most of the reasons, but the ones closest to me, are a woman's right to chose (no matter which way you chose, it is nice to CHOSE), ending the undeclared war, and of course halting the unreasonable course of the national debt. you all know who gets to pay that off right? Our generation. The point is we need a regime change at home and we need it now. You can register to vote in this election whenever (read: today) if you're gonna be 18 before November 2nd. any how i'll step off my soap box now and watch more crappy TV. call me!

KIRSTEN: 11:18 AM. My cousins are here. They're going to the fair. I'm going to work. I really hate work. I should've just worked at the fair. I like the fair and then it would be over in a few days and I could go do stuff I really care about. The stupid thing about this dang job is that they never tell me what my schedule is till the beginning of the week, and sometimes they call me a half hour before I need to be there and tell me. A certain Snick decided to come in and get an application at the party store on tuesday. My aunt is giving me political advice. I'm not allowed to vote for Nader and I'm not allowed to vote for Bush. The religious right is taking over the Republican party and obviously my school because its religious will be obsessed with Bush. Therefore I'm not to be taken in by there scheming. My cousin got a new cell phone. My cell phone screen is upside down. I've been grumpy and stand-offish this summer. I'm sorry. I think I'm having issues. Everyone's going to the fair but me, byebye

MARILYN: 11:34pm. Its only june for a few more minutes. sad. but it means june gloom is OVER!! woo hoo. well so far my summer is mainly crap. not to be too positive for you people. i haven't done anything meaningful or meaningless. i'm too bummed to write now. i'll come back in july!

KIRSTEN: 11:54 AM. The triumphal return of Kirsten!! yay! Well there's been a lot goin on. I'm working at a restaurant and at a large party store. I only work on weekends, for like 10 hours a day, and then I'm free all week when everyone else works. Which is why i'm here. Saturday we had live music and free appetizers at the indian restaurant. The restaurant next store brought us pizza too. It was awesome, except for the fact mar and babs didn't stop by like they were supposed to (see mar 6-27-04 for explanation). However, my dad and brother stopped by to be obnoxious customers. Probably couldn't've handled babs and mar at the end of my ten hour day. Sorry guys. So ya then i went to sleep, my neck wouldn't move. I've been doing some soul searching. I was just downloadin adobe stuff and i think i screwed it up. I helped the fam sand a bench to paint it and then helped my gramma set up a table and umbrella on her patio with my bro. Then I went to the fair with babs and VD. We were supposed to be going with LIzard but then lizard wasn't there till late and we left relatively early. OK i also think i was just talking to VD when i thought i was talking to someone else. O well, its funny, he went along with it. hehe. OK kinda gotta go do other stuff. Wow, am i beginning to have a life?? The first sign i'm out of highschool and into college!! MY NEW LIFE BEGINS!! praise the lord.

MARILYN: 10:15pm. So Fahrenheit 9/11 is the number one box office hit for the weekend! WOO!! I saw it Friday, so I think all of you should go see it, too. Well I have a lot of explaining to do to Kirsten, so if she sees this call me cause I haven't been able to reach you!! I was supposed to drive up and see her "in action" at her place of work, but my mother decided Saturday is as good as any day to be a bitch. Anyhow, well theres not really anything to anyhow. I've still got no job. Life is BORING! Hm so ok lovely I'm gonna go shower, just thought I'd check in.

