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index.jpg (3650 bytes) Richard Adams:

This is a story about a set of rabbits, who sense that something is coming to the burrow, and they leave, also about their trials as they look for a new place for a warren:

  • Watership Down

Jane Austen:

These are about people a long time ago, there manners, who they married, why etc.

  • Pride and Prejudice
  • Sense and Sensibility
  • Nothanger Abby

Neil Boyd: Bless me Father

This is a hilarious sequence about a catholic curate, his boss, the catholic priest, and the housekeeper, and the rest of the neighborhood.

  • Bless Me, Father
  • A Father for Christmas
  • Bless Me Again Father
  • Father in a fix

Susan Cooper: The Dark is Rising

The Dark is Rising is a series which is about 5 children: Simon, Jane, Barney Drew (one family) Will Stanton and Bran Davies a welsh boy. Also there are other various adults but in particular: Merriman Lyon. This series set in modern times is about King Arthur, who is Bran's true Father. Each of these books are about a quest to find objects to help the light stop the dark from rising to take over the whole earth.

  • Over Sea, Under Stone
  • The Dark is Rising
  • Greenwitch
  • The Grey King
  • Silver on the Tree

David Eddings: The Elenium

The Exploits of the Pandion Knight Sparhawk in a quest for a Magical Stone called Bhelliom, to restore Elenia's (The country's) queen. Also Accompanying him are his Teacher Sephrenia, a Styric and some Friends from the other orders of church knights.

  • The Diamond Throne
  • The Ruby Knight
  • The Sapphire Rose

David Eddings: The Tamauli

Sparhawk is now married to his queen, and they have a child called Danae who is actually Sephrenia's Goddess Aphrael. They have to travel to the lands of the Tamauli to put down an upraising of Trolls and Such-Stuff.

  • Domes of Fire
  • The Shining Ones
  • The Hidden City

David Eddings: The Belgariad

The Story of Garion or Belgarion. He Grows up on a farm and then has to leave suddenly when a old storyteller arrives and tells Garions Aunt Pol they've got to go, and his Aunt Insists he goes along. What will happen to Garion?

  • Pawn of Prophecy    
  • Queen Of Sorcery
  • Magicians Gambit
  • Castle of Wizardry
  • Enchanters End Game

David Eddings: The Mallorean

This is the continuing of the story of Belgarion, now king of Riva with his wife and a son. There son gets stolen, and they run round the world trying to find him:

  • Guardians of the West
  • King of the Murgos
  • Demon Lord of Karanda
  • Sorceress of Darvisha
  • Seeress of Kell

Johnathan Lynn and Antony Jay: Yes Minister

These are an amusing set of fictionary books, which are about the politician James Hacker, the first ones about his rise to be a minister of the cabinet, the second abuot his rise to be Prime Minister, and about all the troubles he gets into:

  • The Complete 'Yes Minister'
  • The Complete 'Yes Prime Minister'

Anne McCaffery: Pern

This is about the fictionary world called 'Pern.' These books contain many aound the same timezone, excepting a few, using the viewpoints of different people. Dragons flying is a everyday occurence, and the substance 'Thread' which eventually starts to fall, burns all except stone and water.

  • DragonFlight
  • DragonQuest
  • The White Dragon
  • Moreta: Dragon lady of Pern
  • DragonSong
  • DragonSinger
  • DragonDrums
  • All the Weyrs of Pern
    And Various others.

Anne McCaffery: 'Talented' Books

This is another one of her seires, which involves a set of people who are 'Talented' and who can 'Telepath' and 'Teleport' using only the power of their minds, these are only about one family/clan of these people, these also are a list of the one's we've got:

  1. The Rowan
  2. Damia
  3. Damia's Children
  4. Lyon's Pride
  5. The Tower and the Hive

L.M Montgommery: 'Anne' Books

Many boys say "They're a girl's books" but I think it is a book for boys and girls, a  story of a girl who was adopted and given a home in mistake of a boy who was supposed to come to the farm to help. She has an imagination that has run riot all her life, and as you can imagine, at first this gets her into a lot of trouble!

  1. Anne of Green Gables
  2. Anne of Avonlea
  3. Anne of the Island
  4. Anne of Windy Willows
  5. Anne's House of Dreams
  6. Anne of Ingleside

Mary Norton : The Borrowers

These are books about miniature little human beings who call themselves 'Borrowers.' They only borrow from 'Human beans' as long as they cannot make it themselves.

  1. The Borrowers
  2. The Borrowers Afield
  3. The Borrowers Afloat
  4. The Borrowers Aloft
  5. The Borrowers Avenged

J.K Rowlings: Harry Potter

These are 'Childrens' books written well with very real characters. They are about a boy and obviously the name is 'Harry Potter.' He is a young wizzard in 'Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizzardry.' He gets into trouble with the 'Dark' people, but always ends up beating them.

  1. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's/Sorcerer's Stone
  2. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
  3. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
  4. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

J.R.R Tolkein: The Lord of the Rings and others

  1. The Silmarillion
  2. The Hobbit
  3. Lord of The Rings Book 1
  4. Lord of The Rings Book 2
  5. Lord of The Rings Book 3
    Farmer Giles of Ham


P.G Wodehouse (Pronouce Woodhouse): Jeeves

These are about 'Bertram Wilberforce Wooster' and his manservant Jeeves. He get's into lots of troubles and Jeeves helps him get out of them, this is a list of the one's we have got:

  1. The Inimitable Jeeves
  2. Much Obliged Jeeves
  3. Stiff Upper Lip Jeeves
  4. Right Ho, Jeeves
  5. Joy in the Morning
  6. Carry on, Jeeves
  7. The Mating Season
  8. Very Good, Jeeves
  9. Jeeves and the Feudal Spirit (Audio Cassettes)


David Ward

A Christian-Science-Fiction Series about a christian family of five and their adventures, and their  trusting the Lord and they pray about every new thing that comes up, many of those things being dangerous.

  1. The Misenberg Accelarator
  2. The SHONN Project
  3. Out of Time
  4. The Mines of Venus
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