August 25, 2000

Wicked Games: Truth or Dare 2

1994, Written and directed by Tim Ritter (of course!)

Starring: Joel D. Wynkoop as Dan Hess, Kermit Christman as Dr. Siedlow, Patricia Paul as Ginger and Traci (don't ask me), and Mike Strauber as HIMSELF!!!

J-Rock's Review:
of 5 skulls

Wow...this movie doesn't hold a candle to the first Truth or Dare. It's very poorly shot, and you can barely hear the dialogue for most of the movie. The story is very weak, and while this can usually be overlooked, there aren't enough enjoyable or creative killing scenes to make the movie worthwhile. Heck, there are only about 5 killings total!!

The best scene I can remember was the one...that one with the...the knife? a gun...ok, there really aren't any memorable scenes. Basically, this one is only for die-hard fans who want to keep up with the trilogy.

I've heard the third installment is better than Part 2, so I'll let you know as soon as I watch it!

For more information from the IMDB: Wicked Games

For my other reviews:
Truth or Dare?: A Critical Madness
Screaming for Sanity: Truth or Dare 3