MARILYN: 11:20pm. I'm bored. There is nothing to do. I would go outside, but its all june gloomy and i just don't think of that as ideal beach weather. I still haven't gotten a job. i've been playing lemonade stand games on the internet, so i'm beginning to think that i might start a lemonade stand somewhere and call that a summer job. we;ll see how well that goes over. no one is in town, or at least if they are in town they've gotten a job by now and have better things to do than spend time with me. i've been up since like 9 and so far i've done absolutely nothing. yesterday i started my hard core college athlete summer training program. i ran two miles. i get today off. thats the beauty of being a college athlete. i'm not sure what it is yet, but it surely must be there. i should do something worthwhile or interesting. should. woo flipping hoo. i bought tickets to the warped tour yesterday. that was fun, cause we got to drive all the way down to the south eastern most part of the county. its very interesting down there. very scary. we went to the indoor mall. by we i mean myself and my younger brother, paweeeee. he bought me lunch. lemonade and a bigmac. mmmm. clog my arteries but yummily worth it. well i mean its not good food, but i was hungry and i really do like lemonade. we went in hot topi and made fun of the psuedo goths. and we rode the fire truck thing for toddlers. and paweeee littered, but it wasn't really littering cause it was indoors, or so he says. i tried and failed (yeah yeah story of my life) to win tickets to the blink/no doubt show thats tonight. i seriously called the radio station giving them away like 100 times. well not that many but really a lot. $50 is too much to charge young people for some old fashioned entertainment. while we were at the place of concerts, we saw a platoon of old people wearing hippie clothes, and realized that it was left over people from the fleetwood mac concert the night before. so much good music and so little money because i still don't have a job. anyhow i'm gonna go amuse myself with something else now. theres a bonfire tonight, same place as last year. show up around sunset. see you there.

MARILYN: 9:06pm. i'm sort of between gigs right now, and thats very dull. and in a sense depressing, cause i'm the only one who's summer hasn't gotten off the ground yet. oh well. san francisco was fun. i'm watching this stupid thing on TV about the top 100 songs of the last 100 years. we're in the mid 50s right now. my college athlete summer program starts tomorrow. i have to run 2 miles. or swim half a mile. or bike 6 miles. lovely. i also should start sailing again. sadly i need crew/ skipper to do that, and that is among the things i don't have. that and anything else i could do. bored bored bored. anyhow, i'm going to go be bored somewhere else.

MARILYN: 3:15pm. I'm watching ellen. yesterday chill had a party at the b and t. fun fun fun. it was fun, lots of people i know were there, and lots of people i don't. after that i went up the hill to jay's house. we saw eurotrip which was really funny. "If you're not a Manc, You're a WANK!" Hooray for Manchester United!! anyhow, i still haven't heard back from the only place i applied for a job. I'm thinking i shouldcall them, or that temp place i applied to during exam week. I saw the impregnator yesterday, before he went of to play some "footy" with taywy. the dog is sick today. its his butt again, poor baby. and the vet won't call us back to tell us what to do so hes on baby asprin and hot butt compresses. he didn't even want to go for a walk earlier. what a poor time to go out of town. i'm leaving tomorrow morning for san fran, a little weekend trip with babs. so i'll be gone for a few days, but hopefully kirst will be back to update you on her life so you won't get bored. not that my stories are riveting. or however you spell rivet, rivit whatever. i'm drinking coke. or pop at they call it on the eastern coast of our country. weirdos. oh oh oh oh! i wanna go see fahrenheit 9/11 (yes i learned how to speel fahrenheit like a minute ago) the day it opens, june 25th. there are a few theaters in our area so depending on who wants to go we'll find somewhere to go. it'll be FUN! we should ALL go! depending on where we go i might even pay for your ticket... cause i have free ones from albertsons, 4 more i think. so that would be the pacific. anyhoot, whats up with you people? tell me i'm bored. er i'll be out of town, e-mail me anyways right here. Ok bye bye.

