September 7, 1997:

Truth or Dare? A Critical Madness

1986, Directed by Tim Ritter

Starring: John Brace as Mike Strauber, Mary Fanaro as Sharon Strauber, and Scott Weitzman as the baseball player.

J-Dogg's Review:
of 5 skulls

This is NOT Madonna's "Truth or Dare". It is much, much worse. This "Truth or Dare?" is a pathetic attempt at a movie. It was filmed with a video camera, with bad props and an insipid story. The special effects are done with stuff available at any local CVS store. But for some reason, it's one of our favorite flicks ever.

Some of the classic stuff includes the foam mace near the end, the cop burning the tool shed, and the most expensive special effects sequence, where the car blows up for no reason.

If you want to laugh your ass off, rent this movie with a bunch of friends. It is so ridiculously bad that I love it. I have bought two copies of the original and I'm about to get the two sequels. I'll review them soon.

For more information from the Internet Movie Database:
Truth or Dare?: A Critical Madness

For my other reviews:
Wicked Games: Truth or Dare 2
Screaming for Sanity: Truth or Dare 3
