
Welcome! You have stumbled upon "Hurray for Captain Spaulding," the fanlisting for the comedic American icon, Groucho Marx. This fanlisting has been approved by

If you want to know more about Groucho, or are curious as to what a fanlisting is, check out the about section.


The Harpo Marx fanlisting The Chico Marx fanlisting

The 1930's films The Turner Classic Movies


Last update:

May 5, 2009


May 4, 2009 - 15 members :-)

November 8, 2008
We now have 14 members!

Happy 2008!

April 8, 2007
12 members now :-)

January 5, 2007
Happy New Year! We have 10 members now, welcome Patrychu! July 21, 2006
9 members now - welcome Aya :-)

May 31, 2006
Just an update to say that no new members have joined lately, but I'm still here :-)

March 4, 2006
Welcome Utena! There are now 7 members in this fanlisting :-)

January 18, 2006
Happy belated New Year! There have been no new joinings lately.

November 15, 2005
Thanks for joining, Jason - this fanlisting now has 6 members.

November 3, 2005
This fanlisting has moved to geocities. We have 5 members.