MARILYN: 9:49pm. Well, I said i'd be back and here i am. Sure a bit tardy, but what can i say. I've been poing around this great thing called the internet, what with all this free time now that i've GRADUATED (!!!), and i've found that in terms of "html-ing" the marilyn and kirsten arena of internet is somewhat lacking. But as far as text goes, we are loaded! In the good way i mean. We have a lot of content. So if you're new to the coolest place around, you should look around. Sure most of it hasn't been updated in a year or so, but the ourlives part especially has a lot going on. If ya wanna know what was going on at pretty much any point in our lives you can see it. i should fix this page so it only has june... i'll do that after this post. Now i don't want to be obnoxious, but if any of you want to "keep in touch" as we move further apart, kirst and i could set up a contacts page with college e-mails and so on. well just let me know if anybody wants to do it.
Graduating was fun. And so was the bacc. and ring ceremony and grad night. i still have all those condoms... boys are still pretty lame, despite the fact that i haven't so much as seen one in what seems like a year or two. I mean wow, are boys cool or what. where should i start... grad night at disneyland. It was fun, not ideal but nothing ever turns out perfect. I found out which of the countries in the "its a small world" ride is thailand, which is cool because you never really know which of the courties is which just based on the dances and clothes, ya know? Thailand is the one in the "asia" room with the tall gold hats. very exciting. i also went the california adventure land for the first time, very interesting. we convinced everyone in our little touring group to go on a rollercoaster that goes upside-down, though at least a few of them have clearly stated that they would never do that. i think everyone enjoyed it, i know i did as i rode it like 4 times or something. to be perfectly honest, i don't remember a lot of that night, at least in part because i was unused to staying up till the wee hours of the morning. well the next day was the ring ceremony, which was creepy, just like last year, but still deep and interesting. i love having a school with so much history. i think thats why i chose the college i did. its about the same age as our high school, and it has a lot of traditiony sorts of things. i won the journalism award on awards day. go me! the ed. in cheif said such nice things about me, and then a few of my comrades on the staff said they agreed. i really appreciated that, i've never won an award before. it was so cool to be recognized in something i love so much.
I think i'm writing too much. i kind of need to though. i don't really see people much anymore to talk so i you have to let it out somewhere. baccalareate or how ever the heck its spelled was nice, the bishop had a really interesting lecture. graduation was sort of a blur, though not a fast blur. just blurry. it did go fast though. one moment i was marching in and the next i grabbed a diploma, threw my hat in the air and marched out. I"M DONE!! woo!! grad night was another one of those things taht go too quickly yet soooo slowly. i played routlette for like 2 hours, got a henna tatoo, had my palm read, and watch several of my classmates get hypnotized. all very interesting. and well now i'm here. i applied for a job today. and i'm watching tv. i miss kirsten. i think i'll e-mail her. alright, thats all for now. sorry if you just read all that hoping for something interesting. i'm really quite dull.

MARILYN: 10:16pm. In a way I should thank my mother for being a bitch. Since I can't go out, I get to update the website. Look for big exciting improvements after i write all this out. High school is almost over. Well, the high school part is over, just all the after crap now. Which makes it hard to not go out and "let off steam." Boys are lame. Unless you, the person reading this, are a boy, and then your gender is amazing. Babs and i are having problems. Like we just did this thing on condoms for school, so I have all these rubbers I bought sitting on my desk. And the expiratino date is in the 2006 through 2008 range. And i'll never use them. No one likes me. Boys are stupid and lame. Unless your a boy, cause thats just girl talk for we love and adore every single one of you. Sigh. I haven't been out in days... well like two days. Cause i stayed out past curfew on saturday and got caught. And so i haven't left the house without a parent since then. I haven't even really been outside except to get stuff out of the car cause thats where it all is. We went to college night tonight. That was boring. Hold on I gotta look up cheap concerts for a min...

MARILYN: 5:47pm. Finals are over. School is almost out for good. Yet I still have 3 papers to write... oopsie. well, really 4 i guess. I'm three pages into the 8 page one, and the rest have not yet been started. One will be super easy, just a journalism final paper, one is a 4 page self evaluation, and one is the year in review for the paper. all this by 11 tomorrow morning. it might be a long night... well i guess i should stop watching TV, typing to you people and playing

MARILYN: 9:39pm. senior prom was such the best. i had a great time. and all the festivities involved were also quite a bit of fun. right now i haven't slept in a pretty long time. i'm kind of running on fumes. so this will indeed be breif. i have so much due this week. today was my last monday as bishop's ever. its hard to believe that 4 years went by so quickly yet still so angonizingly slowly. wow. this is the last week i will ever go from class to class filling my days either learning or avoiding learning or whatever else i'd like. senior year has been rough in a lot of ways. i've made a lot of friends but lost equally as many to changing times and personalities. but i don't regret any of it. i've gotta go learn a thing on the flute for thursday, so i'll be back later this week.

