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Introduction to MTCGM
by the webmaster, eyesore98, a.k.a., Ron

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So, somehow, you found yourself here. Maybe you were looking for a place to learn all about Wizards of the Coast's Marvel Trading Card Game products. Maybe a friend told you about it. Maybe you ended up here as an accident. It doesn't matter...all that matters is that you are here.

What is here??? Well, here is Marvel TCG Mania, a page that is totally dedicated to one certain type of card games. This page is focused on any Wizards of the Coast (WOTC) Marvel Trading Card Game. The first of these is X-Men TCG, a trading card game that is based off of both the blockbuster movie and the hit comics.

What is a Trading Card Game??? Oh, maybe I should of explained it earlier. A Trading Card Game, or simply put, TCG, is a collection of cards that are collected together by buying starter decks and booster packs. Once you get the cards you want or need, you can put together a customized deck of your own, and play against other players with it. Other names for TCGs are Collectible/Customizable Card Games (CCGs). Another name I have seen is Expandable Card Games (ECGs).

So, now that you know the basics, use the navigation bar at the top of this page to learn a lot about WOTC's Marvel TCG products. To learn where each of the links above lead, look at the summaries below:

Logo Click the logo to the left of the navigation buttons to return to this page at anytime while browsing the site's many areas...
News Click the area that says "News" to go to the page where all updates to the page and news about WOTC Marvel TCG's are kept...
Features Click the area that says "Features" to find a page that will house all the specials and features this site has available now...
Decks Click the area that says "Decks" to see a page with various links to decks made by the players, the designers, and others...
Links Click the area that says "Links" to see a few links for you to leave the site with..I hope you saw everything first though...
Cards Click the area that says "Cards" to get a page with some links to checklists and spoilers for WOTC Marvel TCG products...
Rules Click the area that says "Rules" to get find the rules for X-Men TCG, errata, and anything else that is under that category...
Strategies Click the area that says "Strategies" to get find some strategy articles on WOTC Marvel TCGs done by fans and creators...
Message Board Click the area that says "Message Board" to post your thoughts on WOTC Marvel TCGs and maybe even thoughts on the webpage...
Email Click the circle that says "email" to email me your thoughts on the page, mistakes found, or anything else...

And that's it (I hope), enjoy the page and check back soon!!!

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This X-Men TCG Universe site owned by Ron.
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