Welcome to our Family Tree...

Hello and welcome to this site.  My name is Mark Cooper and I live in Sydney, Australia

This website represents the accumulation of a whole range of our family history into one database for the use of everyone.  We currently have approx 1,000 individuals in the database

I have borrowed a lot of material from David Cooper, Annie Harrison and Anne Moulder, who have all done a lot of research into the Cooper and Moulder side of the family.  I am greatly indebted to these people, and wish to acknowledge their excellent research

This website is a team effort rather than an individual effort.  I hope that over time it will be built upon,
improved, and become a useful reference tool for all members of the family

Listed below are some early family members and some interesting details about their lives.  Also listed are details about some of the other families in our Family Tree

You can also look up any member of the family by selecting their surname from the alphabetical links below

I warmly welcome any feedback, queries, corrections or help.  Please email me at

Thanks and kind regards,


Select members of the Family Tree (press on their names to go to the link)
Major Historical Events
Chronological History of Australia
The Discovery of Gold in Australia
Ben Hall, the Bushranger
Captain John Lister and Susannah Pymble The Hogg & Russell family
The Harrision family
Parson William Tom and Ann Lane
Joseph Moulder and Caroline Clements The Kelso family
James Stanton, Frances Hoggard, Richard Eagles The McGregor's and Deeniks
William Cooper (Sir Daniel Cooper?) The Marquard and Malan family
Lieutenant Robert Pannell and Alicia Hunt
The Karp family

Individual persons listed in surname alphabetical order (press on the letter below)
? A B C D E F G H I K L M N O P Q R S T V W

This family tree was prepared by:
Mark Cooper,  sue_mark@myplace.net.au
Tree data last updated on:
24/02/2002 at 9:13:43 AM
Web pages published on:
24/02/2002 at 4:17:43 PM

Page generated by:
BirthWrite 2.5
Web Enabled Genealogy Package for Windows


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