MARILYN: 5:17pm. well. long day. hot day. got above 80 at the coast before 10. woo! that shit's HOT! right now i'm wearing college butt shorts and a beater, and i'm sweating way too much. i got a hair cut, its pretty. some dumb people did some dumb shit lately. but i guess thats pretty much always true. BUT, for once it wasn't me that everyone hates, though if i'm lucky i will get the blame for like being born or eating pasta salad at lunch. lame-o. tomorrow is my one and only AP exam. Stat. not woo. uh... so that means i get to sleep in yay but i also take an exam all afternoon boo. i hope this heat breaks. pant pant. oh i neer said it here, but i'm going to Hobart and William Smith Colleges in Geneva, NY. They have a super sailing team, currently ranked 3rd in the US. WOO! so they've been calling me the recruit up there, so thats exciting. i'll get to sail! unlike the sadistic loonies here in uh... this city and state i live in... yes... well got to go, can't fold up the facade any more.
MARILYN: 12:44am. I got the date right today. anyways this is funny everytime i watch it, and i've seen it a number of times. click on the link, have a laugh. This is the link. Seriously the funniest thing ever. ever.

5-1-04 MAY DAY!
MARILYN: 12:35 am. So actually its may 2nd, but i needed a may day entry. i thought about the last year a lot today, and kinda realized that a lot of stuff has sucked, and a lot of stuff hasn't been so bad. but even more has been sort of ok or great. but i've been sort of depressed lately so don't take me too seriously. i gotta go to bed cause i'm like about to pass out. laters and happy communist day.

MARILYN: 10:36pm. I've narrowed down the college stuff somewhat. Now I have 5 to choose from. And I haven't visited HWS yet. But I am on Thursday through Sunday. Oh boy. I'm procratinating. I have a paper due period 5 tomorrow. i don't really know what to say here. i'm putting off more than just this paper but you don't know what i mean so why bother. i finally got my bumper stickers from the 700 club so sanch if you're still reading this gimme a call. i'm sick. i got it from singing this past weekend. everyone who came is way cool and a special thanks to "loco" (sorry if you had a better nickname at some point, but i've already forgotten it!) for the great flowers and rinzy ray's parents for the rose (sorry i couldn't resist a ray joke). well i'm gonna go to bed now and try to get up early tomorrow so i feel some motivation to actually write the next 2 or 3 pages on the silk road through china leading to europe that sent many important technologies to europe like paper and the movable type printing press. so i'm off. later.

MARILYN: 1:59am. SO i was watching an old SNL on nbc (cause i still have no cable) and i remembered how much i used to like third eye blind. they were really cool. its late and i'm tired from talking to old people all night at this charity thing so i think i'm gonna go to bed. its hard to type. woo spring break!! hoping i'll end up doing something... er make that anything. waiting on 2 more colleges. today father tried to make a graph to decide which college i should go to. and no surprise it appeared to be a public school. so we'll see. i'll be sure to keep ya'll updated on that shit. well like i said before i so rudely interrupted myself, i'm going to bed. good night.

