March 4, 2004 - Thursday

It's been a long time since I've typed in my journal.  I guess I have journal highs and lows just like with everything in life.  Life has been quite hectic too, so I'm sure that had something to do with it.  A lot is going on, and most of it I don't care to share in here as this is sorta public.

I take the bus into work, and the past two weeks I've been sleeping on the way in and out like there's no tomorrow.  It's madness!  On the way in, I always awake (as if I have an internal alarm clock) in time to get off at the right stop.  However, this is the FIRST time so far I didn't get up in time!!!  Can you imagine what a heart attack I had when I did get up?!!  Luckily, I woke up right in time to see my bus pull away from my stop, so I waited in anticipation and got off at the next stop which wasn't too bad.  I had to walk a little more, but I was relieved it wasn't like a mile or something insane like that.  On my walk, I noticed a Rite Aid, so I went in to buy myself some Pepperidge Farm cookies and a candy bar.  Yah, this is how I treat myself, huh?  Nooo, I just thought might as well get some goodies so I can munch away at work, lol. 

I think it's about time I start driving into work again.  I hate the bus.  It makes me tired and sleepy.  Zzzzzz...............
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