Homework in the
First Grade


One of main goals of giving homework in first grade is to teach the child how to be a responsible  student  by returning  his homework. Homework will be given every night except Friday. I will send home a homework calendar at the beginning of each week. On it I will put the assignments for each night. First graders have a very short attention span and need to be able to play for a while after a long day in school. The homework should last  approximately 15 to 30 minutes. 

Reading in the home reader is always a part of the homework. This is something that the child can also do on weekends. 

Each night a page will be sent from the Saxon Math Program. We do Side A in class and the child will do Side B as math homework. This reinforces the skills that he learns in class. The math facts should also be learned from memory. Speed tests will be given in class, so it is important for you to give your child practice tests several times a week. 

There will also be spelling words to write several times as well as using them in sentences. The spelling words for the week will be sent home each Monday with papers for the previous week. You can make flashcards on index cards to play games and for word identification. On Wednesday your child needs to study for a word recognition test  which will be given on Thursday . Then on Friday they take  the written  spelling  test. Thursday's homework assignment is to study for the spelling test and do the math sheet.

No homework is assigned on Friday; however, weekends and rainy days are great times to read in the home reader!

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