Faces Familiar

Stu Erwin's son-in-law on ABC, his boyhood ambition was to be a director and by the time he was twelve, he had written and produced a couple of school plays. In an emergency one day he stepped into an acting role and he's been emoting ever since. At fifteen he had his first screen test and immediately landed a spot in Life With Father. Next came roles in Halls of Montezuma, Operation Pacific and Fighting U.S. Coast Guard. Then TV beckoned. Now, at 23, he's six feet tall, weighs 180, has red hair and hazel eyes, is still single. He was a high school athlete who excelled at tennis and baseball and he keeps trim today by skiing and golf. He's a book collector who binds his own prized volumes in brown morocco. He shares an appartment with his mother in North Hollywood, is serious about his career, hopes eventually to combine on-camera work with his original ambition, directing.

TV Star Parade
April 1955
Transcribed by L.A. Christie

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