Mark of The Pixie
Brilliant. We have a homepage. sorta. ish.
This is where you can find info on Mark's games, campaigns, firetwirling stuff, and maybe some of my artworks too (depending on what I want to do with it)
So. where to go?
STARGATE SG13 or  (member only group) This is where you can find the mission notes, they're short and not hugely informative, but at least they're in order this time... This isn't really a new page, it's just a link to the groups page, so you'll need to be invited into it, email Mark if you're having any problems.
There's also aparently something set up to keep an online journal for your character if you so wish. Keeping one helps Mark do terrible things to your character, this is (mostly) a good thing, and it makes the game more fun (?). I don't know, he's got me twisted around his little finger. Hell,
I'm creating -his- webpage.

Another bit you might like to have a look at, is
The Canberra Games Day page/group.
That's for a monthly games day run by ANURPS where you can playtest con games, your own or other peoples, play in Living GreyHawk (or whatever it is, I don't really pay attention to it), or play Mark's games.

Email Mark!!!
(It might take us a little while to get the links sorted out. Be patient, it's our first time...)
The blurbs of the congames I have written so far.  All of these are short games written to run in three hours.
Breif descriptions of the campaign games I am running or wish to run.  Many of these still require players.
Convention Games
Campaign Games