MARILYN: 11:03pm. I was just reading some old e-mails and was inspired to say something here. nothing important. i'm having a bad time at school lately. just nothing ever goes right. i don't exist unless someone wants something from me. i hate spring. i don't really know what else to say. i wish i was good at art. seems like you can say anything you want with art, all the stuff you can't say outloud otherwise. if you use art to put it into words people say wow, a bold statement of teen angst. if you say it people call you a whiner or just tell you to shut up. you need a big ass to get some sort of mule. i ought to have like 12 mules. learned that in genetics. why do all the teachers wait till this week to assign shit? i'm going to go write in my english journal so i can not fail that class. i'll come back soon.

MARILYN: 9:01am. I'm at school. there is a woman walking around behind me, probably looking for such non-academically inclined people such as muself. I can always protest that there is no specific school rule against using html and so forth. sorry for not being regular about this old thing. i put the link back into my profile on AIM in hopes that it would remind to do this more often but so far you can see what the result has been. I'll keep ya'll entertained for a least a little today to make up for all the horrible aloneness i've added to all your lives. So i have a voice test today for the singing class i needed to be state U eligible. I almost wrote the name of our state! horrors! someone could have tracked me down and stalked the heck out of me, kirst and babs, as these are the most frequently mentinoed names, probably. Anyways singing voice test. i am nervous as heck. cause i'm not what you might call a good singer. cause i suck. we're sinigng the song from peter pan when hes telling wendy, michael and john in the nursery about neverland. its such a pretty sing. i'm 2nd soprano, which means i might do ok on the test cause i don't have to sing my own part for most of the thing, just follow the soprano with a few easy-ish harmony parts. i read my progress reports today. there were 7. and only 2 badish ones, neither was like "mar is flunking and too dumb to do any better" thank god. one of those was genetics and te other was stat where i did quite poorly on that one test... cause there was some 52.2% action. whatever, there was a mondo curve. so i ended up with a C. Like 73% or something. awesome. well i'm off cause i'm bored and you're boring. later.

MARILYN: 11:36pm. Almost tomorrow. ugh. I'm doing sailing pictures for the yearbook and trying to make a roster but i realized i don't know like half the team. Thats cause i go to like 4 practices a season. loverly. i sailed with lela today, she sails with TP and we're gonna do a shadden or something. well i'm not tired but i have to do more homework. i just wanted to say i'm alive and so are you. good night.

MARILYN: 7:44pm. i thought i had something. oopsie. well i should check in anyways. HI!! so um how are you, whats new, hows the wife? i'm feeling poorly. i have lots of homework. but there is proof that i'm alive. and thats all we really needed to know, right? oh i'm ever so glad we agree.

KIRSTEN: 9:21 PM. Now look who's a website slacker! Well nothing happened except I'm happy and Lana and Joius and I once again worked out. We're hardcore man. We left a play so we could work out before the place closes. And we put on shorts when it was like dark and cold at 5:30, well except Joius put on pants, but still. Hehe. Someone got really grumpy and bitter cause the guy at Chipotle didn't understand what she was ordering. She was trying to order a burrito bol with lettuce but she said I want a taco without a tortilla in a bowl with everything a taco has on it. Then she got pissed cause he didn't understand, he was so nice about it too. I mean, they're people, and they're working for their money because they need it and they manage to put up with grumpy people all day, you'd think some of the grumpy people could put up with some honest mistakes and communication issues. My brobro seems kinda sad today. To cheer him up I snort at him and then cover his eyes and tell him to guess who when I'm sitting behind him in the car. Haha. Ok it was fun, and he gave up without even guessing, what a wimpydoodle, just like Dingus. Once again I would just like to say a few words, CAMEL CAMEL CAMEL CAMEL
KIRSTEN: 8:18 AM. In the library, doing nothing. Lana liked the camels, I typed up my english exam notes I wrote all over her book. Ok so camels, check em out there's a link from my last entry and from the home page. Luv ya all, now if i could only put this much work into the Power, haha. bye.

KIRSTEN: 7:11 PM. Done applying to college, well mostly. Myabe i'll talk to u more now. I waited for my brother forever today (as always) and worked out for like a hard core half hour with lana and joius. Then watched some hard core bottle rockets and ate some cookies. WE also encountered a pedophile van with all painted out windows on sale for $1.8, yes $1.8 haha. So the bottle rockets went well and then darco (my tennis coach) told me it could be worse than my brother having a girlfriend, he could have a boyfriend. He also told me my brother had 2 girlfriends and was with them at the same time. EWWW!! O and he had to call some guy following his sister around once and tell him off. haha. He's my favorite person ever. So I found out how to use pagebuilder and i made this really cool camel page. Check it out, you'll like it. CAMELS

1-5-04!! Happy New YEAR!!!
MARILYN: 4:40pm. HAPPY GRADUATION YEAR!!! YAY!!!!! So i'm excited. People are lame. Well others are cool. But not if they have cameras. Unless they take embarassing pictures of other people and not of me... which they failed to do. I CAN COUNT TO SIX!! Anyhoot i'm a bit tied up in homeworkings so i'll come back later, promise...

MARILYN: 11:42am. its the day after christmas. the fact that i am typing to the several people who still care on the internet instead of playing with someone or something proves i didn't really get any thing good. i didn't really want anything though so i was a little on the hard to shop for end of things. i am wearing the sweater babs got me. and i appreciated it yesterday in the freezing cold rain we got. i also got to wear my new London Fog coat. its a long black trench coat, only proving that i am very cool. or not. i'm about to go clean out my car and in between breakfast (a bowl of popcorn) and lunch (why don't you guess) (p.s. more popcorn would be a very good guess). i think the road to christmas hell is paved with good intentions and adverbs! hahaha god i'm hilarious. anyways i'll be going now.

KIRSTEN: 12:31. Well I'm in Journalism, Marilyn's forcing me to write, and watching me write, therefore I will not write. Ok she stopped. So anyway life has been good since last time I said anything like a month ago. Formal WAS freaking awesome thanx to us, well esp. mar and babs. My brother told me it sucked but another random person told me it was awesome at LAX on sunday. So anyway I just came up with a story idea. The sexuality of children and how disturbing it is. Mr. B's actually letting me write it, although he rejected the idea of why finding Saddam could be a government conspiracy. Don't want to make anyone uncomfortable now do we? I'm really getting excited to go to college, and for christmas break tomorrow!! Lessons and Carols, i have to go, some idiot told my mom it was fun and meaningful. We're gonna see LOTR tomorrow. I'm not used to this writing online thing. I read a good book...I've put up Christmas lights. I got into college in NC, but not my first choice. Not that I've applied yet or anything. We're actually outlining the first issue of the marilynandkirsten gazette. WE're also starting a clothing line. Marilynandkirsten enterprises off to a good start. The gazette is coming out Feb 2. Look forward to "bad poetry" by Marilyn (with critical analysis by me) We will also be covering government conspiracy theories and what it's like to be in abercrombie for the first time in your life. Wow. We're smoking. I've changed since the time I used to write all the time. Maybe I grew out of writing about myself, although I still have a diary at home. That's what happened to the girl in the book I read. How sad. The book was her diary too so it just ended and it was a bad ending. ok another class here. bye.

MARILYN: 5:41pm. Well Winter Formal was this weekend. Yay. Its finally over! Kirsten is alive, I swear... Even though I'm glad it was over and it was kinda stressful the day of, Formal went alright. I guess good even. I'm sorta sick of talking about it. We're watching Hamlet in English. I can see where hes coming from, does that make me crazy? I guess we'll find out. I got a printer finally. And Speakers! the wall of posters in the rec room fell down. That was sad. They are all in the back of my car now. Lovely. Uh i guess nothing to complain about for the viewing public. Laters.

Old Stuff, Really old stuff, and more

July 2002

August 2002

September 2002

October 2002

November 2002

December 2002

January 2003

February 2003

March 2003

April 2003

May 2003

June 2003

July 2003

August 2003

Septemberer 2003

October 2003